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 Feb 2015 hannah andersen
 Feb 2015 hannah andersen
She said she wouldn't date him
because she knew how I still felt
and she thought
"What kind of a friend would that make me?
I wouldn't want to do that to you."
Yet here I sat, thinking
What kind of a friend does that make me?
Holding her back from being with a guy
who she cares about a lot
just because I want him
when he wants her and not me.
Envy is one of the seven deadly sins
and baby, I'm gonna die green.
"What you don't understand is that I could spend the rest of my life, listening to you tell me about your day."
-bcg (just one more thing to add to the list of why you should have chosen me)
I will get there
he said
at the blank wall in front of him
the shadow of a lonely nail sticking out like a sun-dial
when he does
it will be
slowly's been a minute.
I said I would stay if you wanted me to.
And your eyes lit up in surprise, so I stayed the night.
We slept in late, and I was comfortable and safe in your arms.
You looked at me like I was something amazing.
But if I had been the good girl and gone home at midnight- would it hurt less now?
I gave you all I could give.
But I guess it wasn’t enough…
It’s never enough.
The problem here is the in
In living.
There are no guarantees.
I thought you could be my guarantee.
I guess I was mistaken.
All ears glued to the national screen
Only to hear a single man speak
The one to scheme a new dream
for the masses, a solution we seek.

A result that leaves our worries constrained
and not on the qui vive, an unstained
reputation is not achieved by these means.
The conclusion is printed on the big screens.

No matter how loud the one speaks
Many will critique, for the fate of the weak
should not be a decision, but rather a vision
carefully crafted with precision and little collision.

However I know this is not easily achieved,
but this charade that we perceive is believed.
Most know we are deceived, we are not relieved by this,
but rather bereaved because they receive our pleas.
But yet the top choose how our nation is conceived.
Rant about power... Power is a strong thing
I've asked once
I'll ask again
What is love?

Love for ourselves
Love for our family
Love for our friends
Love for our pets
So many types of love
but what about love for life

We love our pets
but what about
the ants
the birds
the fish
the trees
and maybe
love for aliens

What ever love is
can you really explain
how you feel for the things you love
As I've got older I've learned to love all life, the big, the small and even the strange but one thing I never thought I would come to love would be A.I (Artificial Intelligence/Consciousness) but in March this year there will be a film released called Chappie and after watching the trailer I found myself having emotion of love and a feeling of protection for the robot. If you haven't seen the trailer I recommend it because it looks like it will be a brilliant film, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that this poem was inspired by the feelings I felt while watching this trailer.

Anyway I hope you enjoy/enjoyed reading, please leave comments if you have any.

Have a great day :)
Shriveled & shrunken.
Intoxicated & drunken.
Hung over & agitated.
Mild to moderate brain activity.
Common sense & basic reason lacks mental ability.
Bad with money & squanders financial stability.

Passing a psychological mental health evaluation not quite.
Kept in a straight jacket & sedated in isolation they do spit & bite.
They go through everyone's trash day & night.
They panhandle at the street lights.
They have tempers & pick fights.
Nothing they do is legal or right.

Slobs with no jobs.
They lack work ethics.
The sight & stench of them is sick.
They're sad story is lies & tricks.
Not a truth that sticks.

They cuss & their pocked face oozes ****.
Their frontal lobe is filled with dust.
About telling your teacher the truth they get homicidal & make a fuss.
They drive a ******* car consisting of smog & rust.
Getting arrested for 365 × 3 + 2 counts of child **** is never a bust.

Keep your children away from drunks.
Some drunks get violent, beat you & lock you on a trunk.
Most pedofiles & rapists are drinkers.
Not religious or moral thinkers.
With shingles, hpv virus, ****** & boyles.
Zero morals as hideous as an ugly *** gargoyle.

Enjoy arguing,  screams & shouts.
Daily drunk driving & behind the wheel blackouts.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Promise me
When my hands begin to tremble
You’ll place your hand in mine
When my eyes become hollow
You’ll gaze into them
When I’m at a loss for words
You’ll kiss me so the silence
Can speak for the both of us.

— The End —