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  May 2016 Hannah Martin
My life
Is like
A mosaic.

Shattered pieces
Fit together,
In hopes
To look
I could relate to the project we're doing in my art class.
  May 2016 Hannah Martin
Jack Jenkins
Why does my heart keep beating?                                    
**                                          It died long ago...
  May 2016 Hannah Martin
m i a
i don't think i've ever felt this way about someone before,
you always seem to sneak into my thoughts at around four,
you always seem to make my inner core, burst with fire
because of my lovely desire
for you,
and only you
even when i'm the bluest of blues,
you have no clue,
how happy you make me,
with a simple 'how are you?'
darling i can't help myself,
falling for you,
but please tell me one thing,
*am i in love with you, or the feeling?
i honestly don't know what love feels like. so am i in love with you, or the feeling of being in love with you?
  May 2016 Hannah Martin
Sk Abdul Aziz
When you have an issue with someone or vice-versa, try talking to that person and aim to sort it out...don't wait for the other person to come to you..having an ego the size of an ostrich's egg is not going to help have to abandon your ego...if even after talking to the person things don't work out then so be it...but at least make the effort.
Hannah Martin Apr 2016
To be able to fall asleep,
And never wake up

To avoid looking in the mirror,
Or making up lies about why you're acting weird

Vanquish all fears and worries,
All doubts and concerns

To escape the world,
To forget everything

The good times,
Filled with laughter and joy

The sad times,
Filled with tears and sorrow

The angry times,
Filled with rage and hate

The cursed times,
Filled with cutting and scratching

To forget the color of the sky,
Or the smell of the ocean

To forget the sound of a bird,
Or the feel of the wind in your hair

To sleep forever,
Not even true love could wake you

It's hard to love someone,
When you're filled with so much emptiness
Hannah Martin Mar 2016
Riding in the car,
Gazing out the window.

Mellow music in your earbuds,
Weather is cool and crisp.

It’s nice to just lose yourself,
To get lost in your world.

Forget about reality,
And let your mind wander.

As you admire the world around,
You wonder where life will take you.

What will you become?
Will you be who you dreamed you would?

As life continues,
How much longer do you have?
  Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
Star Gazer
We will never know what the future holds
But only by letting go of the past
Can we aim to slowly build a future
That we might like to see.

Goodbye to problems of the past
Hello to the pathway to the future
I realise my life doesn't have to end because the things around me do. I am now feeling much better, literally came to me in a dream where I was in a haunted house and I walked pass this guy and he grabbed my arm and I ran straight for the exit and as I left the house, it burned into nothingness.  I'm saying goodbye to the past. Goodbye to the person I used to love. Goodbye to the light and hope for you i held. Goodbye to writing my sad feelings. Yall see the side of star gazer that keeps a level head and is always happy. Goodbye to sad poetry and most importantly hello to the future.
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