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698 · Jun 2013
EP Mason Jun 2013
'You can't be in love, you're only Sixteen'*
Well then please, define 'love'
tell me, what does it mean?

I see the smile on your face as he walks through the door
but the pain in your eyes makes me wonder what for
And the silence and solitude pierces the air
The broken home whispers with tears of despair

You're trapped in a cycle of macabre lust
The unavoidable truth is the lack of real trust
So it pains me to watch you
And your words of fake ''love''
More Black like the Raven than White like the Dove

And you sit there
you ask me
how can I feel love?
how can my heart beat when it is so young?

My response then, is simple
I feel love like you do
Only your love is false
and my love is true
© Erin Mason 2013
696 · Jan 2014
10 minutes past midnight
EP Mason Jan 2014
My favourite part of new years
was wandering out into the streets
at 10 minutes past midnight
in a daze of champagne, ***** and lemonade
and peering up into a clear night's sky
and I swear I have never seen that many stars in one place
I watched them
with the background laughter of my drunken friends
discussing tales and myths of what each constellation meant
but who needs tales and myths
or science and maths
when you have bright eyes to see a world so completely beautiful
so complex and so magnificent?
Those stars rained down on my face
such that not even Van Gogh could paint their swirling bloom
such that Shelley and Keats could not write down their metallic romance
only I know that moment
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jun 2014
You in arcane darkness
Garnet eyes like veils
Those eyes
They see too much
They see too much

What neurologic chaos lies
beyond those eyes?
Ten thousand tongues
do seek to know
But I know
You know too much
You know too much
© Erin Mason 2014
687 · May 2014
EP Mason May 2014
Our bodies are neutral
fake passion
faded hearts
I'm tired and lonely
you're just tired
© Erin Mason 2014
687 · Jan 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
The way to my heart is through my heart, *******.
© Erin Mason 2014
687 · Oct 2014
EP Mason Oct 2014
I am nothing
more than damp
dewing the mould of your mind
more than an extra vessel
trying to keep your heart awake
trying to keep the blood inside you
nothing more than a crimson clot
pale cloth
watching the poppies grow up, and off
I am nothing
more than leaves in autumn
before you digress
and I fall
© Erin Mason 2014
682 · Sep 2015
669 · Jul 2013
Rotten Angelica
EP Mason Jul 2013
She's perfect
she's flawless
she radiates light
she's faultless
she's matchless
she's purified sight
unmatched beauty
and a conscience so clear
why would heaven have a place for her here?

Earth is like heaven where she will rot and dwell
*an angel like her is destined for hell.
''Beauty is a curse on the world, it stops us from seeing who the real monsters are.''

© Erin Mason 2013
655 · Aug 2014
guilty as charged
EP Mason Aug 2014
''Girls only like *******.''
I grimace at those words
as I happily take the compliments
laced with sexuality
bestowed upon me by some guy with good cheekbones,
who practices his lines.
I hate that he gives me butterflies.

I try and replicate that fluttering feeling
with the guy who's nervously stumbling over
the dorky love letters from his heart.
I know he's sincere,
And I'm made guilty for cringing at his face.
(It's slimy
I'm sorry.)

But you were awkward
and nervous
and oh so uncalm
you had a little extra weight and a grin you despise
and I love,
and your words were all scribbled on notebook paper
with lines covering every time you
underestimated the blue in my eyes
(you needed better ways to describe.)
But you gave me more than butterflies
I was in love with the ''nice guy''
so why'd you leave my side?
This poem is all over the place
much like my thoughts

© Erin Mason 2014
651 · May 2014
EP Mason May 2014
''I dream of talking to him again, under apple trees at night in the hills of orchards; talking; quoting poetry; and making a good life.''
- Sylvia Plath
EP Mason Jul 2014
1) ''You need to put her on a diet, she looks hideous.''
2) ''You're the only person who asked if I was okay.''
3) ''You're not her, though.''
4) ''I'm going to **** you, one day.''
5) ''You'll never look pretty with those scars.''
6) ''She loves me, and I don't think you ever did.''
7) ''Do it lengthways next time.''
8) ''Don't speak to me again.''
9) ''Sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving.''
10) ''My daughter has ruined my life.''
11) ''It's okay, I'm used to it.''
12) ''You made me feel not so hopeless for a while.''
13) ''I know you liked him but he didn't like you.''
14) ''We're together, but I still want to be your friend.''
15) ''It was a mistake.''
16) ''I really like him. I like you too, though.''
17) ''Nice scars.''
18) ''Thanks, I like having a friend who's a girl.''
19) ''I could be surrounded by people and still feel alone.''
20) ''Who are you?''
21) ''Sorry, I don't remember.''
22) ''I feel like white noise and background.''
23) ''We didn't want to hurt you.''
24) ''I love her, I don't know why.''
25) ''I never understood why you stayed, when all they did was hurt you.''
26) ''No one's ever loved you, have they?''
27) ''You're all I have now.''
28) * silence
outlet, maybe
© Erin Mason 2014
631 · Aug 2015
EP Mason Aug 2015
Waxing, waning
bodies convulsing
humming and breathing
tracing, feeling

