god, i forgot what it felt like to love you freely
without denial, without repression
just plain, simple, acceptance.
last time, though free, it burned
my wings on fire
and so much for flying.
but now i love you
with an ache inside for how i somehow
miss what never was,
never—but almost. almost.
i love you from a distance,
love you from afar
with a gentle sort of pain
that i don't so much mind anymore
it's kind of comforting
soothing in its familiarity
i guess i didn't forget how it felt
to love you freely
not in this way, at least
because this?
despite occasional jealousy
and anxiety-wrought anger
this... this is new. and it's
okay. good.
like a balm on sore wounds
where before you scorched me,
now i just feel warm
and solid. whole.
certain in the knowledge
that this, undefinable as it may be,
is a love that will define me
without consuming me
and i love this love
i love you
calmly now, a little sadly
but mostly
liberally, easily
i wrote this a while ago and i just found it so i'm posting it
almost love ***** until you learn to accept it and embrace what you got to have instead of mourning what you could've had