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"I'll never leave you"
"I'll always love you"
"I don't want to hurt you"
But you did leave
And you don't love me
And it always hurts,
Everything you do hurts
Especially talking to everyone else especially girls ******* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
It's a constant pain you ******* *** you know what hurts me and you do it all the time but i guess its unintentional now since im not yours and youre not mine and **** this
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
At some point,
when your head is hung low and your emotions even lower
you remember who you are
and you raise your head up, yell "*******" into the wind
and take the world head on
because my darling, even superman bleeds.
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
falling back into
old ways of thinking
now, catching speed
now, repeating
past habits
like saying, "I'm fine"
without blinking
haven't seen
anyone in awhile
Is it love?
She trusts you as far as she can throw you
Is it love?
She kicking you out of her house every other week
Is it love?
She calls you all types of names and degrades you
Is it love?
She attacks you and leaves you feeling guilty
Is it love?
She with another guy and has a baby on the way
Is it love?
She doesn't see you anymore and the texts stop coming
Is it love?
She just wants one thing from you
Is it love?
When she tell you she loves you
Confused, perplexed, lost
 Dec 2015 welcome to hell
though you didn't think so
I knew what you meant
about not being able to fake
a friendship
or feeling
a complete lack of connection
in most interactions.
and when it isn't real
there is no desire to try
or pretend to enjoy
the company given.

so much less pressure
weathering it alone.

constant company,
to me anyways,
seems to mean insecurity
or a desperate need for attention
especially that of one
impacting on others negatively.

to reach,
or even begin to know,
your full potential
you must give time to yourself
with yourself
for yourself
and yourself alone.
I lay here beside you
Giggles erupt from my lips
As we talk about anything and everything
Gentle movements of the hips

You ask me why I'm laughing
I tell you I don't know                            
But in reality it's because
I'm scared to show      

All these feelings and emotions
I didn't think I could ever have
This feeling of belonging
Residing in my head

I lay here beside you
Your arms hold me close
Lips pressed together
I now feel at home

I know that once it's morning
These memories will just fade away
I roll over a little closer
As my heart now runs this race

Laying upon you chest
I cling on tight
whispers now over power the night

The world alive above us  
In silence they over hear
I now lay wide awake
But I never did make my point clear

I tied to whisper something
But I didn't want you to hear
So I laid there beside you
Trying to find the words to say
When randomly I whisper

"I love you"
"I love you"
"I love you"

They escape my lips
And danced in the night
As I'm still laying here clinging on tight

I know it's to soon
I know it's not right
But In the end
You'll never know
Because once again I giggle
I'm to scared to show
Wish I could tell you...
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