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My window frames me in reflection,
I gaze out to the snowy mountains
Beyond myself, yet before such places
You have run to, it has been so long,
Now comes another new winter, I see
Snow drifts reaching, winds to the sky,
High atop the autumn white mountains
Paler than loneliness, white as my hair.
Some nights I sieve my
soul for a droplet of light
to know dark's not won.
My daddy has a job,
And it makes the Angels cry.
It isn't really supposed to,
He doesn't even try.

He always watches over me,
And tries to help me fly,
But he can never hold me,
And that makes the Angels cry.

My daddy always loved me,
He said it everyday.
I know that he still does,
Even though he cannot say.

My daddy watches over me,
Until the day I die,
'Till then he cannot hold me,
And the Angels will still cry.
Written 7-21-13
I Illustrated it on 3-9-14
It was written for both my step father who had raised me from six months old until I was seven. He died in a car accident.
And also a man who was like my father, who died due to a heart attack almost two years ago.
I love you both with all my heart, Rest in Peace.
In the light I've been dreaming
of angels born screaming
to taste
of the darkness of night.

In the dark I've been bitten
by demons still hidden
to wait
for the brightest of days

And angels hold brilliance
And the demons': poor ignorance
and those demons want back to the light

But there's never
a path in sight

And the only illumination to come
is a terrifying thing

Because the Son
Shall strike down their king.
the sad story of Lucifer's temptation and fall(with followers), and the judgement
 May 2016 Harly Coward
With the ever present dichotomy
The nature of mankind
Giving devils and angels a safe-house
For the soulless to find

Evil possessing the demons we see
Or is evil possessed
The good we see because humanity
And angels cannot care

Quickly we jump to make accusations
But how can that be fair
Shirking responsibility because
The shame we cannot bear

Our demons we must absolve ourselves of
Or dark our future grows
Let us manifest righteousness and love
We can become angels
 May 2016 Harly Coward
The evil demon haunts the night
Giving the world one heck of a fright
They slay they slaughter
They cause big fires
They destroy the soul with words left unspoken

The holy angel praises and sings
It's beautiful voice makes rings and dings
They nurture they heal
They are a big deal
They save the lives with words left unspoken

The fallen angels are confused
They feel hopeless and used
They **** and they save
They set free and they slave
They love and hate with words left
So who do you think the humans are?
I don't know where to start,
or where to end.
The feelings you give me,
they aren't butterflies
but angels.
 May 2016 Harly Coward
How can I miss,
long for, lust
after skin I haven't
ever touched?
He would declare and could himself believe
That the birds there in all the garden round
From having heard the daylong voice of Eve
Had added to their own an oversound,
Her tone of meaning but without the words.
Admittedly an eloquence so soft
Could only have had an influence on birds
When call or laughter carried it aloft.
Be that as may be, she was in their song.
Moreover her voice upon their voices crossed
Had now persisted in the woods so long
That probably it never would be lost.
Never again would birds’ song be the same.
And to do that to birds was why she came.
Not only sands and gravels
Were once more on their travels,
But gulping muddy gallons
Great boulders off their balance
Bumped heads together dully
And started down the gully.
Whole capes caked off in slices.
I felt my standpoint shaken
In the universal crisis.
But with one step backward taken
I saved myself from going.
A world torn loose went by me.
Then the rain stopped and the blowing,
And the sun came out to dry me.
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