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 May 2018 JWolfeB
Kayla Flanders
you tell me
No One loves you
but i bet that isn’t true
what you really mean to say
is that you don’t love any of the
people that do, which is quite alright
i mean i support all the crap about waiting for the one
but don’t you dare say no one loves you. because.   i.    am.     not.    No One.
 May 2018 JWolfeB
Ashly Kocher
I take on the world like nothing is wrong

I hide my emotions with a smile but something inside is different

A different person lives inside me

A person who is insecure and has no confidence

My eyes tell a different story, just look deep within and you will see

My eye are bright, my eyes are blue

But deep within you will see the truth
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
You're not even listening to me
But that's okay
I just need it up in the air

It's just...
Do you know already?
Or do you no longer care?

I don't have a lot on my mind
I don't have a lot in my life
I just need to give you a small tear

How you treat me
How you treat others
It's not fair
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
I'd like to know
what goes on in that brain of yours
I want to know the thoughts you think
and the things you see
Do you think of me?

I want to spend time with you
and I want you to want me

I want you to show the initiative
be brave and declare your feelings for me

I  want you to lean over the center console that divides us
and place your lips on mine, because you want to
I know I do
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
Evelyn Genao
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes.
On the mask is a smile.
It’s always different. For every person.
With our heart’s torn and bleeding, we smile.
We numb and we hide and we pretend.
That everything will be okay. That we'll be okay.

We just want to hide our fear.
Fear of never being good enough.
Fear that no one will ever love us.
Fear that we won’t love ourselves.

It’s amazing, isn’t it?
What we can fake with a smile.
It hides our injured soul so deep.
That no one will ever know how broken we really are.

We say it over and over, repeatedly tucking away our hearts.
We don’t want to have it broken. Not again.
We act as if nothing is wrong,
That we are not breaking,
That we are fine.

They are such fools
Believing us so easily.
Can’t they see our pain? Our tears?
Are they even looking?
Is the smile that we wear too perfect?
Why won’t they notice?

No one ever thinks we’ll fall apart. That we’ll break.
But we do and sometimes that’s good, but not always.
There are times where we wish we could just break down
On someone’s awaiting shoulder
As they comfort our pain.
I hope you love and be sure to comment what you think.Also look at my other poems if you loved this one.
 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
you just showed up
just like the snow
started falling this morning
maybe with a tiny bit of
fear mixed emotions
but still with
that magical
thing you have
all over you.
that magical  
thing that makes
my heart beat
as fast as
hundreds of horse feet
on the race track,
and my hands
shake like
trembling leaves
having not the tiniest
chance, to stick to the tree
on a stormy day.

just like the snow,
somehow, some day

and wishing for
you to forever stay
is like
for snow
never melting.
I am really not sure
If feelings are real
You might be a theif
My heart you plan to steal

Do not let me hold back
These thoughts kept inside
See right through to
What I try to hide

I am still afraid
You know me too well
You are the only person
That brings me out of my shell

The way I laugh
When I am around you
Reassures my mind
You feel how you do

I think that you would catch me
If I trip and fall
You have the chance to be with
The biggest trophy of them all.
This is another old one
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