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waiting for death
like a cat
that will jump on the

I am so very sorry for
my wife

she will see this
shake it once, then


Hank won't

it's not my death that
worries me, it's my wife
left with this
pile of

I want to
let her know
that all the nights
beside her

even the useless
were things
ever splendid

and the hard
I ever feared to
can now be

I love
I cut the middle fingernail of the middle
right hand
real short
and I began rubbing along her ****
as she sat upright in bed
spreading lotion over her arms
and *******
after bathing.
then she lit a cigarette:
"don't let this put you off,"
an smoked and continued to rub
the lotion on.
I continued to rub the ****.
"You want an apple?" I asked.
"sure, she said, "you got one?"
but I got to her-
she began to twist
then she rolled on her side,
she was getting wet and open
like a flower in the rain.
then she rolled on her stomach
and her most beautiful ***
looked up at me
and I reached under and got the
**** again.
she reached around and got my
****, she rolled and twisted,
I mounted
my face falling into the mass
of red hair that overflowed
from her head
and my flattened **** entered
into the miracle.
later we joked about the lotion
and the cigarette and the apple.
then I went out and got some chicken
and shrimp and french fries and buns
and mashed potatoes and gravy and
cole slaw,and we ate.she told me
how good she felt and I told her
how good I felt and we
ate the chicken and the shrimp and the
french fries and the buns and the
mashed potatoes and the gravy and
the cole slaw too.
halfmoonprxnce Jan 2018
Connection with you
    jolts of electricity
Racing to my core.
  Jan 2018 halfmoonprxnce
your presence compares
to the soft kisses of the
4 o'clock sunshine.
  Jan 2018 halfmoonprxnce
Reza Bavar
No music… no music… no music...
No Music can compare to the song we made

You were the violin and I was the piano
Our chords danced in the ether
A melody sublime

Rising and falling we created color

The fusion the friction the ferocity the fantasy

The fantasy… the fantasy… the fantasy...

The fantasy evaporated
The song had to


And, we both know...
It wouldn’t sound the same if we played it again

The chords are too familiar
                                                    The melody's not as sweet
  Jan 2018 halfmoonprxnce
I can hear you crying through the walls,
the muffled, choking of your feelings.
you're falling apart before my very soul,
and all I can do is knock on your door.
I just want to be your friend again.
Open up to me, Kinac.

halfmoonprxnce Jan 2018
when all is falling apart
it's just the renovation of our hearts

Maybe it's all a sign
that the hurt
is the beginning
of my healing.
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