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8.7k · Nov 2014
EP Mason Nov 2014
Carnal instinct, mixed with leather bound
books and leather on belts
you tie me up, and smack me
your kisses taste like blood

Your tongue is filthy, your mind is wicked
I'm full of tears, I'm wet
you snarl
you just want to see the bruises on my neck
you just want to hear me beg

You pick me up, and carry me to bed
now, I'm royal
now I'm sweet and raw and red
now we'll rest
head on head
now I've done just as you said
The first poem written about you. Honest.
© Erin Mason 2014
5.8k · Dec 2013
Valium for Verda
EP Mason Dec 2013
Whispering night fades to sable dull morning
Verda in black whilst her mother is mourning
cabaret clown-show dances in deep
Verda is down in the valleys of sleep

Verda takes pills in a sinister tomb
smiles wicked smiles and her eyes turn to moons
mummy is rocking away by her side
and pulls out her teeth to a sweet lullaby

Girl-child Verda, who loves cuts and bruises
with a stitched-up mind which she frequently loses
and a mother who stops her from having her play
other children are pink but her Verda is grey

Delicate lace is lined in her coffin
Verda in black whilst her body is rotting
chemical residue flows in her veins
Verda's no child and her mother's insane
© Erin Mason 2013
5.6k · Mar 2015
when I'm high
EP Mason Mar 2015
when I'm high I can't control my head
when I'm high I go up and up
down the lane
and I taste mermaids tongues
I make the sweet ones cry
when I'm  high
I shiver and smile
when I sense it's over
**** me when I'm high
In an attempt to combat writers block I got ****** and just wrote whatever came out. This is the result?
5.2k · Jan 2014
the organs of orchids
EP Mason Jan 2014
I hope that when I die
the insides of me
are placed into
the insides of the needy
so that they can bloom like flowers

And the rest of me
is buried with the Earth
so the prettiest flowers can grow from my bones
and bloom in my soul
knowing I gave my life to nature
and all her children
© Erin Mason 2014
3.6k · Nov 2013
In the dead of dusk
EP Mason Nov 2013
In the winter you will lie
soul beguiled and rested eye
deathly dreams that dream to die
In the dead of dusk

In December you will sleep
Stowed away the dreams you keep
The sea inside you, swirling deep
In the dead of dusk

Daytime thoughts of innocence
happiness and diligence
follow you to requiem
In the dead of dusk

Lightest thoughts on surface, you
forget about what's real
what's true
until the dusk envelops you
that dead and demon dusk

Now Winter's winds are calling you
shadows cast on what is true
white cat, now black cat
sun now moon
in the dead of dusk

Everything you thought you knew
sleep will twist and mangle you
nightmares creep inside of you
in the dead of dusk

Morning follows
sun rises up
nightmares dangle on the cusp
disappear now,
Twelve hours burn up
then drag you down
back to the dead of dusk
© Erin Mason 2013
2.4k · Dec 2013
Strawberry wine
EP Mason Dec 2013
You smell like burnt clementines
and flow like strawberry wine

Pick at my icy veins with your icepick heart
your hands filled with light, and my veins spilling dark

Lay with me in a white lace bed
close your eyes and rest your head

Let me smell your burnt clementine skin
and wash my hands in your strawberry wine again
© Erin Mason 2013
2.4k · Mar 2014
EP Mason Mar 2014
I wish I were Frida Kahlo's vibrant Mexican flowers

Or Salvador Dali's dripping watch

Van Gogh's maleficent moon

Warhol's saturated polaroid

Klimt's ****** lips

Or Vermeer's cornflower blue and singular pearl

But I am yet to make a stroke in ones historical
© Erin Mason 2014
2.2k · Jan 2014
One sunny morning
EP Mason Jan 2014
One sunny morning
I'll wake up in San Francisco
my permanent home
I'll wake with a smile on my face

And one sunny morning
I'll stare into that sun
and write my poems down
with quills and rose scented paper

One sunny morning
I'll drink with the best of them
and talk philosophy with a beautiful novice
and write about his smile

