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 Apr 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Apr 2015 Jasmine Marie
it was nice of you to
say you loved me but
it would have been
nicer if you meant it
it was kind of you to
tell me you cared but
it would have been
kinder if you had been
there when i needed you
it was sweet of you to
say i was yours but
it would have been sweeter
if you had kept me
 Mar 2015 Jasmine Marie
Shylah S
J'ai apprendre le français.

J'apprends les mots inutile.

Quand vais-je utiliser,

"Je regrette, mais restaurant est complet"


"L'addition s'il vous plait."

Ils sont inutilisable!

Quand vais-je utiliser

etre, avoir, aller,....

Pourquoi sont-ils irrégulier?!?

Pourquoi peux-je mémoriser tout la grammaire,

présent, passé composé,  futur simple, impératif

et beaucoup d'autres.

But people tell me,

English is more complicated than French.


I don't like french.

I mean, "Je n'aime pas français"
Sorry, sorry a little rant about learning french. I have a final test coming up. Also if there are any mistake, please tell. My french needs a little help.
 Mar 2015 Jasmine Marie
Shylah S
I asked a beautiful boy
to write my birthday on my wrist.

I passed him a purple pen
and he sat shoulder-to-shoulder with me
resting my arm on his leg.

We sat like this
for much longer than we should've.

And you know what I asked him?

I asked a beautiful boy
to be my boyfriend.
 Mar 2015 Jasmine Marie
I am Taco Bell, the morning after a long night of sleepless driving through the country and you feel cold and warm and full and gross and fresh and your hair is falling around your face and your sight is blurred and you're hugging your pillow and you're there with the best people in the world
I am the moment after the moment before they hold you suspended on the rollercoaster, but more than that, I am the feeling of safety when you finish the loop and you're on a straight track for a while but you're still  rocketing through the sky
I am the feeling of hopelessness when you want to shout into the open air but you realize there are other people there so you just whisper to youself
I am waking up in a grassy field and putting on your shoes that are wet with dew and wondering how your sleeping bag got over here
I am standing under a waterfall and getting up the courage to dunk your head under it and I am the sudden and unstoppable ice cold but it is not ice, it is breathless and there is no one else there, this moment is just for you
I am when you tell a joke and no one laughs, but I am when you do something worthwhile and you know they are proud of you because they cried before you did
I am getting in the car at carline at the start of a long break and shouting back at the school as if it could hear you
I am the moment when you hear words that break your heart just after you feel them and just before you know what to think about them.
inspired by the zodiac posts. I am a Sagittarius.
Recurring friend
Invite me to dream
****** me like a deep dark kiss
Fly with me
Fight the urge to fall
Waking is my nightmare
I fear I will soon forget you
I had a dream about you...
We were standing in a garden
I gave you my evil eye
You gave me your Adam's apple
I took a bite and it tasted like forgiveness
My clothes were made of sin
Your boots were made of snakeskin
If only I could have known you for 2 seconds,
I would have spent both of them kissing you.
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