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I enter my room.
I search for the blade.
This feeling of death will never fade.
Maybe it was the drugs, the pills, the ****.
Maybe it was the feeling i wouldnt succeed.
Maybe it was my parents fighting at night.
Blaming me for their on going fights.
Maybe it's me, yes that's it!
Now tonight this will be it.
I will slip away and no one will care.
Not even friends who said they'd be there.
Still too young, not ready to go.
So much to live for.
I guess I'll never know..
suicide. help ones who are hurt. save a life.
Time of death:
When you told me you don't love me anymore.
Place of death:
The park where we met,
on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
I remember the dreaded words which escaped your lips,
the heat in your words,
the look on your face,
as I took a metaphorical bullet to the chest;
it hurt like Hell.
Cause of death:
When you stabbed me in the heart for the first
and last time.
A fatal blow.
But in the coroner's office,
all the report will ever show is:
time of death:
Cause of death:
Trauma to the chest.
When your heart gets broken by someone, it feels like you've been struck in the chest. The air feels like it's been knocked right out your lungs and you feel as though you can't breathe. You feel a mixture of emotions all blurred into one mess. You play the final exchange in your head over and over again, and each time it gets harder and harder. Heartbreak. It feels like you've been stabbed in the back and shot in the chest all at once.
Joshua Michael May 2018
i can feel my heart beat faster as a drop of sweat forms on my temple with her thought, her brown eyes arouse me as she shares a cheeky smile. Teasing me with each word attracting me more. my mind ponders on caressing her silky skin, touching lips to her neck and sending shivers down her spine to the dimples on her back. . The thought o her clothes slowly slipping off as she leas me to the bed and sets my hands on her hips to lift her as she wraps her legs around me, pressed up against the wall with the world disappearing around us as the ecstasy takes over our actions, in dizzy light headedness falling upon your back as i slip my way down your body with only the sound of heavy breaths as tension builds and sheets get wet. A release off pleasure is stained in mind as screams echo off the walls
Your my drug and i could take you forever, never coming down from the high yo gave me
Joshua Michael May 2018
The wind it blows in a grey sky
On the corner alone i cry
For as the weather changes
So do I
Im not ready to say by, im holding on my best. I hope you find you way back to me, somehow, somewhere , one day
Joshua Michael May 2018
Dismayed and confused, alone
Alone i stay as the city rumbles
no one bats an eye, they all march on

The cab leaves as you smile a goodbye
Me, i just stand alone and cry
Gone she is , a little wander of life

I try to hide my sorrows
But its hard, hard to say bye
Bye to an angel who gave life
Life back to my mind and soul

I will miss my little wanderer
I will miss having the comfort
Comfort of someone who cares
Cares not just for me
But cares for who i was,am and will be
I miss you ....
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