One sunny morning
I'll take visits down to France
and fall in love with you again
and let you read my art

One sunny morning
I'll taste blue lakes
and feel warm winds
and never cry again

One sunny morning
I swear
I'll be a morning person
because you'll be there
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Aug 2015
Drink up baby,
stay up all night
with the things you could do
you won't, but you might
the potential you'll be, that you'll never see
the promises you'll only make

Drink up with me now
and forget all about
the pressures of days
do what I say
and I'll make you okay,
drive them away
the image is stuck in your head

The people you've been before
that you don't want around anymore
that push, and shove and won't bend to your will
I'll keep them still

Drink up baby
look at the stars
I'll kiss you again
between the bars
where I'm seeing you there
with your hands in the air
waiting to finally be caught

Drink up one more time
and I'll make you mine
keep you apart
deep in my heart
separate from the rest
but I like you the best
keep the things you forgot

The people you've been before
that you don't want around anymore
that push, and shove and won't bend to your will
*I'll keep them still
something of a lullaby.
EP Mason Feb 2014
I wish I were a Warhol silk screen
hanging on the wall.
Or little Joe or maybe Lou -
I'd love to be them all.
All New York city's broken hearts
and secrets would be mine.
I'd put you on a movie reel
and that would be just fine.
From the film 'Control'
1.7k · Jul 2014
Sickly intimacy
EP Mason Jul 2014
makes me feel sick

knotting your hand in mine
adds more tangles to my self-loathing
and we speak only in tongues
we ***** the language of love

it's a pathetic thing
stripped bare are our bodies
beyond our control
it gets hot under these covers
though your eyes, and mine, remain cold

makes me feel sick
I'll repeat that still
let it smother my heartbeat
until I believe it
© Erin Mason 2014
1.7k · Apr 2015
honest (slam poem)
EP Mason Apr 2015
It all started when I was four
and it came with boys holding buttercups beneath girl's chins
and chasing in endless circles
and my skirt was a little too long
and my face was a little too round
to chase them too

I started sitting indoors and painting scenes
'cause I couldn't run like the other girls could
but four year old boys don't like brushes and  blue skies
they like little girls with flushed rosy cheeks

And when I was six
I couldn't sit inside anymore
it was time to go out and face the boys that called me fat
and try to be a rosy cheeked little girl too
but I just got flustered when I heard the laughter

But at least kids are honest
and I knew I was not wanted

By the time I reached nine
I kept my eyes glued to the ground
when I stood with my mother and listened
to my grandfather drop poison into her ears
and told her that her daughter was a monster
and that's why I didn't cry at his funeral

But at least he was honest
and I knew I was not wanted

Things changed when I turned eleven
self-loathing stayed the same
but the new boys were all skinny compared to me
and they did not hesitate to point it out
although quietly
and subtly
more awash with gasps from choking back revolting laughter
that got caught in the back of my throat and turned to tears
I never did cry in public

And the way I walked through the halls was a carefully crafted way
to make myself smaller
but they still plucked me out and told me
'You're so pretty'
(laced with sarcasm)
'Be my girlfriend'
(prolonged by a smirk)
I always kept my mouth shut

And at least kids are honest
at least I always knew I was not wanted

By age fifteen I was so obsessed with mirrors
that I carried one in my hand at all times
I'd tried every makeup technique I could find
and my mother was sad that my blonde curls were gone
now straight and brown to fade into the background
I never knew why this attracted boys
but for once I was glad I looked like everybody else

I was hearing 'you're so pretty' with a genuine tone
from boys who flirted for fun
but I didn't understand
and I thought I was special
and I thought I would marry every one who called me pretty
and we'd have three children and a dog

What I didn't understand was why every night ended with tears
because I was finally feeling the way all the rosy-cheeked girls did
but maybe it was because kids are honest
I preferred to know when I wasn't really wanted

When I was 16 I felt like a woman
because I'd had a history with boys who were *******
and this is how I thought womanhood should be
every night I rubbed three years of makeup from my face
and removed my push-up bra
and said goodnight to the boy that made my heart skip
and woke up the next morning knowing I would be ignored

