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 May 2014 Hana Jacob
I am here not to stay
But to prepare a way
In the place where there is no decay.
#shortest #paradise #eternallife
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
Feeling like I’m floating in a pool of happiness
All is well, everything is okay and there is a sight of
straight and narrow way
Decays are banded and ghost from Satan is stranded
A chance for Eternity, that’s all I see

I’ve been in the side of this world’s distress
In a room where there is an overflowing of mess
I’ve been in a haunted place before
Loads of problems, trials and aches that cuts me to the core

I still remember the confusion of being unknown
I can do nothing but buried myself and frown
Those “Life is so unfair!” moments rings in my mind
The point where I can’t lift where I should stand

And what I realized now is God is love, generosity and everything
I once believe in this. Now I never allow my weakness to paralyze me
I learned the most important lesson in my life:
That is my one certainty; we are all the manifestation of His divinity

He never promises us an easy journey, only safe arrival …
This is an original composition. I wrote it 4th of December, 2012, then revised it last 5th of February, 2014.
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
You enter because you want me and you to have jam
But to make it clear, you are not welcome
I know you very wee
In to the point that you made me fell.

And trust me, that was my biggest mistake
The bad feeling that i'd rather be bake
I am trying to forget you
But you show up like mushrooms do.

You are the boss of all the sin
And you are working 24/7 to keep us mean
Yes, I expect you to exist in my life
A Trespasser who is holding a knife.

Satan you are not welcome
Turn around and never come
I'm over you and I'm so glad to lose you
A Trespasser like you deserves a boo!
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
Different people in same ways
Same problems but different decays
In this life, we should always move ahead
So wake up, get up in bed.

Have you ever think how does a round pizza place in the square box?
Not fit and compatible as rice place in sacks
Have you ever wonder why glue doesn't stick to it's container?
Not like hell where perfect folks are sinner.

It was cool how life brings unanswered questions
That made us wonder and suddenly make conclusions
It's funny how life brings confusement
When the only tool is perfect arrangement.
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
"Roll! Take One, Action!"
It feels like I'm in a movie
Filming my own story
Directing myself without a parody.

I act, tears fall and mouth grins
Go jogging and walking in the park while eating beans
Others should realize that, that's life
Enjoying it's every part, left and right.

That's what I want to take
If I'm given a Last 5 Seconds to make
To give my life a recess
Like a kindergarten not suffering from stress.

Life is too beautiful
To spend time thinking how to be useful
Stand up, be fearless.
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
There's something about this past few days
I can't explain what's going on
I can't do nothing but to continue and hold on
All I know now is I am smiling without knowing how.

In the back of my mind, there is you lookin' at me in secrecy
I'll never forget the feeling I felt while you are waving
I still recall the playful conversation at the stairs
I don't know why, but I am captivated by your eye.
This is an incomplete poem. Haha, some words are not accurate to post in here because this poem is base from a real life experience, I mean all my poems.
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
The feeling again comes knocking in my heart
We shake our hands for many times and I always meanings
In my heart, you are always remembered
It was wrong, but maybe now: I love you like a love song.

The first time seeing you laughing up to your lungs
I'm gettin' crazy but I hide it in my bangs
There's a part of you that you look like Liam Payne
Member of One Direction that made me insane.
To all my friend, family and people who knows me, Yes! I do have this thing called "Crushlife" Haha :D
I love mysteries so much that I became one. (John Green's Papertowns inspired words)
 May 2014 Hana Jacob
I will always have this 50 reasons why I love you
I will always have this faith of meeting you again
I will always keep this beats that I am feeling
I will always have this daydream walking with you.

I will always go back, turn the page of my life when we are on the same road
I will always imagine the sparks that flew from your eyes
I will always recall those long talks
I will always remember those butterflies.

I will always miss you
I will always be captivated by your eye
I will always want to hang-out with you in the rest of mt life
I will always want to keep you forever.
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