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8.1k · Aug 2013
To My Future Husband
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
Our world has many distractions,
Many of which I've known.
But here am I in the midst of it all,
writing a poem to whom I don't know.

Most of all I love you,
More than you could know.
And someone out there, near or far,
To you my love does flow.

I cannot help but think of holding hands,
Crazy dancing and smiling glances,
Movie nights and games with friends,
Writing notes of silly romances.

I'll sing you songs,
Some sincere, others silly but true,
Cause I'm just that kind of person,
You'd best be crazy with me too!

I'll try and love your sports,
and support your teams with cheering,
I'll bring you snacks, and cuddle up,
Though on the inside I may be leering!!

I'll make you cookies and huge cakes,
whipped beautifully with cream,
Even with this I'll be so happy,
I may believe myself to dream.

Oh darling, the future feels so far,
Maybe I should embrace today,
but what good is that to me,
When half this heart is out at bay?

They think me strange, and very different,
Just waiting for my prince,
Forever thinking to my tomorrow,
Based on parent's experience.

I'm sorry mother, father,
It does hardly seem fair,
But for you I will continue on this journey,
A life lived with special care.

And they are out there, living today's life,
And while they're grounded there I twirl,

Waiting for you to find in me:

*A precious, beautiful pearl
So wait for me,
As I do you,
Listen little to this world,
To the moon and back I do love you,
Be strong big man,
Till we meet :)
1.9k · Aug 2013
Where to find me...
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
It seems that I can only be found
Where sunshine reigns and laughter blossoms,
By streams of running water
and where rainbows grow like flowers
in the fields of endless time.

I am yearning to ask every question of tomorrow,
and know,
that with every step that I take
in the lifetime I have so lovingly been offered,
I affect my eternity.

And so now,
I act.
1.9k · Feb 2015
free spirit
Isabelle Rose B Feb 2015
she loved the
in their field,

she loved the
in its light,

she loved the
after the rain,

she loved the
playing with her hair,

she loved to
as if she could fly.

she loved that
she had no cage.

**And so she loved with all her might.
She loved that she could be a great, big, colourful mess and He would love her even still.
1.6k · Jun 2015
Thank You for Laughing Eyes
Isabelle Rose B Jun 2015
Your eyes laugh
     as loud as
           Your love,
                                                           ­        So I can't
                                                           ­              hear anything
                                                        ­                        else.
                                   ­                                                                 ­ I'm deaf.

Your whispers overcome
     screaming colours, slogans, labels.
                                                   ­                 Worthless, hopeless,
                                                       ­                   impossible, hurting,
                                                        ­                        fallen, broken.

"Courage, dear heart",
       You only ever expected me.


                    ­                Everything beautiful I ever saw,
                               *was preparation for the beauty of You.
And it's all in Your eyes.

Just a collage of revelations I've been having, jumbled into this. :)
1.3k · Feb 2015
Emphasis on Capitals
Isabelle Rose B Feb 2015
she longed for Love,
but looked
in all the
wrong places.

love wasn't enough
to fill the
He's the completer, comforter, best lover. He fulfils and loves beyond warrant.
971 · Jan 2015
Deep cries to Deep
Isabelle Rose B Jan 2015
If the depth of this love,
Matched the tone of my song,
*The whole world would be deaf.
yet I'll sing louder still.
923 · Aug 2013
Oh the wind...
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
There is no way to tame the wind,
It is effortless and free
In its desire.

By some hidden map it chooses course,
With purpose, always forward
It goes onward.

The wind cares not of time nor distance,
Continuing ageless, timeless
It does not fail.

For every tear it has dried and continues,
Cooling anger, soothing souls
It's never ending.

In its path is makes changes undeniable,
Unaccountable and unexplainable
Purpose driven feat.

Storms rage over and lightning strikes, yet,
It continues, unceasing
A force unstoppable.

In these whispers we hear each word,

I am. I was. And I will be.