Tell me I'm beautiful
one more time
my face in your hands
let me breathe in the moonlight

Lay me beside you
tell me what's not true
lie to me
lie to me
love me like I love you

I can taste the guilt
that's hanging from your lips
I know the night-time love
in the morning won't exist
I know it's just frustration
I know that I'm not his
I was waxing in the moment
now I'm waning
625 · Dec 2013
Dream on deeper
EP Mason Dec 2013
There are beasts in my garden
soulless garden
dark and deep whimsical garden
full of your violent delights.

And the dragonflies
that drown inside your guts
they don't care if they're hurting you
they are big and bold and lighting struck
like your eyes on a Sunday
wired into me
choking me

The eyes that live forever in my garden
your eyes in my soulless garden
© Erin Mason 2013
619 · Oct 2014
I cut
EP Mason Oct 2014
Three months ago
I cut
I cut until my veins ran dry
I cut until my skin turned white
I cut until my sheets were black
And all the world fell back

Today, this day
I cut once more
I cut until my legs were sore
I cut until my eyes weren't green
I cut until my soul felt clean
I cut until I collapsed
Never thought I would relapse
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason May 2015
I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss
so many girls stronger than me, have thrown their backs out
trying to lift it
but me, I'm not a gamble
you can count on me to split
the love I sell you in the evening, by the morning won't exist

And I'm not sure what the trouble was, that started all of this
The reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did
It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live
Cause what is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is
What's so simple in the moonlight, now is so complicated
617 · Dec 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
the sky is electric blue
and powdered ombre
with the stars shining through

And every night
I watch the sky's changing hue
and I peer into myriad
and wonder if you see it too
© Erin Mason 2013
613 · Jan 2014
The kindness of strangers
EP Mason Jan 2014
The smile in her voice
to ask me if I was okay
is the nicest thing
to happen to me today

Because my face was lined with creases
and my cheeks were soaked with tears
but I will remember her and her light-brimming eyes
for a multitude of years
The pure unjudged kindness of strangers is something that needs to be addressed. These people do not know my past, but they will not hesitate to improve my future ever so slightly.

© Erin Mason 2014
613 · Aug 2014
fuck you (drunk)
EP Mason Aug 2014
and your cigarette tinted laughter
and your unbearably soft lips
your deep chocolate
doe eyed stare
and perfectly rounded *******
and the auburn haze when the sun hits your head
**** your mouth
when you said you only really loved one girl
and **** this morning when you told me
that you loved her
your girlfriend
for the time I made my lips sore
from kissing all your scars
and the time I sang you Elliott Smith
******* for making me ******
******* for making me want you
******* for walking me home
******* for leaving me there
******* because I don't mean a word I'm saying
I'll probably regret this in the morning

© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Mar 2014
Tonight I watched the sky for longer than I'd ever done before
The white afternoon deepened to crystal and
I saw each star gently fade into view
until darkness covered me
like the clouds covered the waxing, weeping moon
and astral tears melted from its craters
and on nights like this I usually
think of Van Gogh
or McNeill Whistler's
Nocturne in black and Gold
but tonight I thought of
how there are more stars in the sky
drops of water on Earth
© Erin Mason 2014
599 · Aug 2015
EP Mason Aug 2015
Remember, remember
the fourth of May
when what felt like a year
only lasted a day
when the smoke and the honesty
tickled my neck
all the song in your laughter
I'll never forget

Remember embraces,
pacing the floor
'I love you too' before closing the door
knowing the world would all be put right
because we were both feeling together that night

Remember kisses at 3 in the morning
and the tightest of hugs through the loudest of yawning
feeling I'd hate to be anywhere else
than there
in the dark
just you and myself

Remember, remember
and don't forget me
when you're out in the world and there's so much to see
but remember that what you were seeing that day
was someone that said
it would all be okay
digging out old ones from my journal since I've neglected my writing duties- sorry
597 · Jul 2014
EP Mason Jul 2014
You are not a person,
******* it,
you are a nebula.
You don't have skin
you have island universes of stars
and your hands aren't hands
they're the whole ******* solar system branched out through your fingertips.

