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K Balachandran May 2016
I caught the glad eye you gave me by chance,
as I realize I mark the moment with a smile,
you, mirth quotient high,caught my eyes as well,
this, it strikes me is more than mere chance!

It's a warm sunny day I didn't have any plan,
to meet someone like this and fall for her at once.
Life keeps so much unexplained, but we aren't aware
the roots of karma is so long, too tangled to discern.

Swift wind  goes past shaking trees, singing tunes,
ripe fruits get caressed by the wind, some fall too,
fruits of your actions invite you from afar with it's scent,
do your deed and walk on,  fruits will chase you from behind.

I sit and wonder at times, in life what lasts, at the end?
even the fleeting moment effulgent, has  deep  impact,
in a moment of candor you lovingly pat my cheeks,
we forget all else, who we were,  and melt like wax.

Stardust in my bones has music from far away light years,
in your core you still keep a ray of light from long past,
it's effect is a wave in my veins, I feel each  moment,
what lasts is the wave that binds us as one and transcends.
K Balachandran May 2016
Her curvaceous **** was bootylicious and  fit,
Yet she was desperate for a 'Brazilian **** lift'
The bootiologist was quite well versed,
Still, the procedure proved to be accursed,
The Kim Kadarshian inspired quest, bore only a small fruit.
"Brazilian **** lift" surgery is becoming increasingly popular..
K Balachandran May 2016
An ant repeatedly told
she loved him so much,
he wasn't astonished a bit,
knew life was incredible
it's a pin point of *****
to dull the existential pain,
how would he forget this ant
if not an ancestor,she may become
a descendant, a bond for ages.

"The grain of sugar
you allowed me to take
made me look sweet as I
shared it with my buddies,
though you aren't aware of it"

A cloud told that
she once made him stand
under the umbrella of
her cool shade, and that
experience did transform her.
"So tired you were
your eyes were dreaming;
while being dismembered
by an adamant wind,
inch by inch, I struggled
to hold myself together
till you could find a
new shade, before I am dissolved
by external compulsion.
Those moments I lived for
the love of you, so pure
expecting nothing but
fulfilling my karmic, dictate,
gave me the insight,
to remain a cloud in spirit, ever
though not in my form any more.

Your songs of loneliness
made me overwhelm,
I am essentially water
that flows towards the ocean,
containing meanings dense
the song you have sung
in intense pain, was
an experience; walking through
glowing  embers of coal,
for all who commingled
with my flow to ocean."

The tree had a rare radiance
it told him pleased,"Like me
you too have the crown,
a cloud of dancing thought waves,
that has silver lines,all the time
you sit and contemplate,
Every one has a Buddha
reclining inside,if you care
to think the way out of all miseries
he would be awake and smiling,
the compassion incarnate.
I appreciated what you did
that marked, I thought
the beginning of the light
that drives the ignorance of
darkness out from mind.
I did it by showering flowers
were you aware?"

"Karuna" she whispered as if to
emphasize it's preciousness
"Compassion" is what the most,
the world now lacks"
It could make the world a garden of love,
That's what reflected on me
when you sat underneath me
and gazed in to the far galactic
turbulence that is a saga continues,
how many moments of gold,
we were gifted one by one!
"Karuna" is the jewel, the Buddha
the enlightened one's words
did sow in us, with the touch
of a transforming thunder."
Karuna  (Sanskrit)--compassion
K Balachandran May 2016
There isn't any half time mark
in a true blue love game, my darling
Neither prior fixed schedules or dates
nor strict rules, regulations, contracts
in a game of love, lovers avidly play it
themselves, in the way they truly wish
whether callow or highly seasoned,
mindful, heartless or calloused inside out!

The players decide where it has to be
played out, how long and  when the
curtain should fall and what would
be the after math of this; what results!

In course of the moves of this game
the thing important is particularly this:
They decide what to do with the dear life of each,
some times out of sheer impulse, even  eyes shut.
The ones that keep sanity and good sense
and hold the head above the water, swim together
would live to tell the tale sipping a glass of wine
but the rest, mostly become tales different
rarely told with a smile,most of those are written
in the black ink of grief and sung at taverns after
the hours dark falls  and ghosts vengefully roam.

Some, fall by the wayside in sacrifice, and perish
many disappear in dark pits invisible that lay
in wait to eat them head and all, without a trace.

But the ones I sing about are these pairs, resilient
they hold hands, steadily climb the path,
winding and narrow leading to the view point,
on the top of the green hill, from there
the view is breath taking, an ample reward!
K Balachandran May 2016
Too fast a ride life is, to capture those stray tender notes,
that fall on your ears, eyes, nose or tongue, at times
the madness of sensory road rage, hits you and run
yet, you stop on your track, unawares,  shed a tear.
While passing through a curved bridge you look down
at the flow that just usual, to naked eyes, who knows?
the current may hide secrets that won't meet the eyes
but float ,  when it reaches further down at the sea.

As I walk along this street, at mornings and evenings,
at times when my eyes fall on her familiar face
I see grief swarming like a colony of bees around
a queen , on her face, when I smile,  she shows
no emotions, as if asking "Why should you be kind?"

Then one day, I see her, parking her car and line up
to get a bottle of whisky, as if it's urgent than ever
seeing me pass, she comes face to face .swarming
bees of grief for a while fly up, I see her ghostly grumpy face
and she pours  her grief out as if the world knows it,
"I can't sit holed up day and night,memories are a cloud
but too heavy to carry around,I fight with them day and night"
She held my hands and the street vanished we were in a dark room
enveloped by a smoke of grief that chokes, whoever comes in,
"I found an escape route, at last,look at the balloons!"
She ran to untie a bunch of huge helium balloons,
and through a dark window she soared up and vanished.

I still see her car parked in utter squalor, at the square,
near the martyr's column, a metaphor of grief for the world to see
while passing, eyes go up to see a bunch of helium balloons descend,
with the skeleton of  grief, of a woman lost  in  whisky haze.
K Balachandran May 2016
A wind shakes the tree,
Sudden death for all dry leaves.
sad, cold, earth awaits.
A dry leaf drifts down-
In to an angry cyclone.
A life unforeseen.
Churning storm's still eye.
The leaf quietly ponders,
Enlightenment strikes.
K Balachandran May 2016
"Dad you are
getting old"
my kid
sounds alarmed,
as he yells out
that warning.
His curious eyes spied
the stray strands
of grey hair
I refuse to hide,
I could guess.  
                        Just up from the bed,
                        slipped out of his
                        mother's hands
                        he is eager to stand
                        against the scale
                       to see how much
                       did he grow last night.
                                                          ­   He opens wide
                                                            ­  his sleepy eyes,
                                                           ­   to look closely as if
                                                             to gauge the change
                                                             and looks betrayed.
                                                       ­      I see the  moving
                                                     ­        shadow of time
                                                            ­ in black and white
                                                           ­  in those little eyes.
                                                            "­My kid is
                                                             growing up"
                                                             ­ I realize
                                                         ­   "Time to slow down
                                                            ­ and hold his hands"
Poem 2000
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