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 Mar 2018 JWolfeB
Raven Frost
Your skin on mine burns like
The cold salty water of the sea
Your hand in mine feels like
A swelling girlish fantasy
In the dawn I stand alone
I stand and stare

This night suddenly ending caught me unaware

Your skin on mine is like
Sunshine for the buried seeds of spring
Your hand in mine feels like
The promise of a ring
In the dawn I stand with you
I stand so still

When next I move, the moment will forever disappear
I wake again, the dream is gone
And you are never here
You are the reason I keep moving forward
Even when life won't let me rest
Each step I take brings me closer
To the day we both are not as stressed
I wish the forces of the universe would just give me a break every once in awhile.
 Feb 2018 JWolfeB
I wanna run away
Not for me
But for you.
You need someone better than me
Not a crazy ***** like me,
Who does nothing good for you
I make you worry
I cause you pain
I am no good

You told me to  write a love letter
And here it is,
If you're gonna cut me out
Do it now
Do it before it starts hurting
Don't be afraid
That I Will hurt myself
I propably Will.

Forget about me
Burn every last memory of me
Let me run away
I won't look back
I won't say goodbye
I Will do it for you

Don't waste your tears
I am not worth
Any drop of water
Except the water that Will drown me
Let me sink into the depth
Of a long forgotten memory
 Feb 2018 JWolfeB
brat bunny
Can you say that your past is a lie
that the people you loved are not puppets
that the family you lived with are not behind a mask
Can you say that your present is a lie
that the people you have meet are not munipulating
that the family you have are not unforgiving
Can you say that your future is real
For if it was real, then would your past and present be lies
since you must be real and time must be moving
Can you say that you are real
That you feel and breathe and your heart beats
Can you say
Can you say that the life after is real
that breathing isn't killing you
That time is
 Feb 2018 JWolfeB
Jewel M C
set me to airplane mode,
I feel like I'm going to implode...

my thoughts, they're spiraling,
there's a short-circuit in my wiring

this world beneath me has gone ablaze
& I cannot escape this fiery haze

I'm soaring toward a sea of flames
from our world without a trace


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