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 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
pluie d'été
we will all stop writing poetry
because everything we write
becomes true
and our pens don't stop bleeding
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
i was wrong.
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
i thought being with you would be okay.
i thought i was going to be alright, happy even, with you around.
i thought we were going to last forever.
i thought you would never be the one to ruin me.
i thought of you as the one who would never hurt me.
but *******, i was wrong.
i was so ******* wrong.
i miss you so ******* much.
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
i was never in love with you, i just
couldn't accurately describe the color
of your eyes. they weren't blue but
they weren't green either. maybe they
were a blue green? no, definitely not.
i was never in love with you, my heart
just beat so fat it could basically
jump out of my chest when your
fingers brushed against my thigh, and
were between mine.
i was never in love with you, i just
couldn't get you off my mind.
i was never in love with you, i just
stared at your lips while you spoke,
and even when you weren't speaking.
your lips that used to be pressed to
mine. the trails of kisses you left still
burning my skin.
i was never in love with you, it just felt
like i was.
(who am i kidding, i loved you with all i had,)
this poem is not mine, i take no credit. all credit goes to @wastedpoems on Instagram (: definitely check the page out !!
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
brandon nagley
Verse 1-
Up upon
Mount malindang;
In the cloud's
Where cherub's play.

In your arm's
In your arm's;
I shalt rest.

Verse 2-
In your dream's
Far away;
I will come
Up though my grave.

You have saved me
You have saved me;
From death..

Verse 3-
Our chariots
Sky high;
No more tears queen
Do no cry.

Est la r'eponse
Pour nous.

Chorus 1-
Sommeil, sommeil
Sommeil, reine
Sommeil, sommeil
Mon reine.

Sommeil, sommeil
Sommeil, Mon rever;
Sommeil, sommeil
Mon rever.

Verse 4-
Where your strung
Upon the cross;
I'll take you down
And feel your cuts.

I'll take your holes
I'll take your holes;
And your thorns.

Verse 5-
In the fire's
That you've been burned;
I'll be the water
That you yearn.

I'll quench you
I'll protect you;
My dove.

Verse 6-
In hell
And in the pit;
For you
My life I give.

For you to sleep

Chorus once more...

Then some adding the end.... Lol
The chorus is this translated from french to English
Chorus is this in English translated

Sleep, sleep
Sleep, queen
Sleep, sleep
My queen

Sleep, sleep
Sleep, my dream
Sleep, sleep
My dream
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
Just Melz
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
Anne Sexton
I am the love killer,
I am murdering the music we thought so special,
that blazed between us, over and over.
I am murdering me, where I kneeled at your kiss.
I am pushing knives through the hands
that created two into one.
Our hands do not bleed at this,
they lie still in their dishonor.
I am taking the boats of our beds
and swamping them, letting them cough on the sea
and choke on it and go down into nothing.
I am stuffing your mouth with your
promises and watching
you ***** them out upon my face.
The Camp we directed?
I have gassed the campers.

Now I am alone with the dead,
flying off bridges,
hurling myself like a beer can into the wastebasket.
I am flying like a single red rose,
leaving a jet stream
of solitude
and yet I feel nothing,
though I fly and hurl,
my insides are empty
and my face is as blank as a wall.

Shall I call the funeral director?
He could put our two bodies into one pink casket,
those bodies from before,
and someone might send flowers,
and someone might come to mourn
and it would be in the obits,
and people would know that something died,
is no more, speaks no more, won't even
drive a car again and all of that.

When a life is over,
the one you were living for,
where do you go?

I'll work nights.
I'll dance in the city.
I'll wear red for a burning.
I'll look at the Charles very carefully,
weraing its long legs of neon.
And the cars will go by.
The cars will go by.
And there'll be no scream
from the lady in the red dress
dancing on her own Ellis Island,
who turns in circles,
dancing alone
as the cars go by.
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
nothing will ever be as beautiful as you.

you may think that even the smallest things possess more beauty, like the way the trees sway when the wind's coming from the northwest or when your favorite song comes on the radio and the grin that appears on your face. but i promise you that there is nothing out there that will ever come close to you. i wish you thought the same about yourself as i did.
for my best friend Katie who has more self image issues than I
Lonely birds fly away home
To distant lands and far away nests
Never do they look back
For the places that they leave

Open their wings to roam
Flying a hard wind that tests
Trying to blow them back
To those places that they leave

So hard for us to let go
As they continue to grow
Letting them learn by their mistakes
No matter how your heart breaks

Take care of them for me
For I must set them free
Never let them see this tear
I will always be here
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
 Aug 2015 IvyB Xx
Luna Quinn
that** book you never read the ending of,
or even if the last page was read,
it was a cliff-hanger of myth.

that desire to call, but you were too afraid,
despite the constant need to redeem yourself,
it was almost too tense for your heart.

that kiss you never attempted to place on lips,
those lips now haunt you for eternal life,
it was & still is a bold mistake.

that ''I love you'' you never could speak of,
out of fear of rejection & bitter truths,
it was your greatest mistake of all.
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