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K Balachandran Jun 2016
An original creation, that's what  you are
in vibrant colors nature carefully assembled,
as you sashayed through your time,till here
now all across the front page one can see you
arousing  pleasure that moves me deeply,
done in bold sweeps of a brush immersed in joy
making onlookers stand agape, thrilled
mumbling inanities as none has the grasp
of the quicksilver aesthetics that rules you.

And I, obscure , at the best like a crop circle
done in the secret hours after midnight,
or a cryptic mural on a dull wall, long past it's prime
doodled by an interplanetary traveler gone astray,
a drawing in grey fading slowly in to oblivion,
yet to be deciphered is the benediction,
it carries from light years far away,
it will be gone soon as the light from galaxies far
want to make it their own, little by little each night
Am I not transient  and  to be forgotten soon?

But you are steadfast and adamant
very rooted in your reasoning
sprung from a center devine, we both
claim together.
                         "Am I not a woman and lover first?"
Your eyes, gleam, exuding  a timelessness that speaks to me.
"I would only dream of lying naked under your
sweet heaving heaviness, to receive the nectar,
the transient ecstasy that gifts me the precious seed
that'd grow to heights immortal,on the bank of the milky way"
K Balachandran Jun 2016
"Aren't you now tired of that green?
different from the zeitgeist once was
the ****** pulsation existed all along with me!
I can see it in the movement  of yours
when I  deep kiss you, not there, you are!
it's too long, our liaison, my love listen,
now it's time for a change, haven't you
seen the clouds in quick changing formations?
Yes, rest you need and a period of leisure
would do you good.You have to don a hue
to suit to to the mood, and yellow it is"
The setting sun,languidly to the leaf said aloud.
She felt the relief, she unhurriedly received
his words  purple tinted.pointing the direction.

The mountain wind, when the leaf  was green,
an intense lover, moved her,always.
A leaf callow and green in the wind,
passion personified, during the gale she was
the aggressive partner, demanding more,
"You are hanging here for long,on this branch,
knowing all, now time to let go, hear the music
permeating through dust and clouds and lives
transform yourself, you have danced enough
with me here, change pace, let go, begin
a journey new and find, what the cosmic hum
tells to every single cell, and what's in the end,
get ready to take newer forms from now on my love"

Wind took her by hand and she let go every thing
and naked to the soul, she jumped in to the deep below,
a valley, in ferment, flowers, fruits and leaves
in abundance, stood with bated breath,
beckoning, welcoming, cheering the fallen leaf,
the last dance it was,with the wind and sun,
in whispers the wanton wind told her" time to go,
feel light and explore, discover the secrets still left"

Earth, red and fertile was much pleased, smiled at her,
"Come down beloved, here I lie in wait, impatient,
this is your bed, not a minute late you are, here
as before in the appointed hour,you are aware
at any time you have to end up as the salt of the earth,
you'll love it here as much you did on a flowering branch,
bit by bit like the fragments of a cloud in blue sky,
you will become one with me; the fecund muddy earth,
new seeds with a vision encrypted inside will fall on you
get nourished by what your love donates and would sprout.
K Balachandran Jun 2016
Nurture those lovely creatures love breeds..

Two moving liquid eyes,
kept admiring you both
contented, happiness-drunk
-a delicate filigree dragonfly,
when you both were lost,
in the warmth of love,new found,
melting and flowing, together
in the entwined  patterns of hearts.

Like a  rainbow hued butterfly,a guest
that suddenly appears announcing,
days of warmth, mirth and laughter,
something was flitting like a flash,
around you fluttering it's silver wings,
making you go crazy with desire,
already enamored with each other
beyond even your comprehension!

In the pitch black screen of night sky
fireflies dancing in formations never seen,
reflected in your wondering eyes,
drawing  sketches, that look like like  electric maps
love create, with accelerated heart beats.

Do you realize what alchemy of hearts makes it
possible for love to transform in such a manner?

Love in it's moments ethereal, clearly reflect,
the true mind of nature, do you care to take note?
Don't ever **** those delicate creatures, that appear,
love in it's deepest yearnings, breeds and keeps.
The season of love, by some magic, brings to focus, many things lovely
in nature never one did pay attention to...
..these are only few of them..and in many cases, they vanish for ever..
K Balachandran May 2016
Does time suddenly come to a stand still?
At certain times, time just feels like a concept
that has no meaning, even going backwards!

She parks her car and sashays out, as if she
has never been frustrated with her life!
Dressed in a boldly patterned dress, she waits.
She looks more like a fixture in nature, a sculpture
that stood so long in a public place, not adulated,
bearing beating sun, snow and rain, yet so fresh
as if newly made, pleasant in a way illusory
her marked chutzpah,evidently intact.

At the park gate he stands, in a past he is lost,
peering at her face from afar, with a keenness
that doesn't seem to be normal, he hesitates
time has turned it's wheel s much yet it seems
a stand still to him,"Would one learn from life?"
he mulls over  as he invites a smile on his face
while walking over to meet her, the moment
of epiphany, he is sure and wants to cherish it for ever.
K Balachandran May 2016
A fine work of art,
in a private collection,
you're a captive song!
K Balachandran May 2016
A scowling scare crow,
Weather beaten one, bleached clean.
Stoops down as if it's scared.
K Balachandran May 2016
A randy beetle,
circles a closing lotus;
nightly paramour.
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