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 Mar 2015 Graiam Brown
prom itself is just an overglorified dance
the after party is where the real fun begins
sitting at the kitchen table of my best friend's house
sipping strawberry margaritas her mom made
then progressing to shots of tequila
and playing shots uno, steadily getting more and more dizzy
until i'm trying to twerk on a wall
and calling my friends to tell them i love them
pretending to be a koala on an armrest
updating my snapchat story so people at other gatherings can be jealous
forgetting how to pull my pants back up in the bathroom
talking to my ex boyfriend for an hour on the phone, telling him
exactly why i didn't dance with him at prom
and that i fingered myself for a boy
and i wanted to tell him and everyone, for that matter, about her
but i didn't because rejection and rumors are my worst enemies
he stays quiet and the only sound left is
my frantic whispering that i hope i stay this happy in the morning
because sober me lays in the deep end of the spectrum of sadness
If only we were in love
We’d be planning our day
We’d be excited about flowers
And romance our special way

If only we were in love
We’d know just what to do
But it wouldn’t be just one day
It would be all the others too

If only we were in love
If only we were in love
If only is all we can think of
Because if only
Is only what lonely people think of

If only we were in love
We wouldn’t have to wonder
Our eyes would burn like embers
From the spell we are under

If only we were in love
Every day would tell our story
We would believe in tomorrow
We’d know when to say I’m sorry

If only we were in love
If only we were in love
If only is all we can think of
Because if only
Is only what lonely people think of
 Feb 2015 Graiam Brown
a boy talked about you today
stated that he could tell that
i still loved you
said he could tell by the way
my cheeks flushed red when
he talked about you
when he asked a question
he said he knew to ask me
because i was the one who
knew you best
 Feb 2015 Graiam Brown
My hands were shaking
Not as hard as yours, I'm sure

You almost lost everything and I
was forced to watch,
bearing silent witness to a
destruction not my own
but at which I felt at fault,
thus I digested it as my own

Who knows?

In my mind, I had lived fantasies of
something like this happening--
you, helpless, I hold fast to your life and then
salvaging you, just barely,
scaring us both out of life and then
falling back into something new--
dark, strange, and yet intimate

This has happened to me twice now (for real)
and neither time was nearly as glamorous as
I had played out in my mind

(I'm a stupid girl)

Both times I felt drained of a vital energy I couldn't
call back--ever

I became an echo
of me
and us?
we were skeletons of
the children we once were. Both times
robbed me---
of sleep, and years, and appetite.
robbed me---
of innocence, and soul, and
which always
bleeds out uncontrollably
in times like these

and out with love
spreads guilt and shame

(I'm a jinx, I'm a cursed girl)

across the tar, filling the black empty
cracks with invaluable energy

Full of foreign weight
cargo stored too long
too far pushed down our throats
too removed

My hands were shaking
Not as hard or as long as yours
I'm sure
I watched the clock

In that minute
108 people died

what if one of those people happen to be
someone I knew
someone I love

so I have come to this epiphany
what the **** am I doing

I just wasted one minute of my life
a minute that someone could only wish for now
so why am I wishing my minutes away

love someone?
tell them
they don't love you back?
let them go. now.
have a test?
feeling sad?
cry and cry and cry
feeling happy?
spread it

because every minute that passes
will never come back
and even though I love you,
the minutes are still passing,
and I know you are not coming back.
do I even make sense
 Jan 2015 Graiam Brown
 Jan 2015 Graiam Brown
Black - the color of death
Defined by the absence of color...and life
Black is the colour of a dying soul
and the lives tossed in among the coal
Black is the colour of a crimson sky
From the battles and wars that took place in time
Black is the colour of a child's tears
Curled up in a corner and drenched in fear
Black is the sound of a fired gun
And black is a mother's tears cried out for her son
Black is the lives lost out at sea
and the bound and the tortured waiting to be free
Black is the colour of the mutilated and broken
Black is darkness
To some extent it's inside us all
affecting our feelings and mind
slowly creeping up behind
take this absence and fill it with life
invert our black into white
and create inside us an everlasting light,
the truth
Please don't repost this without giving credit to "Black Sideburns."
 Jan 2015 Graiam Brown
 Jan 2015 Graiam Brown
when i was younger never understood why some people would wear black all the time
i swore to myself that i would never be one of those people
i guess im a hypocrite
i thought that black was such a basic color
but it is anything but basic
its the color i find the most comfort in
it it my invisibility cloak
it warms my soul
my heart skips a beat when i see someone dressed in it from head to toe
it is such a deep and beautiful color
i guess i changed
 Jan 2015 Graiam Brown
You see
A person only truly falls in love
Once in their life time
And once that time is used up
There is no more.
You can lie to yourself
And to others
But if you were truly in love with them
That love cannot be undone.
I am in love.
A love that won't go away
With my best friend.
I fell off
The bridge of love
And into the waters
Where he followed
But his love came with strings attached
A bungee
And he jumped back up
And left me sitting there in the waters
While he's up on the bridge
Calling me up there
While I'm wishing him down here
And I have no bungee.
It's a mess.
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