Loving you is like realizing I’m the deep blue Ocean,
Vast on the surface and immeasurable underneath
Without the proper tools. And you, you are the
Science that solves the reason why perfection is not
Beyond the grasp of some humans to hold. You are
The mythology of Artemis, by the grace of your moon,
Molding my body in motion to the pull of your light.
Forever I will reach. You are the life that lives inside
Me, the very essence of that I hold. Trillions of tiny
Heart beats merging to a single pulse that carries
Them home. You are my genius and I your canvas by
Night, as you rest your colors on me, I return them
Back as a gift that never dies each and every day. You
Are the laws of physics from which I send the pieces
Of my surface to the heavens in attempts to touch
Your glow before they have fallen back unto me. And I,
I am simply the Ocean deep and blue, but you are my
Moon that always was and always will be. Always
Running and sometimes hiding but despite everything
You are, you can never hold absent from my sight nor
Soul. You were forever meant to circle me, and I forever
To reach for you, and together we were created to become
A force that transcends the boundaries of life itself.