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 Oct 2015 JWL
Mike Essig
god made stars
for starving poets

when they look up
they forget
how hungry they are

 Oct 2015 JWL
 Oct 2015 JWL
she slides her slender
white fingers down the
branches of his spine

her eyes melted like
glaciers and lips as soft
as freshly fallen snow

skin lustful, but heart
unforgiving, exhaling
his every intention

she is autumn in his
palms, her trees bare,
the leaves rust fallen

flashing indifference,
thoughts plucked in
shades of violent rose
© copyright
 Oct 2015 JWL
Sally A Bayan
Start slow...
     warming... up...and...below
         forty five degrees
            to the left...right...others go nineties...
       some freeze...from locked knees
   they don't mind...they'll recover
          before the hour is over...

Detach self
    from what
             but...still aware
        soon to be lessened


               An ant bites at the back of your ear
         something's  crawling on your tummy
     beads of sweat, drop across your eyes,
or inside your feel the cold touch within
A bee, a wasp...sometimes, a fly
      circles very near your face
           makes your wall of
                concentration, crumble
              tempting you to lose count
          of the movements
      testing you...
   if you might still stray...even
      a step away...
          if, to your weaknesses
      you would still succumb

          will you be distracted?
             or stay focused?

Let eyes, and mind blink
            be grounded!
                stay on the right track.....

               ... internalize.....
               ...never give up!


Copyright September 21, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***starting the week right...too much chinese noodles this weekend***
 Oct 2015 JWL
Where it all starts
 Oct 2015 JWL
Listen, it's a beautiful thing
when distilled to its essence;
reduced to its purest form.
A paradox and a paradigm;
a paragon of perfection.
Epic in its arythmetic
progression; poetic.
Like Chinese arithmetic,
so hard it hurts. Yet soft
and exquisite, like a bubble
of love caught in a beating heart.
That place where poetry starts.
Darkness pervades; an empty whole.
Tears fill this broken bowl.
The nectar too salty to quench the thirst
A brutal reminder of what came first

A Blackness, a Void. God illuminated into being.
Beauty, Belief, Faith - a false way of Seeing.
The futile attempts to make the hole whole,
but it's Loneliness that resides in our Soul.

In every being sprung into existence
the Romantic effort of Man's resistance
is Love, hailed as the Cure.
But ask yourself, "Are you sure?".

At a life with Loneliness by our side
Love's importance becomes amplified.
But Love is just a wishful lie
it is Loneliness that embraces us as we die.
 Sep 2015 JWL
Noah Ducane
If I could tell you?
I promise not to lie
By and by, I do get by
With you safe somewhere in my mind

Wrapped like a gift waiting for no one
Still, I could tell you many things

Would it be easy not to circle you
With kindness
Sweetness every time
And put myself in your hand
Or let you wear me like a jewel

I'll keep it up
By saying nothing
You'll have a kiss
For every word
 Sep 2015 JWL
Noah Ducane
 Sep 2015 JWL
Noah Ducane
Oh it was good back then
Let me begin by saying
It was good
and never again
I was afraid to step outside
I never committed intellectual suicide
I never prayed but for myself
He needed more help than love or wealth
It was good then
I didn't know much
I couldn't feel pain
Or pain as such
But pain for pain's sake is the beginning and end
Boredom only after to boredom will lend
I was afraid yes of everything
And anything that said my name
For fear of nothing has fear to blame
Oh but once again
It was good back then
I wanted more and more I got
And with pride and faith and love forgot
Still I went with a bleeding heart
Thinking I should play my part
And be a part of life as an uneasy act
With numbed awareness too dull to react
Feeling nothing but for tomorrow's wake
Nothing there but for tomorrow's sake
And knowing better I know not how
But to be and be me right now
And knowing better later once again
Sighing softly," it was good back then"
 Sep 2015 JWL
CA Guilfoyle
before you arrive
I imagine the drive
the dusty winds
roads blown sand blind
the breath hot desert
red upon your back
the drown of dripping sweat
a mirage, a swimming lake
an oasis, of mind escape
how you travel as saguaro fields fly by.
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