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 Apr 2020 kain
There is a boy in my closet
The boy is friendly but stays hidden
When I look in the mirror there he is
I became jealous of who he is
He says he wants to come out  
I decided to ignore it
But the curiosity grew bit by bit
Until I could barely stand it
But when I went downstairs my unapproving mother stood there
The boy wasn’t at ease with what our plan began to be
Because in reality, the boy was really me
But all people can see is she
That part wasn’t cut out for me
I don’t understand the big deal if I'm a he
 Apr 2020 kain
In another life
I know we are together
In another life
The distance wouldn't matter
In another life
I know I shall not weep
In another life
I know our love would keep
And though this life is dismal
And though this life is poor
I know that we are happy
In another world
Sometimes I wonder what if
But then I catch myself
There is more to this
Than what we could have been
And I know that it is futile
To try and cut you off
And though it hurts to see you
It's better than nothing at all
I wonder if it was easy
For you to break it off
I wonder if it's easy
For you to just move on
 Apr 2020 kain
Garrett Johnson
Only but the road.

With the soda sauce.
Embrace at the space needle.
And playing Neil Young on the corner.
She gets it all.
& owes none.
High parked at a stop off in Gold Bar.
Sleep in the back.
So close.
A gypsy nightmare is just a dream.
Wake to an acoustic cry.
Subtlety in early air.
We slow dance to sounds of Donovan.
And feel the feel that felt it all.

Garrett Johnson
Down by the river.
To wake on the forest floor.
 Apr 2020 kain
april fourth
 Apr 2020 kain
it's been
nine days
since it all came crashing down
nine whole days
and then some more
nine days ago i lost a friend
i lost my appetite
i lost my motivation
i lost hope
i lost my will to live
i lost my happiness
i lost my love
i lost my dreams
and i lost myself.
(C) Elissar Mustapha
12 Apr. 2020
 Apr 2020 kain
Marry the person who says "and I love you" after every other thing. Marry the person who lets you borrow their favourite shirt. Marry the person who remembers what you like. Who goes to the movie theater early to buy the tickets. Marry the person who rubs your shoulders when you lean forward, so you don't have to ask them to. Marry the person who gives you the last bite of everything. Give it back to them. Marry the person who's willing to watch movies they hate with you, just because you love them. Watch movies they love instead. Marry the person who's scent you can recognize across a room. Who surprises you with little, meaningful things. Who knows a lot about music. Marry the person who can always make you laugh, if only out if unbridled joy when they're not funny. Who considers you home. Who you can tell all your deepest, I really mean deepest secrets. And who can tell you theirs. Marry the person who you smile about. Marry the person who smiles about you. Marry the person who looks at you with complete open jawed awe, eyes bright and fixed, smile indelibly grafted on their face. Marry the person who makes you feel like you're in a movie every time they kiss you. Marry the person you know you need. The person who needs you. And need each other, forever.
 Apr 2020 kain
miranda schooler
marry someone who lets you have a bite of their brownie , 
even when you said you weren’t hungry . 
marry someone who laughs at the same things you do .
marry someone who kisses your nose on a cold day . 
marry someone who you can watch disney movies with . 
marry someone who is proud of you whether you earn $5 a week or $5,000 a week . 
marry someone who you can tell everything to . marry someone who isn’t afraid or embarrassed to hold your hand in
public .
marry someone who you can spend the day in Ikea with without feeling stressed . 
marry someone who wraps you up inside their coat in the winter . 
marry someone who accepts your fears and phobias . 
marry someone who gives you butterflies every time you hear their key in the door . 
marry someone who you don’t always have to shave your legs for . 
marry someone who accepts you all day every day , even when you don’t look or feel your best . 
marry someone who puts three sugars in your tea , despite telling them 
“ just the two ” . 
marry someone who doesn’t judge you when you eat your body weight in cookies . 
marry someone who doesn’t make you want to check your phone, because you know they will reply .
marry someone who waits with you to get on the train . 
marry someone who understands that you need to be alone sometimes .
marry someone who gets on well with your parents and isn’t uptight about family events . 
marry someone who calms you down when you get mad about stupid stuff , and never tells you it’s “ only stupid stuff ” . 
marry someone who makes you want to be a better person . 
marry someone who makes you laugh . 
marry someone who you love . 
marry your soulmate , your lover , 
your best friend .
 Apr 2020 kain
Letters from Lia
We are all victims
of failed society
They criticize
They hate
They judge
and we all just
stood there
and broken.
We are too numb
to feel,
We pretend to be deaf
about what they say,
We stay blind
of the things they did,
We are the outcast
of this broken world,
We remain silent
creating our own
vast world within
our enormous
we stand
taller than towers
There, our inner voices
speak the loudest
There, our sight
and imagination
is boundless.
I said
they will
all fall, and
I'd be too
oblivious to hear
all of their screams"
—they made me like this.
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