I wished people would just be honest

At seventeen, I fell in love with a man
who called me his little girl
and made me feel like the rosy cheeked child
I always watched and envied
I fell in love with the way he threatened to leave me when I forgot something
and the way he slapped me
and I fell in love with how he taught me that it was okay for me to be *****
in every sense of the word
because I was the tiny little girl
with the skirt just short enough
and the cheeks just red enough
to be wanted
1.7k · Aug 2014
Week one (The comedown)
EP Mason Aug 2014
what a terrible age to be
when you were skipping in between nineteen and twen-ty

Soul mate status
you became,
tattered charm
barely onto second names

But you spoke and it grasped me
something strong
too lovelorn and lame
we went on-

Romanticising the grainy photographs
the first date talk
the promise of touch
from a distant walk

Compliments thrown around like
and it terrified me
all those would-be meetings

That rush that turned out
too intense
and the explosive goodbyes
to false pretence

But there were no real goodbyes
you just left my town
so that was the high
and this,
the comedown
A bit rushed

© Erin Mason 2014
1.6k · Mar 2015
EP Mason Mar 2015
I don't take sleeping pills
I drink a glass of wine
I smack my arm and fill my veins
just to pass the time

And then I'm rolling down the hills
and then I roll a joint
a smile is painted on my face
for a life without a point

I ****** by an empty fireplace
and she was cold and ill
she cried that she would catch her death
so I burnt my heating bill

I ring up all my women
write letters to my men
invite them all into my bed
then make them leave again

I go out every Saturday
for whiskey and motel *****
sometimes scotch and virgins
who weep when I give them up

When I'm dry on rizla leaves
I'll smoke Corinthians 4-7
because I don't know of any love
to get me into heaven

******* keeps me up at night
but I get off on pressure
soon I'll be back for my ***** queen
and my life of simple pleasure
1.6k · Jan 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
There are Amber's and Jade's and Ruby's and Scarlett's in this world
Their spectrum of colours and beauty excel the grey in my heart
I was born in the dust and dirt and I'll die in it
I am not a jewel exposed, like them.
© Erin Mason 2014
1.6k · Aug 2013
Second best
EP Mason Aug 2013
I know I'm your second best.
I know I'm not the first person you will call
in a crisis
but I suppose second best is okay
I don't mind.
In another situation
second place is still acclaimed
like a runner up in a race
sometimes the second place prize is better than the winning.
At least I'm not your third best
fourth, fifth, sixth.
I know I will be there when the first person you would call
has put you to second place.
I will be there to fill their old space
because hey
what are second best friends for?
© Erin Mason 2013
1.5k · Jul 2014
Death feast
EP Mason Jul 2014
The demonic and turbulent truths of the mind
Will crush me in the end
Not least the nighttide's narcissistic vow
Into darkness I descend
Where the black pearl gates of tar-pit Hell
Will know the grief I send
In here I'm birthed
In sunken Earth
To greet my only friend
© Erin Mason 2014
1.5k · Jun 2014
EP Mason Jun 2014
I would say my wrists bled
like something
imperial and pure

But all I saw was dirt
and poppy stained tissues
and razor blades all over the floor
© Erin Mason 2014
1.5k · Jan 2014
I was made in Satan's image
EP Mason Jan 2014
I was made in Satan's image
Lucifer gave me eyes of green
I was birthed in a boiling ***
in some blackened tar pit scene

I was given claws engraven
and placed into a grey stone bed
and sometimes when bear my soul
my pearly white skin blazes red

I was crafted with Beelzebub's birthstone
and blessed with a poisoned mouth
but I was told to keep it shut
or Satan says he'll drag me south

I was made in Satan's image
but for once I long to be pure as snow
but Satan tells me I'm a demon
and I'll never go where angels go
© Erin Mason 2014
1.4k · Jan 2014
The cyclones of you
EP Mason Jan 2014
Breezes no longer blow
through my country palace
or in the eyes which I love

But great turbulent winds
cascade through my soul
and suffocate me with their smoke
and choke me with their words
with their hands which I love

