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I know I should be there for you,
I know I should stand up for you,
And I know I should care for you.
But how can I?
I mean after all did you ever do that for me?
When almost the same thing happened,
When everyone was against me.

You turned your back

Even after a year that still digs at me.
I tears into my thoughts.
It hurts.

And I know I'm being childish,
And I swear I truly care about you,
And I would **** anyone who hurt you.
But at the same time I enjoy it,
I like the fact that you can finally feel what I went through.

The relentless bullying,
Your friends turned enemies,
The feeling of all hope lost.

And I know that makes me a monster,
But I can't help it,
Because I have held this grudge for too long.
 Nov 2015 Jennifer Stewart
The yellow, early evening sun feels heavy and warm on my legs.
Like a cat curled up to enjoy a small nap,
It rests on my pink and rainbow blanket.
My mother snores in the old blue chair next to me,
******* in worry and exhaustion and the scent of basil,
Oblivious to the small-town sounds of birds and cars and children playing,
Unaware that her daughter is something she claims to not understand.

"Pansexuality, honestly, just sounds
She had told me.
"I don't understand pansexuality and gender-fluid and stuff,"
She said,
The car sliding smoothly over the highway under grey skies.
I tried to explain, but I was swamped in
"Well...there are more than two genders, like being gender-fluid and agendered and bi-gendered and third-gendered......
And pansexual people like all of those genders."
"That's what I can't understand. I mean, I kinda get the concept, but..." Her voice trails away like blue cigarette smoke, still deadly even after it has dissipated into the clouds.
I feel like I'm choking on it, raw pink lungs tightening and swelling, forcing yellow stars before my eyes,
Not able to explain the way
I don't care what you identify as,
I only care about love.
My mother's grandmother didn't know that non-straight people existed.
My mother's mother didn't know that bisexual people existed.
My mother doesn't believe that more than two genders exist,
Or know that I find all of them attractive.
But she had already dropped the subject,
Instead filling the awkward lull with discussions of
Colleges and books she's reading and and what my younger sister is doing in school.
I could feel my soul bubbling up behind my lips,
Pink and yellow and blue,
I wanted to tell her to stop and listen.
I wanted to tell her to be quiet,
And to be accepting,
And to try to understand.
I wanted to tell her
'I'm pansexual.
Now you know.
Would you have said that it was horrible and that you can't understand?
That, in essence, I am horrible and you can't understand me?'
But I didn't.
I sat, the warm sticky grey leather under my thighs
The same as the warm, sticky grey clouds,
The yellow sun just peeking out into blue skies beyond the pale pink dogwoods.

She wakes up, warm sticky breath catching in her chest
As she opens her eyes.
She mumbles quietly about oversleeping
Before she rushes out the door,
Leaving behind a daughter
She thinks she knows,
As she claims to not understand
My label
That I have hidden inside my closet door,
Next to my pink, yellow, blue scarves.
Maybe tomorrow I'll put it on,
Pin my heart to my sleeve,
Wear my colors proudly.
But not today.  
Never today.
The pansexual pride flag is pink, yellow, and blue.
I want to be skinny.
Skin and bones,
No awkward lumps,
No pudgy cheeks.
Just beauty.

How am supposed to be perfect?
With societies expectations.
No more pain,
No more sorrow.
Just serenity.

I just want to be loved.
By someone who cares.
No more loneliness.
No more tears.
Just love.

Unattainable wanting.*
The only thing I feel.
Things I can never have.
She dances through my mind
Every thought
Every hope
Every glimmer

She is there
Dancing in my mind
An angel if perfection
Though she sees herself as a demon

That may be true,
But aren't they too,
Just fallen angels

Every thought
Every hope
Every glimmer
She is there,
There in my mind

I speak to her
Here in my mind,
Soft lullabies
And loving stories
To the girl who saved my life

Dancing through my mind,
In all her glorious perfection
All the time.
But I don't mind
When she dances through my mind.
She says 60
I say 200




Trying again

Spiraling downwards

Pain is building


When will this end?

I just want to see her

She says 60
I say 200

I just want to tell her once more

One last time to call her mine



She did it

Did what I couldn't




She says 60
I say 200

One last time

This is it

Last call

Last cry

I can't take it



Tears streaming

Blood oozing

I failed like always because
She is the 200
And I can't even make the 60
It won't ever end
Will it?
Pain is me
Not anything else
Just pain
It doesn't end
Pain of failure
Of not being good enough
Pain of loosing
Loosing everything
It comes out in red
That is the pain I like
It is a bright spot in the black
Pain of love
Of never seeing her again
Nothing ends
A downward spiral
Remembering when she was mine
Everything is pain
Words that cut deeper into my skin than I ever could
Pain of listening to skinny puppy
Pain of living
Will death be pain as well?
Every time it is the same
Listening to the sound of her answering machine
And then the moment of bliss-
Kaylie White
Her voice, just two little words
But they are all I get
I long for her day in and day out

Nothing ever changes
Unanswered messages on social media
I see she is active, responding to others, but I am left in the dark
Wondering what the hell went wrong

A sad normality
Unanswered texts
Pilling up on one another

I'm so lonely and lost without her
It's hard to breathe.
Waiting for a white light but there is only darkness.
My head spins.
Maybe I took too much this time,
Maybe instead of dulling the pain I ended it.
Thank God I woke up.
I don't know if I'm ready to go.

*Not quite yet.
The box is shut
She begs you for a reaction,
to want her to stay,
to promise you'll make an effort.
But the Box is shut.

He asks you to stay,
to accept his love,
and bear his child.
But the Box stays shut.

They break your heart,
when they leave,
because they don't need you.
You open the Box this time.
This heart joins
the broken parts of you
you kept inside.

**Once Again.
The Box is shut.
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