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I've seen brighter days man and I just don't know what to do I've been left all alone with my thoughts and these days I don't even know how to talk so I'll cover my mouth and sit in silence and hope and pray that someone will finally understand I don't know how to talk to anyone and that I can't be alone anymore
People say that I'm not the average black girl...
And I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment
Am I not the average black girl because I am so well-spoken?
The fact that I am able to articulate my words...
Or that if a person misuses a word that I simply correct them?
Am I not the average black girl because I don't wear a weave in my hair with noticeable tracks?
Or that instead of me shaking my *** for the world to see...
I choose to make something of myself without diminishing myself?
Am I not the average black girl because I chose a path different from the other black girls...
The path of the dropouts, and being baby mamas at the age of 16...
What is the average black girl?
To me, there is no such thing as the average black girl...
The word "average" is what society has pegged a black girl as being the norm of what black girls are seen as or are supposed to be.
But me, I'm just a black girl
I love the darkness about me, I just hate that it overpowers my light
Black girl
with eyes
like coals in snow.

Black girl with super-dark skin,
that just  

Black girl
with long
curly hair
littered with light.

Black girl
with lips like slices
of wet wings,
lips thin

Black girl
with hazelnut eyes
with a grey

Black girl that knows how to make
me so happy in the cold,
with her closet-full of words
that can make a ******
think of warm weather.

Together we meet
in the woods,
at the cabin front-steps
taking turns
each other's cheeks,
touching each other's
and I just want you to know
that there are no dreary
even when it is cold
and we have to hold
each other
to hold

Because we might just burst;
in a thousand limbs climbing like spiders.
If a taste could be liberation
then all I want is you.
Freedom is the essence
of you're being and
I just wanna be up in it.

Chills down my spine
sweat across my chest
that's your love coming
through my pores.

It's like...
clarity with no
I can breathe just fine.

I've never known myself
before, a feeling
I didn't think was true.
But I'm changing.

Wipe my slate clean
because all I want is you.
A little untraditional
but I've fallen for a queen.

A taste was my liberation
in an essence...
you allowed me
to be free, to just
let it- let me
just be.

— The End —