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1.7k · Mar 2018
shared time
grace Mar 2018
the bed feels empty without you
knowing you're wrapped in another's sheets
your arm draped over her still frame
your breath tickling her neck
your heart beating in tune with hers
while the silence blankets me.

you are mine
and you are hers.

you are ours.

caught in this messy equation
sharing your time between my thighs and hers.
locked in my embrace only to extend your arms to her instead.

i am left haunted by the ghost of your touch,
the lingering caress of your lips,
the dusty trail of your tongue.

echoes of a wistful remembrance
shattered by the cruel lace of reality
leaving my body icy where i lay

yet your body is keeping her warm tonight.
1.5k · May 2016
grace May 2016
we are
cursed to walk
divergent paths--
yet we linger at
a crossroads,
fingers threaded
together like
fate's strings,
hoping (in vain)
that hell
would be
1.4k · Feb 2016
On Loving a Broken Soul
grace Feb 2016
His lips taste like sorrow.
Bitter. Sweet. And everything in between.

He won’t tell of the hell he’s been through
But you can taste it when he kisses you.

He’ll smile.
He’ll pretend he’s fine.
He’ll tell you it’s nothing.
But you know he’s lying.

You know he’s lying right through his teeth.
But you taste the truth when he kisses you.

You taste the sorrow.
You taste the pain.
You taste the war within him.

You wonder if he knows that you understand.
922 · Feb 2016
Honest Admission
grace Feb 2016
Ever tender, ever sweet
The honest admission.
Oh, the quiet flutter of the heart.
A shortness of breath,
A strain in her chest---
Could he hear it?
She hoped he could.
She was in love.
868 · Sep 2016
grace Sep 2016
the ghost of you lingers on my lips
the echo of your touch on the curve of my waist
I remember every shaking breath,
every sweet nothing you whispered between my thighs...
with every kiss I could taste little bits of me mixed with little bits of you mixed with the liquor you had been drinking that night
and I remember thinking that I liked the way you tasted.
then you took my hand and held it and I could see a spark in your eye that hinted of mischief and carnal desire.
and so you traced every curve of my body with your tongue
and then you painted my chest and my neck with marks that screamed, "she's mine," even if it was only for a fleeting moment.
and then the night grew old and the sun began to rise and I found myself stumbling out your door, newly addicted to the way you had made me feel.
834 · Mar 2017
grace Mar 2017
It’s days like this that I’ll think of you
Days with the kind of cold that bites your skin
And days with the kind of wind that knocks you off your feet
Much like how your words cut into me that night
And how the heartbreak stole the breath right from my lungs

It’s days like this that I’ll crave the warmth of your embrace
Days when I’m hungry for the taste of your lips

It’s days like this that make my bed feel especially empty
Leaving me to wonder whose arms you’ve wandered into for the night
Because I know it won’t be mine
755 · Feb 2016
You Love Her
grace Feb 2016
You look into her eyes
And you see the stars.
A whole galaxy untold.
Her heart, the sun--
Radiant, warm, good.
From her lips, a whisper of truth:
a simple "I love you."
And within you stirs all the glory
And splendor of the unknown.
747 · Nov 2017
grace Nov 2017
you were my sun
the center of my universe
but i was not yours

you had different stars in your galaxy
a whole world that was completely foreign to me

see the name
that slipped past your lips
while our limbs were tangled together
was not mine

it was then that i realized
you wanted me to be her

but the thing is
i am not her
& i will never be her
699 · May 2019
grace May 2019
I wish I could sleep in peace
Lay my head down and put my mind at ease
But I count wolves instead of sheep
And remind myself of the demons I keep
Twisting and turning
Stomach churning
Questions burning
Anxiety relishes in my defeat
698 · Dec 2016
Grey Spaces
grace Dec 2016
I’ll think about you sometimes
In the dead of the night
When silence blankets the earth
And fills the emptiness in my mind

I’ll find that the ghost of a smile will find its way to my lips,
Lifting the corners of my mouth
And kindling a spark that later blooms with all the fury of a flame

I’ll think of how you held me against your chest
And all the sweet nothings you whispered with every breath

I’ll think of how we laughed when you pulled the covers over our heads
And we hid underneath the sheets,
Kissing like the sun kisses the sky when it rises from the East

I’ll think of how your fingers twined with mine as exhaustion took hold
And in that moment we were happy
But happiness is fragile and we were bound to break it,
Weren’t we?

And as I lie here in the quiet,
With my thoughts as my only company
I know that these are all your ways of saying,
“I’m yours and you’re mine,”
Without letting those unspoken words actually tumble past your lips
Because that would mean falling
And you have a fear of heights.
627 · Apr 2017
grace Apr 2017
his words slither into my ear
laced with the most saccharine poison

he crawls under my skin
and turns my body into his home --
a parasite leeching off a blissfully ignorant host
563 · Feb 2016
grace Feb 2016
Dear Atlas, come rest your weary bones.
Lay down your burdens upon the sepulcher
And mourn for the bereaved.
Look to the heavens in hopes to catch but a glimpse of that holy entity --
That sweet angel laid to rest an age ago.
Ease your encumbered shoulders
And do take a drawn-out breath
For you, dear Atlas, are deserving of rest.
549 · Feb 2017
Things You Said
grace Feb 2017
You did not forge these words lightly.
I know because you said them through your teeth.
It was late—maybe one or two. You said it quietly and through the phone.
There are some things you didn’t say and some that you wish you had and some that you wished you hadn’t said at all.

But these were the words that brought us down from when we were on top of the world.

You told me I wasn’t the only one.

