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Coyote’s mournful howl echoed
in the new moon’s enchanting sultry ether;
breathing the living harmony of the wilderness rhythm

He seemed to sense a soul reincarnation
      within a pervasive spirit light
      an oft misunderstood
      common thread shared
      this hallowed land’s night

An uncommon Zen stirring from within,
              stifling apathy ..,
. . . of rumble deep beneath
      a dormant volcano reawakening ;
      that which lies undiscovered
      just before the ruptured moment ..,
      liberation of release ―
      dust and ashes taking flight

Through open window              insomnia churns
                          fifty shades of blue ..,
      cast in shadowed hues of broken silence

Coyote stirred the stillness
      with a hauntingly familiar cry
      reading the ridge-top echoes
      like the book of my mind

" YIP YIP   A ―W O O H !!! " . . . the somber plea

For it is in these final hours chosen chore
      the recurring torn
      these chains and things

Coyote was going there ―
      to stand these watermark crossroads
      this hour of need

Accepting brother has always been lonely
      sometimes anything
      means something - -
and so it goes ..,

Coyote communes in pulse
      from ancient realms
      this sacred blood ..,
         the lost chord

      wounded healers ,
. . . one mutual spirit
      runs marrow deep
      where dogs run free

The moan of doves whisper to the impending dawn
. . . always known these days
      too soon do come and gone

What once was a life well lived ,
      s l o w l y     e v a n e s c i n g
      like the summer river’s flow

some say ..." you never miss the water
      'til the well runs dry "
. . . regrets a waste of time - -

Rumination, a loathsome silent reverie
      a taunting unsolved koan

      an unplanned oxymoron ,  
      beget of a deafening silence
. . . dust sleeps with indifference
      veiling a beautiful handmade
      unstrung guitar
      muted - - abandoned,
      tone poems, unsung

and so "re-begins" the task ...
      come what may rise up
      into the dark star's light ...

Coyote was going there - -
      a dawning metamorphosis
      under another nebulous sky

. . . refreshed by Luna's potent alchemy bestrewn
      in her spellbinding lambent moonlight elixir of life ...

harlon rivers  ... 5. 21. 2015
Notes: This poem is republished from my original
harlon rivers account for the friend that commented on October 5th:"I hope the maestro Coyote’s howls yet again"  
BTW my sage ol'  great grandpa, that passed at 99, always reminded me I was born under a Coyote Moon ― some things never change


all roads lead to all roads..,
poetic pathways do cross
seeds of heart and soul sown ... nurtured
birth tendrils of a thousand flowers
nascent buds to blossoming fruition
do come to wilt like the last winter rose,
full circle in seasons ever changing light…

just because the blossom dgoes not last forever
does not pale the impassioned light of its poetry

be remembered by your life's poetry ..,
believe a poem can make a difference - - -

Thank you for reading of many rivers ―
peace on the shoreline ...

Written by:  h.a. rivers
The stars above gave a twinkly show
on that night my heart found you
pointing the way, my heart should go
to find a love so rare and true.

The passing clouds changed their play
allowing the stars dance to show,
calling out, to the moon to come
and shine his beautiful glow.

Seeing the love, the moon joined in
sending beams of silvery light,
guiding your heart, straight to mine
on that warm summers night.

All the magic, within the night air
created a beautiful loving song,
one that will play, forevermore
until all time and space is gone.*
[I Love You]


It’s a different kind of love
   then that love we have
        for a family member or a friend.

Saying *
[I Love You]
     can be the simplest part of each day
but really
     there is nothing simple
about what the unsaid words of
[I Love You]
[I Love You] means…
    I’m scared of being hurt
    I hope that we will never hurt each other
    I realize that there could come a time
                when I could get hurt
    I’m willing to take that chance
    trust that we will always find healing

[I Love You] means…
    I want to be not just your lover
     but also your true companion
    one person who you confide everything to
    I do realize that somethings can be hard to
                to share and talk about
    that secrets can destroy a relationship  
    I do hope we can be honest and open
with each other

[I Love You] means…
   I don’t know what the future holds
   I do know that I want us to find out
             what it holds

[I Love You] means…
   I truly want your love
   I truly give you mine
   that nothing we do
   will ever be done the same again
   all that we do from here on
   we will do

[I Love You] means…
   So much more
than just
   Those Three Little Words.

