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  Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
Star Gazer
I tried losing weight,
I was certain I was good at eating
So I let my insecurities devour me.
"Ugh who the **** is that monstrosity?"
Staring in the mirror became difficult,
I became a vampire, creating a house
without any mirrors in my vision
and as I slowly saw myself submerge
deeper into that monstrosity in the mirror
I realised, this is no longer a home,
this is a house, this is a judgemental house
where even the mirrors
are eating at my internal flame
and as my candles flickered
I knew I was never going to ever look good
So I starved myself over and over,
And when the scales read my weight,
I saw "Math Error" or "Syntax Error",
Because I knew, I was everything wrong.

I to this day, hate the way I look,
And everyday as I drive
My front view mirror reflects-
A ******* monstrosity.
Hannah Martin Mar 2016
I hate myself.

I’m not pretty enough,
I’m not skinny enough.

I can’t seem to do anything right,
I always ***** myself over.

I hate myself.

Getting myself into trouble,
Why can’t I do anything right?

I’m sorry I’m not a good enough daughter,
Or friend, or person.

I hate myself.

I have a tendency to push people away,
But then wonder why nobody is there for me.

I don’t know how to ask for help,
I feel like nobody is there to listen.

I hate myself.

I hurt myself physically and emotionally,
I wish I could be happy.

I hate myself,
And I want to **** myself.
  Mar 2016 Hannah Martin
m i a
lonely nights,
verbal fights,
no more flying kites,
blind to imaginary knights,
losing sight of light,
this doesnt seem right,
life is no longer a delight,
reality woke me up today telling me, "get the **** up, you're not a kid anymore." which was oh so lovely.
Hannah Martin Mar 2016
“Are you okay?”
Three simple words.
You either mean them,
Or you could simply care less.

Since when do you care if something is wrong?
Are you only asking because I’m ignoring you?
You want to feel guilt free,
Like you weren’t the source of my pain.

Just leave me alone,
I don’t want to talk to you.

I don’t feel like trying to explain myself,
And I don’t have to.

Maybe I don’t even have a reason.
Maybe I’m so used to being sad all the time,
It never really goes away.

Just because I smile,
Doesn’t mean I’m okay.

Smiles can be faked,
Smiles don’t always equal happiness.

It doesn’t matter what the outside looks like,
Since I’m dying on the inside.

The answer to your question is no,
I’m not o-*******-kay.

Why you ask?
Who knows,
I have trouble keeping track these days.

All I know is,
I’m not okay.
  Feb 2016 Hannah Martin
why am i
being blamed for something
i didn't do?

when is it going to stop
being my fault?

why is it
always me
who takes the fall?

when will i
put myself
back together?

will i still
be able to?
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