And now
now that the cyclones of you
have broken every piece of me
all I can do is whisper my words so solemnly

I am now but a wisp of smoke because of you.
© Erin Mason 2014
1.4k · Jun 2013
The red tinted riches
EP Mason Jun 2013
I write you a poem
I know it's not much
it isn't a flower
you can reach out and touch

Not the grandest of gestures
it's a singular rhyme
there's no red wicker basket
of Rosemary and Thyme

My words are not objects
not plated in Gold
but my ballad is heartfelt
where metal is cold

So, don't you agree
that a poem is better?
For my heart is not in materialism
but a sincere love letter.
© Erin Mason 2013
1.4k · Dec 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
Today I am consumed by perpetual guilt, largely dominated by the fact I am a hopeless romantic who does not conform to general 21st century ideals of what a good looking woman entails.

Much to my misfortune, I do not have curves in places which would appeal to anybody's tastes. Every day I become increasingly grateful for clothes which hang in such a way which forgive and mask my treacherous, pale carcass. I do not belong to a culture which allows me to obscure my face into hiding, so I am forced to cause suffering to whoever witnesses my bruise framed eyes and morbidly shaped nose at a time when I do not care to improve it.

Night time is filled with intrusive thoughts, and the biggest fear of all; who will lie in bed with me and endure my scar littered skin, my insulting body, and myself, starved and drained of self-worth?
One thing is certain: If I was anyone other than myself, I sure wouldn't.
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
I heard him cry that night
lithe and crystalline petals
they were beautiful
and so was he

But a gun is not beautiful
or a rope
or a glistening knife
(it glistens wild with crimson and ivory)
put it down
step away
catch your breath and seize the day
you are so beautiful
and so is she

Go, look in her eyes
those ghostly blue
those pure ****** pools
taste her smile
touch her hand
you are so beautiful
she knows
so put it down
step away
catch your breath and seize the day

You and her are galaxies, dear
you and she
so put it down
step away
catch your breath and seize the-

The door is red
the floor is red
the walls are red
my life is dead
you are dead
and so beautiful
so ******* beautiful.

I'll close the door.

Cathy, don't go in the bedroom.
''Cathy, don't go in the bedroom'' is a quote taken from a suicide note I read recently.

© Erin Mason 2013
1.3k · Feb 2014
To whom I adore
EP Mason Feb 2014
My veins have cracked like fine china
on a cold stone floor
now, I write this, to whom I adore

I swim in a cesspool of love, alone
and these lovely, lovely waters do chill my milky bones
my bones all ripped are gently sewn
by the one I adore

There is a resting place, in the forest of dreams
whereby dreams are only choked by the rivers reeds
and after sewing bones, he is sewing seeds
the hands of he whom I adore

There is a pearlescent white sky, yet I lay on the floor
stabbed by the pins of the one I adore
my body will rot into the flowers that once grew
and they will bloom, and say
''I love no one
no one like you.''
© Erin Mason 2014
1.2k · Feb 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
I will stumble foolish into the valley of dust
where all my skin and bones will rust
I will meet a fortune teller there
with her own violet eyes
entangled in her hair
Speak to me, o wise one
tell me what it is I have done
abandon your Ouija, o cosmic peasant
where you see into the souls of demons future-
past and present
and scream through your teeth
scratch my red right hand
let your words roll out
like the exorcism of a marching band
tell me my life, o darling boho *****
satisfy my callous and infinite itch
Something I found in my journal that I wrote after consuming too many pills. I forgot about it for a while.
© Erin Mason 2014
1.2k · Dec 2013
black unselfish jumper
EP Mason Dec 2013
Thank you for hiding me in your bounded wool
you are the one thing I feel pretty in
black is a forgiving colour
and I like to be hidden sometimes

The nice thing about winter is
there's no need for exposed flesh
and as much as I love you, summer
I do dread having to set free my ridiculous body
and these pale scars of mine
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Feb 2014
I will become a Polly Jean
I will start throwing kerosene
and living in a dream

I'll grow my hair to twice my size
and keep journals and fantasize
(oh when oh when will I leave my town
when will I wear the gypsy crown?)

