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  Nov 2017 halfmoonprxnce
Larry Dixon
I slowly slide my hand down your spine.
I run them to your hips, as I kiss you’re perfect lips.
I look deep into your eyes until you beg for all nine.
I start to slip in the tip as we dig in with our fingertips and tighten our grips.

I push in half the shaft.
Our hearts race and we lose all sense of control.
It begins to feel like some type of witchcraft.
We are so engulfed in pleasure that we touch each other’s soul.

Our bodies finally connect and become one.
Being inside you makes me lose all sense of reality.
The lines that separate dreams and reality have come undone.
Everything that could be, or set us free are between you and me.

At this time we both finish.
And our ****** urges diminish.
halfmoonprxnce Nov 2017
All her clothes
pooled on the floor around them

His hands were seeds
planting a luxuriant garden of
exotically alluring flowers
on every risen goosebump
as though they were lush soil beds

The only clothing left on her
was the warm luster of his body
on top

blanketing her
  Nov 2017 halfmoonprxnce
You are like the ocean.
Beautiful and mysterious.
I want to explore every inch of you.

You are like the forest.
Calm and quiet.
I could get lost in you for hours.

You are like the breeze on a summer day.
Warm and comforting.
Let me soak you into my skin.

You are like a flower.
You have rooted yourself into my heart.
Let me help you grow.
I took inspiration from a previous poem that I wrote titled ´Dear Future Partner` I made something negative, positive.
halfmoonprxnce Nov 2017
It's 12:01 AM and
do you know what you did to me?
I can't stop crying
I'm sad even though you're not mine

I don't know
if I miss you
or the idea of you.

do you know how weak you make me
when you utter my name
or brush against me
or gleam into my eyes

It's 12:01 AM
and I just want to hold your hand forever
until the day I die
I want you right here
in my arms
I want you to be my home,
my last resort,
my only source of sunshine
when a dark cloud looms over me

It's 12:01 AM
and I'm wasting tears over you
because I like you.
But I know it's all in my head,
Because I seek your validation.
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