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You know that feeling where your minds fighting between what you own and what you living for. Where you know people understand but not really understand. Idk what's worst this heartache or disheartened people around me? Idk what's worst trying to achieve the impossible or knowing the fact we are too weak for it.   Can I turn my car to some other direction?where I can search for peace?search for a life? Everything's so foggy I can't see the stars twinkling!  Dreams so silly, wonder if they'll be lasting. Good times hauntin' bad times breakin' if only I could find me.
I don't want to be a clone,
With no thoughts of my own,
As if created from a mold,
Always to be bought and sold,
Never truly feeling whole,
Having just an artificial soul,
Like a mindless puppet on a shelf,

No, I would rather be myself.
 Sep 2015 Faeza Kazim
Asim Javid
my ink was too bleak to write.
my soul was too tired to fight.
thoughts commixed with my sense.
too shattered to take a stance.
screaming  voice couldn't be heard.
a lone trip down the road.
fight with the one that consumed.
the reasons that amused.
it was all me, me in a war.
all that remained was A Beautiful Scar*.
Never could he forget those eyes
Those eyes filled with stars and dreams...❤
                   That invaded his broken soul
                    And dazzled him by their gleams...❤
Lucky are those whose destiny
Is choosen for them
For I feel their path
Is clear cut and laid out
They know what they are meant to be
They've had enough time to accept it
Unlike me for mine judgement
Is clouded with antsy and fear
With doubt and uncertainty
The future I foresee is out of my control
That makes me feel forlorn
Will all the risks be worth at the end ?
I frequent that path
Maybe I need to hold on
Till the end of the tunnel
When the light will reveal my place
And there will be no one
But myself to blame
Then I shall accept it raw
© RazanRinaldi
I've stayed awake
Staring at the start sky
For heaven's sake
Let their be lightening
Let their be thunder
Let their be a full blown perfect storm
So great, it'll leave me asunder
Lord knows what's going on.
Surely the storm and my beats
Go by the same rhythm
Someday when you return
Curiosity will lead you forward
And you'll steal a peak outside
That day you'll know
To what my eyes dilutes
To what my heart beats
The unknown world oh so hidden
Like a starling pearl in its oyster
You shall see the depths
Of my thoughts
© RazanRinaldi
He was standing there
Gazing at her
Captivated as though
He was watching a wonder...❤️

Her hair spread fragrance
Her eyes spelled magic...
She was a miracle
That defied every logic...❤️

He couldn't help but wonder
The beauty she held
Was it for real
Or some charms spelled....❤️
If magic exists in her!
There he was yet again...
Gazing at her perfection...

Losing all his senses for a while
Trying to find himself in her reflection...

The rain poured suddenly
Soaking all in its hue...

But he kept away..
Even from the drops of dew...

Yet he was drenched
In a feeling unnamed...

Standing alone under the starry sky
He was inked & stained......
                    ❤Inked&Stained; with LOVE❤
Introductory poem of my collection..
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