I want to get out in a vagabond cart
and transform my life into incarnate art
and fall in love twice with the same man
because he is the only person I can truly understand

Yes, I will become you, Polly Jean
I will be the next bohemian beauty queen
I will rip out my eyes and replace them with jewels
and make the world an offer
it simply cannot refuse

I'll make my bed fifty feet under the stars
and surround myself with broken people
playing on broken guitars
I will never look back again
I will spend my whole life wandering

I'll paint my face different every day
and discover new ways to take the pain away
in some papers or a needle or a pile of ashes
Polly Jean, I can't wait to see it as it crashes

Polly, I will paint you
like you are painted in my heart
Polly Jean, infinite
and never-ending art
© Erin Mason 2014
1.1k · Jun 2013
My Chimera
EP Mason Jun 2013
I want to wake up every day in your apricot paradise
sunrise slowly over your eyes
A cosmic lullaby descends over my darkness
Steals away all my melancholy sadness
And upon morning, all I see is you.

I don't need a dream to chase
When you are walking with me
Your love sprinkles sugar into my eyes
And I am blind with strange emotion for thee
My chimera
My only love.
I don't need a dream to chase
When you are walking with me
© Erin Mason 2013
1.0k · May 2014
Do I look okay?
EP Mason May 2014
Do I look okay in this bag of skin?
Does it make my stomach look fat, or my hips too thin?
Do I burn your eyes in my porcelain dress?
Should I trade it for one that you less detest?
I shan't ask again if I look okay
I couldn't undress myself anyway
© Erin Mason 2014
1.0k · Feb 2014
Lion's jaw
EP Mason Feb 2014
you may dwell in your castle
your big, empty chamber
you may fill it with diamonds and pearls
you may bathe yourself in the milk of the Gods
and you may rest in the eye of the moon
You may spew riches
and dispose of that opulent and rancid mess
feed it to the peasants
You may greet your subjects in Gold
and kiss your lover in Silver
you may spear down lions for their jaws
and only dance with those in purple
and only sleep with those with silk sheets

there are no silk sheets in graves
you may lie
and rot
next to the peasant
who ate your week-old
bronze tat
and loved the lion
in the wild
not the jaw on the mantelpiece
and the same green grass will grow above you both
the same roses will spurt from your marble
and their stone
and your bones will both be white and withering
more so than the lion's jaw
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Dec 2013
Bright Eyes: Lua
Loudon Wainwright: Motel Blues
Radiohead: No Surprises
Keaton Henson: You don't know how luck you are
Tigers Jaw: Never saw it coming
Fleetwood Mac: Songbird
Paolo Nutini: Candy
... and your laugh
the clearing of your throat
your sharp intakes of breath
the chattering of your teeth in the cold
and the movement of cloth against your skin
© Erin Mason 2013
967 · Jul 2013
Marry me
EP Mason Jul 2013
Wrap you in the hands of a willow tree
bathe you in the salts of the coldest sea
take this piece of gold
marry me

You will have commitment
I will hold your bones with me
I will make a pact to thee
steal the stars for you to see
in your lonely slumber
marry me

Paint with the dust of the crescent moon
dance in the sun in the days of June
sleep in the peace of a winter noon
lose your mind
and marry me
© Erin Mason 2013
946 · Jan 2016
an ode to Bowie (repost)
EP Mason Jan 2016
Dearest wildflower grinning
With powdered crooked teeth
And hair incandescent and strange
I write you this as though it were my last.
Follow me into the Holocene
And the night ghosts will not wither your grinning soul
Your blue eyes dance away
Your iris discoloured and grey
Never has indigo seemed so violent
And Auburn hair seem so opaque
And strong tongues seemed so silent.
During Berlin nights
And blanched London days
I'm forever burning in your flames.
this was the very first poem I ever posted on this page. Rest in peace my one true idol.
931 · Jan 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
I've spent half of my life

And a lot of time

24 hours a day
I walk on the harsh rocks of life
and swim in the salts of its tide
simply walking
and thinking
all my life

