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I'll be your gateway
I'll be the alcohol that burns the pain inside
But i won't give you throat cancer
And i do live life like an evasive lancer
Tell the world these words
And you'll see yourself more colorful
I'm much more healthy than the toxins you're consuming
Just let me inside your heart, soul and mind
I'm not an invader
I'm here to soften the hardened soul that tries to keep everyone away
a heart bleeding into rhyme
i'm not alone, these emotions are not just mine

some poets
express not for attention
but in hopes that someone will listen
relate and understand
maybe, possibly hold their hand
let them know that there's more to existence
than what they're feeling in this current instance
someone who realizes that these are not mere words
but an aching soul, crying out to be heard
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
Baby I'm fading
You're like venom
Spreading inside, infecting my heart
It's making me numb
I'm trapped
Inside your cruel game of love
You won
isn't that enough?
You have to break every piece of me
Some people just have the ability to drive you crazy.
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
Chill out
Take your meds
Don't worry
Just be normal
Stop stressing out
Talk to someone
You're not okay
You need help
Stop crying
Wake up you're an adult now
Why don't you want help
I want to help you.
Dear people who keep telling me this I honestly am so tired right now. I am trying to please too many people.
But I guess that's all I live for anymore
I live for other people.
So nevermind keep talking
Keep going
Cause I need it.
I'm so tired of this
Girls want to be a princess when they grow up
Talk about a dream come true with me
I'd be your best Disney movie you ever seen
But I keep it real
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
“I went
inside her to
tie a knot.
So nothing
will separate us."
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
He is the tide in my veins, the awe in my lungs
giving me life and never to be seen
his fingerprints press into my mind like ink on the canvas
that grip his lips, I’ll teach him my passion
I was the approaching loner with lover eyes
that leads an endless existence, we could be forever
I will rest my head on his shoulder in the heaven connecting us
and he will return to me when I revive from this renewal
Our sleep will come in the night, when the sun rises
his hum will nurture my song
his heart will embrace the whites and blacks
and I’ll lay entranced and release my rainbows
We’ll blossom together, we’ll never cry at the clicking of time
We are closing our eternity
We’ll live each day and love those in need
Waiting in this expanse, the fire to our reality
will mend our souls and soak our paths in
That is how it is isn't it?
People tell the whole world their secrets, the whole world except those few that could actually save them
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
my heart is hollow
my mind is empty
i cannot shake the thought of you coming back
although i know that is a
i cannot shake the thought of your lips
against mine
i wish i could fix things
i wish i could change this outcome
i'm so sorry i ****** up
i'm sorry i took you for granted
i hope one day you can forgive me
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