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lolita May 2015
my fingers burn
as I write about
the flames of
our touch

the obscure
moments when
your hand would
search mine
in the velvet sheets

and how when
the sweet
trails of acrid
smokes rings
filled our lungs

we'd cough out
falsified words
that filled our
guts like tar

consuming skin
and kisses like
the cigarette you
reach for daily

an addiction
that is hard
near impossible
to quit
lolita Jun 2015
I'm an average person
but maybe I could be
a little less average
with you
lolita Jun 2015
It's a funny thing how
feelings can fade away
without a warning.

Just like your love
for me vanished within
the heat of my pride
Evaporating within
the tense atmosphere of
our own screams.

All because my lips
trembled as the words
crawled out of their
hidden crevices
*all too soon, all too soon
lolita Jun 2015
you let me lean on
your fragile shoulders
for as long as the
world keeps shaking,
holding me tight
and promising me
light will break
through even the
darkest of our days
lolita Jun 2015
Your twilight moons
white irises, that flicker
within the nights confines
clasp at the velvet darkness
pulling the stars into orbit
obtaining galaxies of their own
feeding a universal luster
eclipsing at the sight of dawn
lolita Jun 2015
I just wanted to feel something
I rushed at the dawn,
I pulled at the fabrics of reality,
I kissed boys who didn't love me
I cried about the poems left unread
The faded words, the frayed edges
I crumbled under the weight of
your expectations
and in the end I was only left
with memories, while you're
making new ones with her.
lolita Jun 2015
I can't seem to center
my thoughts anymore
I'm lost between whether
I'm alive or dead,
I'm not sure which one
I would prefer.
I feel like hell tonight
lolita Jun 2015
Our relationship was as
authentic as fools gold
your glazed topaz eyes
would search for the shine
of other diamonds before
you threw me away
like a temporary gem
that had lost it's luster
lolita Jun 2015
Nothing ever changes
I repeat the same pattern
running in a continuous
cycle, tracing the walls for
ghosts of your presence
The weeks repeat themselves
and the days without you
all slip into one.
lolita May 2015
I thought I could heal you
with the ocean of my heart
The vastness of my feelings
that stretch for miles.

Instead I drowned you
within my waves of affection
the storms that made me
overwhelming and cruel
and for that *I'm sorry
lolita Jun 2015
You're my favourite
part of me, and I don't like
myself much anyway.
lolita May 2015
Tell me if you liked
the pain beckoning you
from my tornado eyes

I cut my heart out
not realizing I didn't have
to ****** my hands to
win the approval of a man

I heard you liked
your girls broken
Maybe that's why
I dug pieces of my
soul out for you
Placing them eagerly
at your feet like
a dog with a ball

I kept coming back
for more and you
kept supplying me
with the drug
of your touch

If only I'd known
you'd put a dagger
to my throat just
to watch me scream
lolita May 2015
If only we loved wisely,
we had so much to learn
but like eager youths
we raced ahead too quickly
opening the pages of our
love story, skipping the
prologue to the best parts
lolita May 2015
From your sky
I took down my
meager stars

Gathering them
on the ground
with your pale
moons and
spacious orbs

I watched our
colours merge on
the universes
paint palette

The bright colours
blurred, forming
a dull grey
lolita Jun 2015
Reach for me with talons
Scrape at the bare flesh
reveal the wasteland beneath
Devour the sandy ruins
pull the curtains of dawn
Fill me with your expectations
Watch me grow out of nothing
into a towering model of choice
lolita Jun 2015
I've given into temptation
allowed you to curl your fingers
around my throat, tormenting
me with serpent eyes, born from
lust, demons and all things hellish
I inhale poisonous smoke from
your scent, slender frames that entice
the soul into destructions doorway
lolita Jun 2015
The wind will howl
at our agonizing fall,
The tides will lash at
their confinements;
and suddenly, inevitably
*we will be torn apart
lolita Jun 2015
I wish I was still
your universe
but now I'm just
another star in
your galaxy
lolita May 2015
your voice lulls me
into deep slumber
my head filling
with wild dreams

the fearful musings
of a girl falling
over the crumbling
pieces of her heart

drowning in the blue
of your eyes
the luscious pink
of your lips that
I ache to kiss
lolita Jun 2015
when you hurt another
you often do not see
the lightning flash
but you hear thunder
cry, masking the storm
swelling within.
lolita Jun 2015
I want to exist between
the layers of your skin
lolita Jun 2015
I broke myself trying to fix you
lolita Jun 2015
the horizon is slipping away,
together we float in endless skies,
our boats swimming in waves of heat,
with only tides to drag us back to reality
the rain hides our fears of tomorrow,
washing away the sins of the day
your smile killing any words on my lips
as we dance towards the sun
lolita May 2015
I've felt sadness
I've felt it in my heart
My brain
My chest
My robot limbs
Coursing through my veins;
My low killing contaminant.

I've felt it slither through me
At the most unsuspecting times,
As I lay in bed at night
Thinking of you.

My own personal viper,
Rich red, blood red,
Deadly and vicious.
Sent especially for me,
From you, with condolences.

How thoughtful.
The beast is implacable.
He stalks me day and night.
But not so restlessly
As the thoughts of you.

I suspect you planned it.
Nothing is so obvious
You are in the very air I inhale
In each platonic gesture
Forced kisses and apathetic eyes
Eyes blinking through a blurry haze.


There's an empty feeling inside my heart,
Like someone came and stole it away
And maybe you did.

— The End —