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 Aug 2017 Kaley
 Aug 2017 Kaley
Is it really special
If he tells you your hair smells
like freshly picked strawberries?

Does it make you smile
When he compliments the dress
you bought from some vintage store
where they've got hundreds more?

Would you call it love
If you watched the same shows
and could talk endlessly about them
but there was nothing more?

I'd hate to burst your bubble,
but strawberry shampoo is global,
and that dress won't sell out in years,
and those shows will eventually get old.
We live under clouds of delusion and hope.
 Aug 2017 Kaley
 Aug 2017 Kaley
I do not trust a happy day
My mind recalls past patterns
And each time hope has come my way
Peeking past life’s parted veil
Singing songs of sweet tomorrows
The weeks that come are always hell
As are the all the years that follow

I do not trust a lover’s promise
For they can be given so easily
I have seen certain hearts shattered
When loving to carefree and happily
I know one cannot pledge eternity
Anything can be broken even the best family

I do not trust a possessor’s passion
Cause in pursuing owner’s pleasures
I have found all things are only passing
For the taking, to give, in the asking
We all tire of the new toy
Sweet things can rot away
Adding one more item to your pile
Won’t save you from your final fate

There is a far darker day ******* me
The shadows tight on my trail
Night will fall sooner than expected
So even when I smile, I do not trust myself
Moods will change, ebbing and flowing
With the winds that keep my armor
Flapping up and down so my scars are showing

The good is just a phase
Then again I could say the same thing
About the bad days coming
Neither are permanent
Only one thing is inevitable
 Aug 2017 Kaley
Mia Scales
 Aug 2017 Kaley
Mia Scales
For so long I've wonder what it would feel like to be stabbed
To feel the knife in my back as I fall slow

For so long I've long to be normal and to know how others feel
I just wanted to be okay

For so long I wanted to stop crying or lashing out because that's not okay

My mom told me it's not okay

You see my mom didn't understand that when I come home and go straight to my room

I'm not okay!

But when she did that wasn't okay.
I was crazy and defected
That's how she saw me
That's how I saw me

For so long to her I was a shadow unless she needed to vent
You see we weren't related we were friends
At Least that's what we pretended to be

So for so long I didn't understand love
But when I did I didn't get enough

Maybe that's because I wasn't enough?

I didn't understand that people care for no reason
That when someone says I love you it wasn't because they had to
I didn't understand that people could just be happy hearing just a name

But when I did
When I did
I was scared

Who could love me
Who would love me
I was broken

I am broken

So I hurt people
I was my mom for so long because who else could I be
I couldn't be me
She didn't want me to be

So I became her
I was just a dream
Someone  made up

At least that was till I was real
But no one knows
No one knows

I want be me again
I miss her so much
She misses me too
At least I think so

She doesn't answer anymore
She just stares and lays there
Or she just cries

But when the drugs hit she is alive
She is here
She is happy
She is free
But when they run out I'm back to me
Who is me
Who is me
Who is me
Who am I

I want to die
It doesn't matter how much people try to include me or how much I include myself. I'll always be different to everyones eyes. I'll always be an outcast, an outsider...
 Aug 2017 Kaley
Slip out of your resplendence and  magnificence

and break yourself into my suffocating skin
walk around, feel the demon eyes
carving out your back
searching for your heart
to crunch it in their pretty teeth

look through these tired eyes
let them rest on everything you’ve never seen before
heavy darkness choking this illuminated world
you don’t know what to do
because you feel like the world’s just going to go on
dragging your carcass along

sleep walking while everyone’s dancing
on your body, on your grave
because they don’t know that you’re dead

you’re okay, don’t worry
tell everyone that because
you’re hiding nothing
you’re happy on the inside too

but you know no one’s okay
because the truth can’t help us
until you’re paying money
for people to just listen

you’re trying to break out
because you hate being me
tear off your mind and throw it away
you don’t care if you can’t find it later

watch them move and follow them
because they don’t like how you do it
they’re doing it the right way
walk in their line, wait for nothing
have their praises as appetizers
and gag at their curses like aftertaste

and you’re not them, not like them
but you’re just like them
because everyone cries when they’re alone
and no one’s ever okay unless they try hard
and force it into their souls

wanna throw myself away
so someone can come and fix me

because i broke myself trying
trying to transform into you
fitting squares into little round holes
and breaking the whole to make it hold it

you’re tired.
you’ve had enough.
push yourself out
slip back into your own skin
fit your own head back on

and you still won’t  know me.
Reading this when I'm not sad is like watching a video of myself sleeping. : /
Anyway, thanks for reading <3
 Aug 2017 Kaley
Watching life unfold,
My life.
Powerless to change the way I am,
Unable to control the way my life goes,
No control on this ride through the years.

My life feels like a movie,
The sets made up,
The actors with lines remembered,
The events set to unfold despite me.

I spend the day thinking,
"Don't do that"
"Why are you doing that"

But I cannot stop myself from taking these actions.

I'm utterly without control,
A spectator in my own life,
A watcher from inside my body.
It's a strange feeling and I wish I could change it
It's been a strange series of weeks

— The End —