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hate the minds not like you
hate the ones not of your faith
hate them that question you
hate that the world is diverse
and not converging to your views
hate when there's nothing left to hate

For you I will do something new
  Like kiss the sunshine, drink Mountain Dew
             I’ll hug an ant and buy a star
  Tomorrow I’ll ask for a kiss and nothing more
               To see you smile, I’ll frown
              To see you laugh, I’ll drown
              Myself in your love, so sound
              So pure, that it truly astounds.
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
What's it like to live?

I've been dead for so long,
I've completely forgotten the sensation.
The lightning strike
By snow patrol
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
Katie Ann
you just have to,
dance naked,
in your room,
cuz no one else,
wants to.
I have this feeling
that even if human beings
came with a tag of instructions
on how to care for one another
sewn on some conspicuous part of our person,
most of us would just ignore it.

We all just
machine wash jerkface,
tumble dry to broken pieces.
Tumble dry into
of little

And you can see it, you know?
On us.
Where someone didn't read
those directions carefully
or at all.
Where the colors ran—
reds to whites to pinks.
Where the holes are worn bare,
and the fibers shriveled and shrank.

So we live with those stains,
those noticeable imperfections.
We’re so conscious of it at first,
afraid that everyone will notice
that our instructions weren't followed.
We hesitate to let
someone else try their hand
at doing it right
this next time around.

But we gotta, 'cause
much like ***** laundry,
human yearning is
a ruthless, never-ending cycle.
Fighting it only really makes you
the smelly kid in class.

Just mind your delicates,
pay attention, take your time,
and hand wash that **** worth keeping.
© Bitsy Sanders, February 2015
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
Do you know how many
Poems I write that
Leak your name?

The subtle hints
Of twinkling eyes
And that burning smile

The words explaining
The days that you create havoc
And heat between our bodies

The whispers of
Love and confusion
And an all consuming lust

Do you even realize
The amount of poems
That are in my head
That scream out your name

Because if you did
Oh god
If you did
There would be chaos
I love you and I'm afraid to admit it
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
a real life teenage dream is just wandering thoughts
that keep me awake
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
You held my hand in the darkness
and I felt like
I dream memories in black and white

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