**God is in the gentle wind
The wind is something we can see everyday. It has no real purpose. Yet it is there. And it does affect nature. Does not God affect His people too? And in His love so many are set free. How can one accept the wind, in all it's invisibility, yet deny the very part of them they need, the greatest love in all the earth. Inexplainable yet never failing is God's perfect love to any who will accept it. But it is not a senseless wind. Haha! No! It is awesome, powerful grace! :)
818 · Oct 2013
Isabelle Rose B Oct 2013
Why is there a call to identity?
It is so overridden with our desire to belong.

I wander if it is a desire to belong,
or a want of acceptance?
Is it even for want of acceptance,
Or the need and longing for love?

How does one gain singular identity,
through love?

Maybe it is love that completes us,
Fills the holes in our souls.

If love is what gives us our real identity,
Then in perfect love we are made whole.
Is 'belonging' even real?

Just starting this in English at school. Initial thoughts...
792 · Oct 2013
Falling to Rise
Isabelle Rose B Oct 2013
Happy tears in perfect love.
A fire of warmth, arms wrapped round tight.
Abundant joy.

Voices shouted triumph on that day.
Higher than we could hear,
But OH! How they were rejoicing.

When this soul allowed itself,
Falling into open arms,
A party was had on high.

It's never easy;
Falling back,
but the freedom that it brings,

Never fails;
**Setting captives free.
To completely surrender,
Definitely harder than it seems.
There are so many distractions,
From that high pinnacle;
The view, the cost.
But living in the glory,
Is worth more than the world could ever imagine itself to be.
704 · Aug 2013
Beating the Weather
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
Over desperation, grief and isolation,

Over fear, hatred and despair,

Over *******, uselessness and slumber,

On wings like eagles,
Oh! How we soar!

Through love you take me,
Where nothing will compare.

With one word,


You bring me through the storm.
642 · Jan 2015
Isabelle Rose B Jan 2015
is life but learning the meaning of love,
so we can better understand Love itself?
we love for He first loved us.

all the joy. all the heartbreak. the coming home. completeness.
563 · Dec 2013
Sun - Shine On (please)
Isabelle Rose B Dec 2013
This whole world could turn

                                                       upside down

                                                          ­                         and I would still be sitting here, watching rays of
                                                                ­                   sunlight hitting the horizon, dreaming of roses and
                                                             ­                                              the romantic notions of golden carriages.
Haha. I guess we all have such moments... :)
552 · Aug 2013
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
Rose coloured glasses matter little,

If one's eyes are closed.
Don't miss the beauty of life.
                                           Keep your eyes wide open
482 · Oct 2013
Ups and Downs
Isabelle Rose B Oct 2013
Our love is like a roller coaster.*

I'm forever journeying life's ups and downs,
But you give the momentum
that keeps me on track.
Thanks Daddy God :) haha.
But seriously,
Thank you.

And, dearest mother, our crazy conversations give me... unique revelations!
425 · Feb 2014
Touch this Heart
Isabelle Rose B Feb 2014
Don't let my words
             speak, 'nothing',

Because nothing
             compares to Your love,

And Your love,

                   *is all I need
420 · Aug 2013
Define normal...
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
You* can't expect me to be 'normal'
               When you live in an



... Or so you say...
Not impressed... Hahaha
405 · Aug 2013
Fallen clocks
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
The ticking of a clock,
Oh! the warmth it brings.

The thoughts of a second past three
Overwhelm this small, bright being.

The red hand


Continuous. And in any minute this day will end.

Until tomorrow. Yes. Tomorrow.
It will come again.
Smile. The bell just rang :)
399 · Aug 2013
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
From where comes the power behind the wind?
359 · Aug 2013
Sickness is wrong
Isabelle Rose B Aug 2013
My heart's in pieces,


Without soul
Haha. Sick day. Not even heart broken. Just feeling so out of it.

— The End —