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I’ve been needing rescued since you left me drowning in your lies
You mtade me feel whole and left me felt shattered
I was loved and I was cheated
I felt like everything and now I feel nothing
When a hero falls,
What can they say?
That "he was great;
He saved the day!"

But why would they cry?
He was just a mask,
The embodiment of good,
Who took up the task.

No one even knows,
The wife he holds dear,
The place he calls home,
What he has to fear.

His children will cry,
But no one will know,
Why they shed tears,
For the man they don't know.

For when a hero falls,
His name goes too,
Staining the memory
Of the man who never flew.
Im sour your sweet,
I cant go to bed without having my treat.
Guide me to your dungeon take hold of me no need for lunging.
Keep me away cause i will hurt your heart.
Just for tonight lets play the part.
Your lips on me like the sea on shore
You'll drown from my hangups and hit the ocean floor.
Can someone say
Just spell it out
What these thoughts are
What these dreams are
What game do I play
What does it all mean

Am I going insane
Or like the others
How they are so plain

I don’t want anymore of this
These confusing riddles
And rhymes
That no one understands

Just say it
No matter how bland
All I want
Is an answer
Something I can understand

The thing is
No one can’t
No matter how hard they try
The part about being plain and bland are about being told that it’s normal and just hormones acting up. Anyone I tell will just say that. I don’t think it is, but I have always been a drama queen. It could be, but I don’t know.
You are desperate,
More broken than you ever thought it was a possible for a human to be
And you just need a hope that you’ll survive the hour
So you pop a pill
But it doesn’t have nearly the power you need
Not nearly enough of a kick to save you
So before you know it you’re taking two to get through the night, every night
And then three, four
But then a small handful
(well as small as you can get; because no one ever needs to know you forced yourself to squeeze some of those large handfuls back in the bottle)
And then six, eight
But then you don’t even want to bother counting anymore
Because it’s 4:00 in the morning and you’re grappling with a bottle
Knowing you’re two hours away from facing your mom
And four from seeing your friends
But part of you has been pulling away from them, to cover up your…  situation
But part of you is hoping they’ll follow, and see that you’re different, that you need help
And, all in all, you don’t know if you started out better than this or worse
You only know a few things:
You need as many pills as you can get but you need to make everything seem normal
You are desperate.
This creature…
She lurks just around the corner
Her lips painted to perfection and pursed to prissiness
Her hips hosting hands, polished nails the color of Hell’s fire
Her eyes wild and dark, so full and deep, intricate curtains over the windows to her soul
Her hair cascading wild but under the chokehold of her need for control, constantly
And her entire existence… just

This creature…
She is a creature of the night, no doubt
But she is an essence of the broad sunlight
And she was designed to be the center of attention
But is simultaneously inclined to favor solitude
She craves affection, attention, validation, and such
But values her independence, her privacy so very much

This creature…
She knows no name.
She knows herself.
~70th poem published~
This is a really interesting one to me. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Please, let me show you what I see in you.
I love you, Sabrina.
Your beauty is not the reason for your existence,
Rather, it is your soul that stirs winds within you,
Guiding you further into your own tornado.
No, my dear, your beauty is only a fraction of the person that you are
With the rest conniving and gloriously consuming all who listen
Incubus, I call you, luring in those who seek satisfaction from broken parts.
Tempt me,
with all the cracks in your heart.
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