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Die with memories
Memories are your stories
Stories of your dreams
Let your dreams become reality
When you die don't die with dreams, die with memories of you achieving your dreams.
As you sit next to them and think...
As you walk and are at your happiest...
As you stand in the street alone...
As you go to YOUR -
No, OUR-
-Place; you feel it more now than ever...the pull in your heart
I don’t need to tell you what you feel.
I don’t need to give you a ending and finish your story.
You’ve already thought of one...
 Feb 2020 kainat rasheed
kindness is a rare craft,
yet it's etched on you;
so show the world
what you're made of,

and someday,
the world will share
the story of you,
and they'll speak
in the language of kindness,
the language of you
a poem dedicated to a friend
hey Juls (Juliet), if you're reading this, thank you for everything.
thank you for showing us what kindness is made out of.

best of luck in your journey, and may you do what you do best.
take care!
A beam of light, I can see. Shining brightly across the sea. Then I see Her, in a torn white dress. Slowly climbing with the stars. She tries to hide her damaged face but I encourage her that it's part of her beauty. As a thank you for letting her shine with all her flaws, she tells me of the things she's seen back in a time when her face was smooth and craterless. And I sit with her and listen to her stories. Then comes the time for her to climb down, but she promises to be back, and I promised to be there waiting.
My first midnight poetry post that I wouldn't make sense if I didn't make it about lady moon
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