But how strange it is now
that I have wandered the whole world through
the one thing I don't need to wonder about
is you
© Erin Mason 2014
924 · Dec 2013
Peace for Christmas
EP Mason Dec 2013
Peace for Christmas
is what I want the most
there are plenty of glasses around here to toast
make wishes for love and light in your life
peace is what I believe Christmas defines

Forget your religion, it matters for nothing
I want to make my Christmas wish matter for something

So whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh
Jewish, atheist, Pagan, Hindu or simply unique
let peace be the binding factor that we humans all seek
for we are all one skeleton, with the potential for peace
© Erin Mason 2013
899 · Jul 2013
A programmed attraction
EP Mason Jul 2013
Suggest I peruse the science of love
experiment, manipulate and spoil
Suggest I strap wires to your heart
and monitor its beat

Suggest I study your eyes
will your pupils act as a looking glass
and will I see me in your rose tinted iris'?

Suggest I swab your hands
to see who has had the privilege to hold them
who isn't me

Suggest I test your lips
for a tongue that has lingered long enough
to be considered concern to me

Suggest I peruse the science of love
would my conclusion be worthwhile?

Or, suggest I not tamper with the nature of attraction
'Tout ce qui sera sera'
love me in the fate of the heart
or indeed
do not love me at all
© Erin Mason 2013
898 · Dec 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
What's beneath the cosmos?
Whose heart is within the moon?
And in the intersperse universe
does the sun burn a sky in June?

Is there love on other planets?
Are there creatures with hands to hold?
Do stars glow bright
with love and light
or are their hearts all silver and cold?

You might have never been in this world
if a second had fallen through
and this universe may lay in a cosmic womb
so, I'm glad my own is filled with you
© Erin Mason 2013
879 · Sep 2013
EP Mason Sep 2013
The circular confectionery tin has been there every Christmas
often replaced, often changed for a different brand
either way
every year we curse our brains and slap our wrists
for the temptation which overwhelms us
and our carefree nature, wholeheartedly encouraged by our family
''Go on, it's Christmas.''

And so, which one do we select?
of course, the one we like the most
the one with the prettiest wrapper
or the smoothest taste
the one we laugh, bewildered at others for not liking

Sneaking downstairs at night to grab a handful of our favourite flavour
to make sure nobody else can have your preference
all of your favourites are gone
so you settle for the ones you like, but would never choose originally
these are the second best chocolates
they have a mediocre wrapper and a pleasant taste
but they are nothing compared to the ones you would always choose

But now, you've had all of these as well
and you stare into the near-empty tin, rattling with the dull sound of the unwanted chocolates
for a moment you contemplate why anybody would eat those ones first
the colours are mundane and the taste is far from favourable

until somebody else walks past
and they peer into the tin
a hint of pleasant surprise sounds from their lips
''Oh, my favourite.''
And they select the 'dullest' chocolate left in the tin
because the faded purple is their favourite colour
and the sharp taste of orange lacquer is their favourite taste
and they wonder why you ate all the caramel chocolates first
because they would have left them until last

And now the tin is empty
every chocolate loved
by a different person
with a different taste
and when you think about what you truly love
you finally understand
© Erin Mason 2013
870 · May 2014
EP Mason May 2014
Everybody's running
jumping to their deaths
I can't stop peering into lakes
and being haunted by the depth
the sea wants to take me
the sun wants to set
but I'm so torn between
and not leaving
© Erin Mason 2014
794 · Jan 2015
EP Mason Jan 2015
And why
is it shameful for a suicide to be fuelled by love?
why is love not good enough for you?
do you know the heartbreak behind love?
the stabbing pain deep inside your stomach when you see the one you love
embracing another
the pressure to be perfect
the loss of passion
the gain of boredom
the desperation when you feel them slipping through your fingers
the harshness of a reality without them
a reality so pure and plain that it seems useless to live there
to carry on without them
because in the end, what are we without love?
mindless, heartless, broken, bland.
don't you dare tell me that love is not enough
the sadness of a broken heart, is enough to send anybody
toppling over the edge.
slipping away.
More of a stream of thought than a poem.
© Erin Mason 2015
792 · Jun 2013
An ode to Bowie
EP Mason Jun 2013
Dearest wildflower grinning
With powdered crooked teeth
And hair incandescent and strange
I write you this as though it were my last.
Follow me into the Holocene
And the night ghosts will not wither your grinning soul
Your blue eyes dance away
Your iris discoloured and grey
Never has indigo seemed so violent
And Auburn hair seem so opaque
And strong tongues seemed so silent.
During Berlin nights
And blanched London days
I'm forever burning in your flames.
© Erin Mason 2013
766 · Jan 2014
Paper dolls
EP Mason Jan 2014
You get out and play with your paper dolls
their lissom limbs float and shake
you love the way they look at you
you think it's love but it's lustrous and fake