[I Love You]
This was inspired by the readings of e.e.cummings
In The Rain, It May Not Always Be So; And I Say
and [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart]

In wonder of the world
of her mysteries
sitting here dreaming alone
I wandered over a hill one day
seeking expecting
and she appeared
like a vision
shimmering perfection

I had been admiring
for years
the beauty of his heart
I had watched
from a distance
never letting myself
become apart,
  there were times
   he would approach
     the top of the hill
      always stopping
        and turning back
       my pounding heart
     would then painfully still.
    I sent him dreams
  of a sweet first kiss
sprinkled visions
of starlit bliss
then one day
by the touch of grace
I looked up to find us
standing face to face.

I saw her in dreams before here
she was standing growing
over the hill the whole time

always she had been there

I had just not gone forward enough

I stood in awe

and she like a tulip

dreams, now reality
love floods this heart of mine

I stand in awe
of beauty, so magnificently divine

the essence of love whispered
and I, like a tulip

 Oct 2017 Jasmine Hart
A white horse
body armor
a fire-breathing dragon
a sword
a Knight
a Warrior
a Prince
a Lover….He is…

A lady
in waiting
her love my destiny
her desire
my need

That connection of the heart, of the soul…
of each breath…. just breathe, deep feelings,
trust of the heart, the essence of each soul touching,
blending, combining, linking, joining, connecting,
entwining, merging together, deep feelings….Love…
a Knight, a Warrior, a Prince, a Lover…. He is….

she is the faith I have lived
each day hoping
she is the horizon
come closer be real
and it is her
which essence takes
as truth and honesty

Dreams, serenity, peacefulness, that calm feeling of
tranquility, that connection of the heart, of the soul…
hope and faith, trust and love, those deep feelings,
stardust sparkles and moonbeam glimmers, fireflies,
soft kisses, gentle embrace’s, finger traces….Love…
a Knight, a Warrior, a Prince, a Lover…. He is….

depths of hearts are lethal
and mine has been broken died
now in her eyes
words of future
take wing
on Angels
make beauty
and on that
glimpse I breathe

That connection of the heart, of the soul…
a quaint riverbed, big oak trees, leaves singing
a gentle breeze, the moon, stars the sun, hearts embrace,
souls collide touching deep inside, mornin giggles,
toast and jam, moon pies, warmth and hot coffee….
forehead kisses, lips brushing the shoulder and…Love…

That word she knew that
promise that thought
the knowing
the sublime connection
I saw her there
giggling sweet
coffee and normal things
my dream

A white horse
body armor
a fire breathing dragon
a sword
a Knight
a Warrior
a Prince
a Lover…My Heart…He is…

**A lady
in waiting
her love my destiny
her desire
my need
I listen to music by Mozart,
I listen to music by Bach,
I’m carried away through the night,
with no thought of care for the clock.

Sonatas by Beethoven,
I hear waltzes by Strauss,
in fancy, I see myself in beautiful gown,
as I float serenely about the house.

A gentle number by the King,
love me tender, now on my mind,
lost in thoughts, dancing around,
I leave the passing night behind.*
With sweet memories of love
filling the night air,
her heart fills with bliss
in the love that’s shared.

In the silence of night
with her head upon your chest,
sleep beckons her body and mind
to a peaceful nights rest.

You see, never in her life
has she asked for anything new,
the only thing that comes close
is asking for a love pure and true.

Not just love of heart
but of body, soul and mind,
that honest love of truth
that is so hard to find.

So as her eyelids start to dance
and images start to form,
she gives into these beautiful dreams
that are now being born.

As sleep takes you into dreams
and you feel her head on your chest,
know that it’s your faithful love
that gives her peaceful rest.
I believe in the beauty of miracles
the mystery of a magical night,
a promise of each new tomorrow
the stars always shining bright.

I Believe in…… Miracles

I believe in the wonders of faith
hopes and dreams coming true,
that love can move mountains
just as I believe in You.

I Believe in…… Faith

I believe in the truth of promises
made deep from within the soul,
I believe that the beauty of love
is forever to behold.

I Believe in…… Love

I believe in a bright future
many precious moments ahead,
the love within hearts spoken
leaves nothing ever left unsaid.

………….I Believe…………..
Lead my hand
in soft and gentle brush strokes
colors of love, crimson tones
                        and cerise…
glossy hues
                bleeding colors
creating a treasured masterpiece
bodies blend in bursts of color
fingertips brush the canvas
passion flares
                   glancing eyes
driving hearts into madness.

Fingers linking,
                    in gentle touch
a pure soul and heart attraction
merging colors of crimson hue
    in loves pure satisfaction.

Colors of love
                     crimson tones
    smooth and silky texture
bleeding colors upon the canvas
     as souls blend
                     in forever pleasure….
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