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 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
When my rib cage splits open
and displays the rotting creature inside
will you still love me?

When my bones are replaced with
flowering hemlock and nightshade
and my blood turns to muck,
Will you still love me?

When my skin becomes ash, my hair
turns to vines and my feet grow roots,
Will you still love me?

When nature prevails
and I am no longer me,
I must ask this of you:
Will you still love me?
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
It makes me sweaty
I’m so wet
I want to remember
But I forget

It makes me comfortable
Fills me with blissful ignorance
I don’t want to be
But I am and that’s okay

Is it raining?
Or did I do too much?
I want to remember
how to touch

It makes me remember
But I don’t want to this way
Nothing will ever
make it okay

It is hard to wake up
Because I don’t want to
if I cannot feel you
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
Nala Alfira
can you be brave enough
to acknowledge that it was just
a fateful unfortune

can you be strong enough
to accept and let go of
what's been taken from you

can you be merciful enough
to see your monstrous form
and shower her with love

you can endure anything
if you let yourself to
what to do when you revisit your traumatic memory
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
thin skin
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
His body was the scene of the crime that he was never permitted to leave

The home battlefield of a surrendered side shown no mercy by the aggressor

If he looks down for too long then the memory of ***** hands pressing on his throat and spreading his legs open return

There was nowhere he was safe

Impurity had burrowed under his skin

his insides had paid the price
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
Lexi Fields
I’m not six anymore
I am not six anymore

Every time someone touches me
I’m back
In my room
On my bed
And so are you

I’m not six  
Am I not six?

My pants are off
I don’t want them off
Your pants are off
Please put your pants back on

I’m not six anymore
How old am I again?

You touch
I freeze
You moan
My tears stream

It’s a game you say
I don’t like this game
Please stop

I’m only six
I am only six
I am only six years old
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
 Aug 2022 Gracie Anne
I will lay my hands on you as you have laid yours on me
I will bury my fingers deep into your flesh and pick apart your bones
I will come into your house, your home
And pelt you with stones
I will make you bleed
The desire to harm you
To see your face contort in pain
Isn’t a common thing for me
How does it feel?
a letter to my abuser
I had an appointment with past,
so today I met him in flash back in the dark ages.
The mirror stood a decade away from me but I can still see what’s inside my iris.
I can still taste you
You’re there in the back of my throat
My tongue is swollen at the thought
My taste buds are bitter
Even drinking water hurts
I have never felt so broke
I’ve brushed at my teeth so hard to try and scrub you off  
My gums are now bleeding
My lips are chapped
But no matter how much I rinse you’re still inside my mouth
I can’t spit you out

I’ve torn at my skin
I want to peel you off
But you’ve woven yourself so far in
Deeper than any tattoo I have
I’m covered in burn marks
I am so red
Itching all over trying to scratch you out
My nails are chipped my flesh looks so angry
I can’t help but scream

Why won’t you get out?

You’ve caused me to rot
I am a living skeleton that belongs deep in the Earth
I am alive my heart it still beats
But even when I take my last breath
I will probably look more alive than this

It hurts to walk
It hurts to move
All I can do is cry
All I can do is remain still
I’m choking on my tears whilst you dig your hands into my brain
Tearing up my mind
This is all in my head but you’ve caused me such damage
That I am falling apart from the inside to the out-

Why won’t you get out?
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