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 Oct 2016 Kat
I can feel the chemicals ***** under my skin,
I can feel the sunshine pouring in.
Another day another dollar,
another distraction to silence the callers;
All those people who want to know where I've been, or all those who genuinely ask how I've been.
I've avoided these truths at all cost,
If I never look back I'll never have to face what I lost.
 May 2016 Kat
Heart Break
 May 2016 Kat
A speck of paradise
A miracle abandoned
Only waiting for the clouds to change to gray
Hanging in those dark untitled spaces
Her petals are a useless perfection
Her poetry a moonlit someday

A messy galaxy
A teardrop infinity
Grace doesn't paint amorous feelings
On headaches in the space under the bed
Her flower blooms a bruise
Her worlds are dying words
Dedicated to a friend
 May 2016 Kat
Once I Fell
 May 2016 Kat
I fell once
Straight through the ground
I cratered the world with my impact
Past caves of darkness littered with gemstones
My hands could never hold
I was falling
Falling so hard that my body was breaking
And my mind was finding only new pits of despair
Down forever into the realms where demons claim to own
My home a firey tomb
And so I fell
What I thought to be eternal descent
My inertia to lead me to the depths of hell
And I thought I would stay there
Maybe forever
But still I fell
And kept falling onwards
My plummet of such immense proportion
That I fell straight through the world
To come out on the other side

And I was alright
 May 2016 Kat
Gabrielle Santiago
Smoke in the room
I can't see you
Where did you go
We had it all

Three fearful years
So many troubles, so many tears
You needed something
You blinded yourself - you saw me give nothing

But I gave it all

How can you see it now
When I'm stuck inside this cloud
Your ankles are chained to the ground
You're begging me to save you somehow

But your addiction with picking flowers
Won't be much easier to fix than climbing towers

With broken hands
I think we should work on some different plans
a song I wrote when paper was the only available ear
 Feb 2016 Kat
Maybe I don't like to admit when I'm wrong
But then again, neither do you
Maybe trying to find each other in foreign places was the worst way to meet
But your heart eludes even you
Maybe I should have shown you honey before stone
But stone walls have always been safer
Maybe I was never good at knowing who to trust
But I thought that I could let you in
Maybe taking shots in the dark is ineffective
But it doesn't matter now that my heart's broke again
No idea what this bunch of nonsense is. Nope. Happy St. Valentine's.
 Feb 2016 Kat
We are all falling into chaos;
our houses of cards are crashing.
If we could zoom out time like you can a camera lens,
we could see the spectrum for what it is and maybe we could truly witness universal entropy increasing-- it's always increasing.
We would be witnesses to the truth of dust, the truth of chaos.
We could be seers of time and space and float above everything, escaped from the race.
Instead I can only witness my small blip of time from own my small perspective.
I will watch politicians and global warming and the world run around in circles and I will call this chaos.
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases. Isolated systems spontaneously evolve towards thermal equilibrium—the state of maximum entropy of the system.
the entropy of the universe (the ultimate isolated system) only increases and never decreases.
 Feb 2016 Kat
"But you're pretty"--
I am pretty,
So why am I empty?
 Feb 2016 Kat
Over and over like an endless love story we are pulled back together.
No matter where we go,
No matter all we've done,
You are the fibres of my existence-- and I will always come back to you.
 Feb 2016 Kat
J Valle
Lost Sweater
 Feb 2016 Kat
J Valle
Two years ago
You came up and said
'I might have lost my sweater'
I did not hesitate
To take off mine
For you.

This might not be a poem
But you did lost your sweater

It had your scence for
About a month or two
Did you felt it too?
Or was it just me?

Now the night is cold
Two years have passed
I've lost my sweater
Like you did once

This time, no one
Will neither lend
Nor mend
I should have known
What's lost will remain
And broken must stay
If you were your sweater, where would you be?
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