You cut a new doll every day
and carefully rip all their pieces away
you string them together and colour them in
and all of your dolls are flimsy and thin

Go ahead and play with your paper dolls
their paper hearts will soon unfurl
their whitened hearts will burn at will
their fleeting parchment creases and curls

And here I am with my wooden heart
rigid and rotting and swelling from the start
and growing like trees inside my carcass
while you burn your paper dolls with hands so heartless
© Erin Mason 2014
761 · Aug 2015
EP Mason Aug 2015
Breath hitched
neck kissed
mind switched

Body cold
legs fold
this feels

Clothes torn
mouths yawn
day dawns
you warn

Don't tell anyone

And  I feel small
760 · Jan 2014
who else
EP Mason Jan 2014
Who else is eating drugs
who else is burning out
who else is sleeping rough
who else is having doubts
who else is hiding shame
who else is healing pain
who else is needing sun in the middle of the rain
who else is never tired
who else is half awake
who else is getting bad luck when they really wanted fate
who else is fading out
who else is giving up
who else is painting smiles on a mouth of words corrupt
who else has blackened eyes
who else is wearing thin
who else fighting thunder when they're ready to give in
who else is burning bright
through every lonely night
who else is preparing their armour, though they're not ready for the fight
© Erin Mason 2014
758 · Jul 2014
Titled: My last
EP Mason Jul 2014
Dear nobody in particular;

Summer is rolling in, slowly. Ever so slowly. And I think I've watched the sky long enough now to see each black cell in the night be burnt away by the furnacing light of the sun. It's funny how all around me there's such bright, Earthly promise and bloom, but inside of me, there's nothing remotely reflective of that. I don't choose to feel this way, I suppose it's something in my brain.

Depression is sometimes genetic. Sometimes, and more commonly, it's caused by some kind of trauma, bereavement or follow-up effects from a different illness. Sometimes it numbs you, sometimes it stabs every nerve in your whole body, and sometimes it strangles you to the point that you turn a loathsome fusion of purple and blue. I can't tell if I've felt any of these emotions or none at all. I'd quite like to feel something though, it would make a nice change from whatever in-between state I'm usually voyaging in.

I'm not quite sure how to describe it to you, except comparing it to when I'm peering into the myriad of darkness I feel a great deal of frustration that I can't see all of the stars all at once. One of the things keeping me here is the stars. It's curious how to me they are united in loneliness, at least it seems that way. I mostly see singularity in everything, and it keeps things pure and important. But as I said, the stars are keeping me here. I'd miss them fondly, like a friend of some kind. But I can't help but feel the infinite voyage of death would bring me closer to whatever cosmic genealogy I feel up there. Before Carl Sagan died, he told his daughter ''we are star stuff.'' We are, we really are. All elements are derived from stars, our bodies possess the astral ashes of those stars, crushed from their bones and placed into ours.

'So when I look up at the night sky, and I know that yes, we are part of this Universe, we are in this Universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the Universe is in us.'

And I suppose that is why I feel such a strong association with the sky, or indeed the world as a whole. I love it too much. I feel too much empathy for everyone inside it, for everything inside it. And I don't think I was ever supposed to be walking amongst it, rather existing within it. I'm probably failing to convey how I feel through this piece as most people don't understand the depersonalization involved with a need for death.

