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 Sep 2014 mip
 Sep 2014 mip
"her writing depresses me" he says

my voice quivers, falls up toward
space and crashes
against the sea-salt waves. my voice

s-s-s-stutters, repeats the first
syllable five times and once again
for an even six, repeats, repeats,
repeats. my voice is

quiet and every teacher i've
ever had calls on me with a
"speak up!" but no one ever

writing is the only voice i've ever known
you will not take that from me.
someone  told me this today when i was reciting a writing prompt in class; my thoughts on it are pretty clear.
 Sep 2014 mip
 Sep 2014 mip
You taught me to have coffee without sugar.
Only now do I understand what that means.
Bitter lover.
 Sep 2014 mip
My poetry sucks
 Sep 2014 mip
My poetry *****

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore

Sticking a verse

In front of your face

Oozing with love

All over the place

Creamsicle colors

Metaphors thick

Wasting your time

Making you sick

Finding a title

Spending the time

Just like this poem

Something to rhyme

Or it could be free-verse…

Drifting on metallic clouds in copper spoons

dreaming in patterns of silhouette shadows

and my foot falls asleep

Maybe a Senryu

Read at your own risk

Dumb crap being written here

***** bags needed

Perhaps a Haiku

Softly floats the bird

Atop morning glory skies

**** thing **** on me

Or a Tanka, a Sonnet

A Villanelle or an Assterring

The last one is nothing

I made up the **** thing

So you see I’m no poet

Least not anymore

For what you are seeing

Is what you abhor

And I’m not complaining

Not here on this screen

My pen is on empty

I’m ready to leave

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore
 Sep 2014 mip
Devin Blazejowski
Body shaking
Heart racing
Mind scattered
Feeling dizzy
Need help
Can't talk
Go away
Can't walk
Pass out
Why not cry a little too

Hello my name is anxiety
 Sep 2014 mip
my town
where wild flowers grow
between tram tracks.
there was a time when
it was hardly morning,
no bridge into daylight.

walls had ears,
neighbors had eyes
whispering behind the curtains
there was an emptiness in the guts
of the city
and poetry locked in the drawers,
Borges was read under the blankets
while Dostoievski was  a comforter:
demons were embedded.

yeah, people were clapping and smiling
watching the nub of history, numb
they had a life to live,
what can you say?

one day the radio
burst on in the streets
some were shivering in the attic
"we are free", they said
"we are free",
came the echo in trance

"shhhhh"! said others,
let us wipe the blood
don't disturb the sacrificed
so we can sleep
without dreams

it's Thursday in my town
streets are weary
and our souls are
slowly expanding
Thank you, Eliot, for this choice! I am glad that this poem was chosen for the Daily Poem because for me it is a reminder that people died for freedom and struggled against oppression in times when "Cruelty knits a snare,/And spreads his baits with care", as the poet says. (William Blake, The Human Abstract)
 Sep 2014 mip
 Sep 2014 mip
If I get lost, promise you'd leave me be
Let me walk alone in my circles
I'll find my way back...almost instinctively
Through looping thoughts and scribbles

If I should trip, promise you'd let me fall
Scrape my knee and scream a voiceless scream
Weight of the universe may seem crushing to shoulders so small
I'll walk it off and regain newfound steam

If I show signs of buckling, promise you'd let me collapse into nothing
Let me fold into myself...into an unnoticeable speck
There is solace in this space when the walls are caving
Soon I would reinvent and renew from that wreck

If I suffer a cut, promise you'd just let me bleed
Let the black of my soul gush out
Within it I would find the seed
To which all of my rantings are about

If I should begin to write, promise you'd read my scrawls
Take them as they are and not to heart
Just thoughts versus words that mean much or nothing at all
They'd stitch me anew when I start to break apart

If I keep losing myself, promise that you'd let me be
The circles I tread are very much predictable
They'd always lead me around... Don't treat me differently
Just stay where you are... I'll come back round, fresh and able...
 Sep 2014 mip
Stars (10W)
 Sep 2014 mip
freckles      are
like the
to my
night       sky.
This is a sequel to my post 'Freckles'.
And this line I heard is from a stranger telling his gf how her freckles make him love her more. God bless them:)
If we spent as much time
humbling ourselves to God's  grace,
as we did worrying about things,
we wouldn't  have to try so hard to be happy;
the smile would come naturally,
and the laughter would be more genuine.
God loves you, all the hardships you go through, are all blessings, it's up to you, because of free will, as to whether or not you grow from a situation.
may peace and love be with you.
 Sep 2014 mip
 Sep 2014 mip
"Sorry isn't enough"

Then I am sorry for being insufficient
for i cannot fix a broken heart
nor give back the time we lost

all i can offer is myself
and even i am not complete

but this is all i can offer
and this is my everything
but sometimes everything isn't enough
 Sep 2014 mip
 Sep 2014 mip
watching you, just standing
there- as the world is
fitting into place around
you, a puzzle
for which
I am unfit,
the wrong shape
and you don't care
not posted a poem in so long lol
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