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 Sep 2017 cami
Joshua Haines
The cluster of ice in my glass
  looks like a milky fist.
I shake my cup and ask
  about the weather.
He says, 'Hasn't rained in
  one thousand or so years.'
I say how that's unfortunate;
  he says how **** happens.

This party transitions into
  something out of an art-house film;
the Cali-tens are dancing to some
  80's song you would vaguely recognize.
They bump into one another
  like bees in an electric hive.
A Russian drinking a Russian
  asks about drugs.
I say into my drink that I
  don't have that many friends.

Looking for a bathroom,
  I am bumped by hips and lips
into the former eggshell/cigarette stain wall,
where I find my partial reflection
  looking back at me in that familiar
transparent parent way.

I find myself apologizing.
 Aug 2017 cami
Aisha Ella
Little brown eyed girl,
With brown short ***** curls
And dark skin that you
Have not learned how to love yet.

I speak to you.

Little brown eyed girl;
Already jaded
By a world that from birth,
Has declared you unlovable
Just because you look like you.

I tell you, that is a lie.

Little brown eyed girl
With strength in your bones
And love in your heart
So much so that the little boys
All run away.

I say that any man who cannot love you as you are does not deserve you.

Do not be ashamed;
Of your dark skin,
Of your brown eyes,
Of your short ***** mud-coloured hair,
Of your thick thighs,
Of your stretch marks and scars.
Little Brown Eyed Girl
You are perfect, just as you are.
 Jul 2017 cami
long hair cut short.
apology after apology.
jackets often worn,
if not, sweaters or
long-sleeved tops.
not because
i hate people,
but i fear they hate me.
isolation in my bed,
panic attacks
in the bathroom.
constant overthinking,
whether 3 am or 3 pm.
scribbles thoughts
into poems,
but hides them.
pushes away,
even though i want
to pull them closer.
just a few sentences on (my) signs of depression.
 Jul 2017 cami
Emily B
 Jul 2017 cami
Emily B
Some girls
Have butterflies
Beautiful winged elegance
Flying through their cerebrums


I've got old ghosts
That turn into whiskey drunk monsters
"I should put a bullet
In your brain".

I saw him yesterday.
Standing in front of me.
Blowing his brains out
Over and over.

A movie stuck on repeat
In my brain.

And some small part
Of me
Hopes he does it.
So he doesn't come after me

The monster is me.
I don't know
There was an amazing dog that could amazingly read books. I wanted to meet this dog. I drove 1,600 miles as fast as I could. I killed several people. Finally I arrived at the dog's house.
   "May I please see the dog that can read books?"
   "He's over there," the dog's owner said.
   "See that shredded paper? Follow the shredded paper!"
   There were many cubic yards of shredded book pages. I broke into a trot. I had arrived. There he was: THE DOG! The dog was tearing up a large book. "Hey mister! Your dog's tearing up that book. Why's he doing that?"
   "What a dumb-*** question!" The dog's owner sniped. "He always tears up books after he's read them!"
   "Oh, yes of course," I said as if that was the most logical thing that I had ever heard in all my life.
 Jul 2017 cami
today  we had
chocolate cake
for breakfast

the really deep fudgy type
the one that the taste stays
in your mouth for a long time after
so that you still think you
are eating chocolate two hour late

the type your mum used to make
and have waiting for you after school
sitting there on the table, with a glass
of cold fresh milk, the type that made
the worst day of schoolyard politics
be forgotten as you took that first bite

that is what we had for breakfast today
that sort of chocolate cake.....
I can still taste it now.....
This afternoon I need to tell my boy...his nana has cancer....
so today we eat chocolate cake...
 Jul 2017 cami
no idea
 Jul 2017 cami
Sometimes i just get really sad,
No reason,
I just did.

It started burst me into crying,
I felt really hurt inside my chest,

And at that time i realized,
I am not alone,
I am lonely,
Even though i surrounded
by bunch of people,

My heart just felt so empty,
Like i just lost something or someone
I don't know,
I don't know what it is nor who it is.
 Jul 2017 cami
You're willing to die for a country
That will exclude you from being able to serve.
You're willing to **** for a country
That still thinks a Bible is a valid argument.
You're willing to contribute to a conflict
That isn't as big a threat to your life
As the people you've vowed to protect the liberty of.
And you do it again and again
With a fraction of the respect patriots demand veterans are entitled to.
Because you've decided to put the needs of the complacent
Above your own human rights.
And you'll get no thanks from them,
Because they can't sleep easily at night
Unless they can rip off your clothing and see what's in your pants.
And if it doesn't add up to their image?
You can sacrifice your life for theirs and they'll still call you a freak.
I don't know why people are still so willing to die for a country that hates them so much, but the idea that the land of the 'free' wants to ban people from doing so and use such moronic excuses to do it has made me angry.
 Jul 2017 cami
I think
 Jul 2017 cami
this emotion
is growing on me,
as I keep contemplating.
I feel lonely
but keep on walking,
in the distance,
I can't

It's kinda quiet...
so I'll shut my eyes
till the night comes
so I guess I'll just wake up
and start walking again.
The cycle repeats.
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