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 May 2020 𝗠
Marian Solis
Bow, hands on the sink.
Drip, drip, drip
– the blood from my lip.
Pierced like ripped jeans
for a fist has made its kiss.
Head up,
face the mirror
and laugh.

I was prettier with pink teeth
when I smile.
 May 2020 𝗠
You'll realize that...

whatever spills
is just a manifestation
of what nests
 May 2020 𝗠
Unlike the missing piece
on a puzzle;
an incomplete work of art,

the unfinished
written poem,
and the scribbles
along the walls.

A blank canvas
caught by the eye
could give
the greatest lesson
of them all...

Emptiness isn't worst
after all.
 May 2020 𝗠
Ryan O'Leary
At a cross roads there was
a pointing pencil one side,
opposite, to writers block,
unsure which way to go
I paused until along came
a blind Venetian who told
me which was the best option
so I ended up here at HePo.
 Apr 2020 𝗠
Madison Greene
I find remnants of the dreamer I used to be in-between the mundane
twelve years old and my eyes had seen more than most will in a lifetime
but I loved with every fiber of my being
I loved the cities I'd never been to and the life I hadn't lived
and all the things I knew I was meant for with the sweetest ignorance for how to get there
you can find me underneath all the evidence of my surviving
my heart just as thirsty as the little ******* her bedroom floor
 Apr 2020 𝗠
Tawanda Mulalu
I would have rather been Orpheus,
travelling to various hells for you
and singing songs to save you
even though you couldn't save yourself:
stop looking back. The flames aren't worth it.
Let my eyes burn brighter than the abyss.
Just whatever you do don't turn your face
away Eurydice. Hades will have his Persephone
and you are not her.

It's better this way I guess. I would have looked
back at you and watched you crumble into
a shadowy pillar of salt as did the wife of Lot
when she looked back at *****. I am faithless,
which is why I cannot sing like Orpheus. I am faithless,
which is why I would have watched you melt into
a shadowy memory of the underworld even if I could.

Instead, I was a messenger of these strange myths.

Wings on my feet, I raced against the multitudinous
skylines of the worlds I do not inhabit, skipped across
volumes and volumes of rows and columns of planets and
stars written by dead old men and women. They spoke presently
of the voluminous presence their absence had created, and did so
without having known of the secrets of this absence when
they wrote about their respective presents. Presents conferred
to winged-feet wishful thinkers who spiral uncontrollably with their mouths
to sudden and dangerous depths: Every serious reader remembers
the time they stopped whispering controversies and started shouting them
without knowing that they were shouting them: Ideas are messy things
that don't need loudspeakers: Decibels violently shudder themselves out
of being the moment you mention to your mother that God
might not exist and Camus said so: Existence itself implodes outwards
like how plants produce seeds that make themselves when novels
start at their ends which are really their beginnings: Children
**** their mothers through birth: Boys with wings on their feet
take the library too seriously.

This is
I flew towards you without a chariot

and found you in your various hells, one book at a time,
and why I would have rather have been Orpheus
because at least then I could have sang you songs
before you ended up retreating back into your various
selves. It could have been my fault then for looking back.

It could have been,
   could have been,
   could have been
you that was Orpheus. You who looked back.
You being the reason that I crumbled into a pillar of
shadow and salt because, as did Lot's wife, I looked back.

We both did, and watched the whole world invert itself
on its axis, then turn and twist and shift itself
into superimposed images and shapes and dreams
that changed you from muse to poet and
dream to dreamer
and Eurydice to Orpheus
and to Lot then his wife
and to this: which you always were.

              Those wings on your feet: When
the librarians changed the positions of the bookshelves-
and therefore our imaginations: our movements
and stanzas and scenes and days and nights-
               Those wings on your feet: When
that happened they must have stopped fluttering
for a second. I tried flying again and fell.

I haven't been much of a messenger since.
Mess, mess and more mess I guess.
 Apr 2020 𝗠
Tanisha Jackland
A child moves

paint without effort

over the white abyss

channeling Van Gogh

or Matisse

the nerve of these

little ones to dare tap

into the celestial void

of creation

the audacity of a child

to till onto their paper

random flora

like a gardener of a new alchemy.
"All children are artists.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." Picasso
 Apr 2020 𝗠
Tanisha Jackland
I was born on the
Third phase of a
Waning moon
On a dark
Day in November
                                     She said

I had the wrath of a million
Ravens in her womb
                          She was not ready

A voice proclaimed
Beyond my mother's knowing
She said

I was an Omen come alive
Spread across her shrinking world
                         And I will live on for
                       You made me endless
She said
I was the harbinger
Of her pain and a witch
To the gray moon of
her clever madness
 Mar 2020 𝗠
i want blue eyes
glistening like moon ripples on
mirrored lakes

i want blue eyes
burning like sapphire flames
in the furnace of half-baked

blue eyes
that churn glittering snow
and overflow

blue eyes
liquified winter skies
dripping, seeping sorrow
wings of iridescent dragonflies
fountains in secret grottos

blue eyes
like yours
            in their own ocean labyrinths
            in thought
            in other dimensions
where brown eyes
            cannot follow

sometimes i think
that maybe
if my eyes were blue
maybe you would

take me with you

            take me with you
 Mar 2020 𝗠
some believe in the deity
others in the sanctity of self
I think poetry is a religion
a soul unto itself
not a god
but close
and I seek her his its
calming words
to get on my knees
and worship
every night
in my sanctuary
like any
true believer
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