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2 am and i can't sleep
wide awake too tired to weep
funny how feelings
can make you weak
it's a long road, rough and steep
just hope i find the peace i seek.

people are so sweet and kind
if only they could help unwind
the tortured ropes within my mind
could help me break
the chains that bind
only God can help me find
bless'd release from this
pain which grinds

carrying a sack of stones
is no weight to bear alone
it will break my very bones
i want to cry, but will not groan
what I must do is clearly shown
i must be humble and atone.

i've got a message to be spread
been writing vanity instead
when all is done, all is said
when pretense is finally shed
is it truth or lies i've fed
my fire, in truth, is almost dead.

try and understand, my friends
no matter what the current trends
this path we're on
has trech'rous bends
the broad way winds
the narrow wends
but all paths DO have their END.

though i have been torn apart
it is time for a new start
strength comes from
the peaceful heart...

(c) soulsurvivor
Haven't written about
The Lord Jesus Christ in
Some time... it's high time I did.

I'm only on site a short time
As I can only write late at night.
I want to thank you all for sharing
Your well wishes with me...
They are appreciated more than
You could know.

I'm going to be FINE.
Just experiencing a rough patch.
As are we all... I'll be back to
Read again soon!
This love is pure,
like a kiss on the cheek in the snow.

This love is exciting,
like the first drop on the roller coaster of life.

This love is bright,
like the meteor shower we watched that night.

But most importantly,
*this love is true.
This boy makes me feel a type of way. You'd think after almost two years these butterflies would have gone away.. but he still makes my heart flutter
Today a year is over
Today a year I see
Today I remembered the day
I married a chimpanzee

I’m not sure if it was love at first sight
But somehow we were smitten
Our fate was in the stars
And that’s where it was written

People were always curious
And they wondered how it could be
That I had fallen in love
With my darling Chimpanzee

His undying love for bananas
And hanging by the bars
My chimpanzee was always hyper
And loved to drive fast cars

Sometimes things got difficult
And sometimes we’d disagree
It’s kind of frustrating when you are arguing
And all he says is “oo oo aa aa eee”

When we’re on holiday
He’d pack his suitcase tight
With bananas and oranges
And all sorts of monkey delights

Although his monkey quirks
Sometimes make mad
I knew what I signed up for
And sometimes it also makes me glad

He takes the time to listen
He takes the time to be
A good loving husband
Even though he’s a Chimpanzee

My Chimpanzee husband is awesome
And he’s the best for me
Today we’re eating a banana cake
As we celebrate our anniversary.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental :P
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress
Falling into love
Like being tenderly punched
Does not make much sense
"It’s the things we love most, that destroy us."**
Is the quote that keeps resonating in my head.
I heard it in last night's movie
And it fills me up with dread.

I can say it's true
Since I've experienced it once or twice.
It has frozen my heart solid
What moves through my veins now is ice.
Saw Mockingjay Part I last night.
Truth is as solid as stone,
melting quickly with the application of heat,
falling into whatever mold is left in place,
trickling from container to container,
searching for an empty vessel,
draping over negative space,
and so I drown in well meaning ambition,
or perhaps pervasive confusion,
the vague insinuations of men who claim understanding,
yet do not give freely their true philosophy,
for you must be careful when fighting against monsters,
for fear of becoming abominable as well,
for if you stare into the abyss long enough,
they say it stares into you,
and so I find myself chasing shadows.

Soon calcification sets in,
and I am left staring at a product of liquefaction,
through the process of petrification,
no words escape my lips,
and truth falls on deaf ears,
a lone statue in a forest of fictitious geometry.

The fear is swallowed by the search,
and in finding nothing there is peace,
for the quiet breeds tranquility,
rest is found in solidarity,
in loneliness there is solace,
for if God reveals himself in nature,
his absence is revealed in human behavior.
A.P. Beckstead (2014)
i've begun to notice
the end of love is a bit like cancer

in the beginning stages,
you may not even notice
anything is wrong.
once in awhile,
something out of the ordinary occurs
and you convince yourself
you have control

then, you're in denial of the disease.

don't be ridiculous,
i'm fine.
we're fine.

exponentially it gets worse
out of your control

until one morning you wake up
to clumps of hair on your pillow from
the attempts to stop the
and you're left embarrassed
stripped of your will and

until finally,
you give in.
you're defeated.
you're both defeated.
all you can do is wait
for it to conquer you

and even if you heal
you know you'll never be the same
you'll always be scarred
 Nov 2014 Joseph Childress
His eyes a forest, leaves and moss
Yours a sea, sky and butterfly wings
Both ringed by petals of moon daisy
From this satelite they look like
images of the Earth: blue, green, white, round, alive, spinning
Sun is placed in the middle of the daisy
They are rotating around again
Gave pieces of their hearts in phases
New crescent to first quarter, waxing gibbous to full moon and-
Moon stopped to a halt, it doesn't
want to move
As their eyes laced around the Sun
Came the solstice and equinox
Flowers turns to Sun turns to leaves turns to snowflakes
round and round, wheels within wheels, a cycle
The tears of sun gets into the sky of Earth when it cry
Earth is shut down and people start
hanging hopes and prays and wishes on drops of tears
When Earths is back they had
a piece of sea in their
Earth's a pretty place to observe
other planets we can't live in
Perfect start to fall in love with what's cramped in it people and places.
Music fills her soul
as different
melodies capture her moods
who hasn't yearned
for that country
somebody did somebody wrong song
or just feeling
or want to jazz it up with
a little of the Latino explosion
visiting Birdland when all else fails
dancing the night away to Donna
saving that last dance for someone special
chilling to the smooth blues' riff
as Michael Grimm crones
how you don't know him
every now and then
when the mood is
moonlight sonata calls
and romance and roses win the night
who can resist
when a gal's
in the mood
or sitting before a campfire
signing of the harvest moon
sometimes a body just feels lost
looking for a way to get "closer to god
and f#@%ing like an animal
to feel alive
or banging it out
to AC/DC
beebooping to Madonna or Lady Gaga,
or justifying that
bad love
trying to convince
that you *like the way he lies

maybe relaxing and
using your imagination
while you talk about stupid girls
and all that garbage
listening to the B52s
doing the *rock lobster
Inspired by Quinnfinn aka Wolf Spirit
variety is the spice of life
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