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to suffer like this is hardship enough
feel yourself drift away
torn from, the present
hurtling back into a memory
or the horrendous new construction of something dark that preys upon my mind
please don't leave me here
keep me close
tell me stories
keep me close
honour this bond
keep me close
I haven't lost my mind it just goes offline sometimes

 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
Kora Sani
Take one step forward
just one step
one step is progress
she tells me
but how do you take a step forward
when you don't know
which direction you are facing
It takes some time
to gain control
To rid myself from the concrete
But I take my first step
and the cement begins to break
it's left scars on my feet
they feel painful
but free
I'm wounded
but still standing
and which direction I'm headed
I don't yet know
but standing
is enough for now
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
She keeps telling me
As I sit across from her
To close my eyes
And imagine my young self
A scared and confused child
What would I say to her
As the panic sets in
As she’s ashamed of herself
As she loses control
And I know how to speak
To frightened children
But when I try to do so
To myself
To the little girl in my head
I break
Every time
I don’t know how to handle feeling compassion for myself...
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
I’m Here
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
I’m standing here
Naked and bare
To you
And to the world.
I haven’t been ready.
I’ve been dancing in meadows
With my eyes shut tight
And covering myself
In hand-me-down clothes.
But I’m not dancing anymore.
I’ve shed the scraps
Of ripped up cloth
And my skin
Along with them.
My eyes are open.
I’m listening now.
I’m ready to see
What you have
To show me.
I’m ready to hear
What you have
To tell me.
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
her lips are red;
but overflowing,
barcodes on her wrists;
to scan self worth,
her hair is no longer long
nor smooth,
these purples and blues on her back;
has been a map of memories,
those crimson red nails
suits her the most,
that smile on her red lips,
oh so beautiful,
oh a beautiful wreck.
please do seek help if you are in a abusive are strong.very strong.
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
you were in my dreams tonight

when i looked down
so were they
Check your bedsheets
What nightmares did you leave?
Shake em out
Gather them up and tie the edges around your throat
Let them pool on the ground behind you
Fasten yourself a cape-
and circle the room once, twice.
Peer out the door way
Sit at the very tip of the frame.
Throw out your voice
“Is anyone still there.”
Wait a beat maybe even two
Then check your heart, what’s left of it
And leave it behind.
Step into the hallway
You know the best thing about capes is they double as cloaks.
For little girls with bedsheets knotted around their throats.

- You make it to sunshine
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