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 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
are those without words
like unspoken glances
and lasting gazes

to watch as eyes slowly dose
flutter ever so slightly
then lightly close

such a beautiful thing to be a part of
the last scene before a dream
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
We sit in the same room, the same car, the same bed
mere inches apart, yet the distance feels insurmountable..
We sit in silence, each lost in our own thoughts,
but it is so loud in my mind.
My thoughts are screaming out to you.. wishing you could hear them.
I slowly let my eyes drift in your direction.. you are miles away,
no where near where my thoughts can reach you.
I wonder where you are,
and where you wish to be.

Foolishly, I try to make you love me.
Foolishly, waiting for you to love me,
thinking time will bring you to me;
thinking if I just try this.. or that..
But sometimes we try too hard.

We sit staring into each others eyes,
but we are looking through each other.
You – looking to where you wish to be;
I –  trying to see where you are,
trying to figure out when it was that the light in your eyes dimmed,
when the flame died.
Seems it died too soon.

I miss the times you would gaze into me,
and see me.
When I saw the passion in your eyes,
when I felt your words tear into my soul,
when you spoke to me
in whispers
so only I could hear.
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
A poem a day
Keeps the doctor away
Two he may need to be called

Three poems a day
The doctor’s on his way
No way could his coming be stalled!

Four poems a day
The doctor has to stay
Five and tough is his work

If the number are six
The doctor’s in a fix
How could he stop the flying spark!

Poems by the hour
Is beyond the doctor’s power
Poems by the minute is his bane

It’s where he loses self
Badly needs a help
To be declared utterly insane!
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
Mighty Man
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
To he whose will is strong and might,*

No vision is brighter
than the one
found in the darkness of night!

No longer shall you be blind
unable to see your life
but your eyes shall open
to see his precious gift of light!
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
Carrie B
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
Carrie B
Must escape from
this information saturation
craving Facebook likes
to receive some affirmation
connect to Mother Nature
and watch the

Feet, heartbeat, breath, thoughts
are all in synch, during a walk.

Leaves and dappled sunshine
flourish then quietly die
Birds ride air currents
soar across the sky.

Little sound around
but the crunch of gravel
under rhythmic boots
forest loneliness a marvel.

Connection to the earth
ground beneath feet
you move upon
it moves beneath.
 Oct 2014 Jaydeep
Zyrah Samar
Writers are brave
for every time they write,
they rip their chests open,
and let the world know
what is inside their hearts.
I heard our song last night
it was your whispers in the rain
just one more time you held my hand
and you told me one last time, you loved
just me, and me only, our song held my heart
and made me cry for your love, that last night was
amazing, I knew I was lost, and I was found, when we
made love you fulfilled my every whim, when you were my man.
You didn't want to break my heart, you told me over and over
but I drifted and I didn't realize you were the world to me
you gave my heart a break, when i walked out of our
life, there were things we did not discuss, the heart
breaks, and singing of my life, with your words
that were whispers in the wind, I heard your
love and your touch in the day of our
hearts, Singing my soul so raw, so
new and being blue, looking for
love, with promises from
you ..

"listening for your whispers in the rain."*

Debbie Brooks 2014
I miss your whispers
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