As you said these words, all I could hear were the echoes of the truths that you whispered when you thought I was sleeping—and the lies you said while you were drunk and I was crying and suddenly it felt
Like there were too many miles between us.

Then, when it was all over, you told me you still loved me
Except this time, I knew to discern your lies from your half-truths.
531 · Feb 2016
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
grace Feb 2016
you and I wallow
in yesterday's
But my tears
will hold no worth
come tomorrow.
435 · Mar 2017
grace Mar 2017
we are
the embers
of a tired flame

your lips don't taste the same

your eyes are lackluster
empty like your arms
as you turn away from me
leaving silence as my only company

how is it that
two lovers
could be such strangers
in a place that we had once called home?
395 · Feb 2016
Unrequited Love
grace Feb 2016
Stealing kisses on borrowed time
Oh darling, you are not mine.

Your war-torn hands are frigid to the touch
Like a ghost hidden in the cloak of dusk.

I'm searching, searching
Yet you are nowhere to be found--

In your empty love I drown.
393 · Mar 2017
grace Mar 2017
you feel like both
heaven & hell

the greatest elation
& the fiercest misery

you ravage my body
with lips masked in honey
& a tongue dipped in
the most wicked sin

i should know better than this--
to play your games when i know
i will be split open
left shattered
only to have to pick up the pieces
& sew myself back together again

but how can i
when your poison
387 · Oct 2016
grace Oct 2016
like a quiet roll of thunder on a warm summer night,
you enter my mind.
a soft hum of remembrance of a long night spent locked in each other's embrace, our lips captive to one another.
I find myself breathless all over again as undulates of moments wash over me like the waves that eat away at a cliff's edge.
I must admit that you have intoxicated me with your touch, your kiss, the warmth of your breath on my lips...
and I curse you for doing just that.
387 · Feb 2016
grace Feb 2016
What could've been
What should've been
What we were.

You were something
Yet I was nothing
At least, to you.
337 · May 2019
why do i stay
grace May 2019
through clenched teeth and a taut jaw
i tell you i love you
but that love is mired with
your lies,
your tainted lullabies,
your hollowed eyes.

like pulling teeth
and salt on an open wound
your kiss,
your touch,
your embrace
does nothing but bring distaste.

the answer seems clear:
there is no love here
yet i cling to you still.
331 · Mar 2018
remedy for the broken
grace Mar 2018
she was addicted to the taste of his lips,
for it was the drug that helped quiet her aching soul.
312 · Apr 2017
grace Apr 2017
we are two shadows
walking through
a collective darkness
with regret
at our ankles
272 · Oct 2018
Caesar's Love
grace Oct 2018
A dagger to the heart
Regret forged into its jagged edge
Lodged deep in the chambers
Sorrow seeping with each aching beat.
The fault lies only in the hand that dared plunge the blade.
An act of passion,
A cry of inexplicable pain.
The look of disbelief,
The shadow of guilt, of relief.
Therein lies the heartbreak of a love lost.
As the last tendrils of vitality lose their reign,
In death there is triumph
And disdain.
What sweet sorrow did he bring.
271 · Nov 2018
grace Nov 2018
I am a sum.
A sum of tape and glue,
Stiches and staples.
Fragments of a whole,
Broken and unstable.

A prisoner to circumstance.
A victim of the cruel lash of reality.
A slave to couldves and shouldves.
Of dos and donts,
Of haves and have nots,
Of this verses that.

I am more.
More than his grip of silence
More than their shadows of doubt.
More than those who rebuked my defiance
More than he who dared to stifle my truth.

No longer a prisoner
No longer a slave
No longer a victim
But a bird free of her cage.
As of late, we hear so much about ****** assault and harassment. This is just a window into what a victim goes through.
254 · Feb 2019
a bitter reminder
grace Feb 2019
remember your anger.
hold onto it and weep.
let each tear that rolls down your cheek
serve as a reminder as a promise to keep.
if not for yourself now,
then for the vision of you later
when fate will be kinder
for all the wicked games it's leeched.

this heartache will not ruin you.
you are more than this.
in time you will stitch your wounds
though now they may bleed.

still your heart beats on, despite.

allow your anger to fuel you.
let its searing warmth radiate
for it is the scorned woman who will prevail
and he who will instead weep.
242 · Mar 2018
gently broken
grace Mar 2018
you hold pieces of me that are so fragile
that even the simplest whisper of wind
could whisk them away.
229 · Feb 2019
grace Feb 2019
i have been starved of you.

i have not eaten in days
yet i am full--
of sadness
of longing
of grief
of pain.

i did not know that heartache could be so filling.
grace Sep 2019
we cast our sins unto others
not noticing how we've long been bathing in a pool of our own mistakes.
the sins of my father
the sins of my mother
their sins are not mine, we say.
but how can we be so certain
when we are so blindly consumed with ego's seductive ways?

perhaps it is not another's grip around your neck.

perhaps, it is your own.
grace Jan 2020
I have been haunted these past few nights. Shadows of an uncertain future manifested before me, leaving me a prisoner to my mind.

Fears untold, kept in solitary. Their only company: the lonely echoes of a weary heart beating against its cage.

I daydream of smiles. Of days filled with light and laughter.

I dream of the alter and of you, there, waiting for me. To unite with a kiss; the promise of forever on our lips.

I dream of our home that we’ll build together; a refuge to hideaway from the rest of the world. A world in and of itself. Our world.

I want to conquer that world with you.

But it becomes overshadowed by those very fears that haunt me.
The fears that taint my dreams and rob me of my sleep. The shadows that have made a home underneath my eyes.

My tears begin to make their home there, too.

— The End —