I don't really think this a need for an end, particularly. It's not a desperate want for a termination of emotion, as I never really felt any emotion to begin with. Nor is it a hopeless goodbye, a shrill-laced cry or the voice in my head telling me to 'just ******* die.'

It's peaceful.

Nothing ever really comes to an end. Even if someone is buried, something buds from the ground in which they lie. And the ashes of a person go on to exist elsewhere. Lives go on living with the Earth, I suppose I just want to go on living in that sense. And so the bright, Earthly promises and bloom that I see but don't really feel can go on without me too, everything can. The world keeps spinning around. The stars won't collapse all at once. Everything just keeps on existing. And *'La tristesse durera toujours.'
© Erin Mason 2014
752 · Jan 2014
Finite Journey's
EP Mason Jan 2014
Finite Journey’s
to incarnate worlds
I try judging all my footsteps on the prisms of the girl
I tread on the ground where the devils fear to tread
I must have woken fifty times in your eyes
or in your head

And now, my darling darkness
how I wish to make it clear
how a history of men
could rip my mouth from ear to ear
but I could tell you,
or show you
that you’d only just blow on my lips
and they would part voluntarily
for they are yours, and never his
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Aug 2014
I saw you from the bottom of the stairs before you knew I was coming
And though nervous and scared, I lingered on
I heard most things break by the ends of these types of nights
So I'll force upon every word I’ve brushed up on
Since knowing we wont speak like this again

You got a certain who knows what about you
And I got a small amount of time
To figure out what it is exactly and to whom does it apply,
But I know for a fact that these are broken nights,
Covered in bottles with the stench of a loss of life,
And I know that it's quite heartbreaking we won't speak like this again
I think this song might be about me
738 · Feb 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
Her mind's divine
her shaken soul will shine
in the first hour of midnight
her moon will surely shatter
her body's bruised and battered
she is the tranquil rain
she is the bearer of pain
she is the harsh December
and the only star I will ever remember
she is my broken bones
and my journey home
she is my one eternal
my callous and cruel orchestral
my final hour
my infinite meteor shower
she is my song awoken
my word unspoken
and everything I want to say
that I dreamt of yesterday
she is the grace in my lungs
blossoming as my youth falls young
''Grace is what matters in anything''- Jeff Buckley
© Erin Mason 2014
719 · Feb 2014
It's not a crime
EP Mason Feb 2014
So many times I have heard
''It's not a crime to love''
''I love
I love
and there's no law against it''
so then why is it treated that way?
I want him to hold his boyfriend's hand and not
be scared of their words
like handcuffs
I want her to kiss her girlfriend's lips
with her eyes closed
for once not looking around the busy Sunday streets
at who is staring
I want their bodies to blend
just like everyone else's
free from laws
free from prohibition
and hatred, disgust
simply for gender
because hey
they both wear makeup
or they're both in dresses
they met whilst playing on the all-male football team
when they were born
their baby showers were themed blue
when really, gender is not a colour
just like love is not a gender
and no love-banning law
will make love a criminal act

It's not a crime
to think their skin is made of constellations
it's not a crime
to feel warmth in your bones when they're lying beside you
it's not a crime
to kiss them with passion so intense
it makes your own heart fleet to your stomach
And I don't want to live in a world
where the crime is not in the bloodied fist of the attacker
or the cruel words spat from their mouth
but in the man with the red river gushing from his nose
simply because he gave his heart to another man
For Joel

© Erin Mason 2014
718 · Dec 2013
Muse's musings
EP Mason Dec 2013
I want to be your muse
laid out on a table
cloth around my thighs
soothed beneath your hands

When you put your pen to paper
I want what you write
to be about me

I want you to crush me up
into a spectrum of your paints
and breathe into me
with your cherry blossom lips

I want you to write
years and years of novels
about my skin
my eyes
my laugh
the way my shadow looks at 3am

I want to ******* image on your lips
hear my soul speak on your tongue
feel my heart beat in your ink

Turn me into your art
your history
your masterpiece
your eternal muse
© Erin Mason 2013
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