I can't look at you
without feeling like I'm spiralling through your galaxy
without losing breath
because after all
there's no oxygen in space

But the worst part is your eyes
those great opal voids
your infinite ******* chasms
that engulf me every time

And I always thought I'd be scared in space
like it's too big, too empty, too unexplored
but here I am
not scared at all
© Erin Mason 2014
597 · May 2014
Pierrot le fou
EP Mason May 2014
''Pourquoi êtes-vous triste?''
''Parce que vous me parlez en mots, et je vous regarde avec des sentiments...''
My favourite quote from one of my favourite French films
588 · Nov 2013
EP Mason Nov 2013
Every time I think we're done
you smile at me
lips like the sun
and mother of pearl teeth
and once again
I'm in love

*Why do you do this to me
© Erin Mason 2013
585 · Nov 2013
EP Mason Nov 2013
Every time I think we're done
you smile at me
lips like the sun
and mother of pearl teeth
and once again
I'm in love

*Why do you do this to me
© Erin Mason 2013
581 · Aug 2014
EP Mason Aug 2014
I'm in a crestfallen sea
there's no way out

                                it's all
                ­                          water
© Erin Mason 2014
580 · Dec 2013
Emotional loving Blues
EP Mason Dec 2013
Every ***** in paradise
flocks to you my love
sippin' on that alcohol
you're a cheap dime store drug
but they gotta have you
spilling outta their veins
you got that emotional loving, babe
you got them all in your brain

Whistle while you're working on 'em
and they got tar and love in their lungs
you're still knocking back that whiskey
and they're all living off ***
oh, emotional loving babe
what's a girl gonna do
they crave that emotional loving
but all I crave is you
© Erin Mason 2013
(these are actually the lyrics to a blues song I've been working on)
580 · Feb 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
Hereby, the night is my Valentine
and what I lack in love song
I hear in the harsh wind's lullaby.
I see the moon letch out the ivory tusk of night
and the ashen clouds will cradle the stars
and lay upon the words I write.
Then the welkin whisked the blackened embers
thus the moon became my spirit guide
creating spring from bleak December's
my night proposal, then my morning bride
© Erin Mason 2014
579 · Feb 2014
how love goes stale
EP Mason Feb 2014
You see friends
I have pondered
for a multitude of time
of how love goes stale
and people drift away from what was once so pure

It's intimacy, isn't it?
You push the lovers together
so close that they see the cracks of skin
and the unsightly hairs
and the moles
and the stretch marks
and the unwelcomed halitosis

Remember when that person was made of stars?
When they bathed in oceans of milk and ate flowers
and their skin was made up of shredded moon
when you loved them from a distance
and couldn't wait to touch them
and possess them

Well now you do
and your dream is real
how does that feel?

I think that's how love goes stale.
© Erin Mason 2014
575 · Dec 2013
Stressed out thoughts
EP Mason Dec 2013
I need you
to calm me down
and just so you know
I have asked my teacher for two essay extensions
and it has taken me three days to write 1000 words
simply because
you are the only thing I can think about right now
and I keep wondering what you're doing
© Erin Mason 2013
(not quite a poem but I needed an outlet)
EP Mason Nov 2013
It was the murky stench of forgotten water
hidden somewhere
in the depths of an ivy-winding garden
and the autumn leaves which crunch into the mixing bowl

The rotting flesh of their midrib and veins
binding themselves a new life with the arms
of trees
which had fallen into the reapers puddle
- this is where they come to die.

Their graves, painting the garden Fallow and Umber
lay buried underneath a distant grey sky
the gloom of an English October is at their wake
and the feet of people
trample on their caskets
no remorse
no pause for thought
for nature's feeble skeleton
slipping out of breath
© Erin Mason 2013
566 · Jun 2013
Incandescent ignorance
EP Mason Jun 2013
Don't bite the hand that feeds you*
the Sun hisses at the man
spitting the strongest rays of hatred
as he conceivably can

But on Earth, man does not listen
and he wastes the world away
laughing with his light bulbs
whilst the brightest fades to Grey
© Erin Mason 2013
562 · Jul 2014
EP Mason Jul 2014
Listen close
and don't be ******
I'll be here in the morning
'cause I'm just floating
Your cigarette still burns
your messed up world will thrill me
I'm lost

Alison I said we're sinking
there's nothing here but that's okay
outside your room your sister's spinning
but she laughs
and tells me she's just fine
I guess she's out there somewhere

And the sailors they strike poses
on TV coloured walls
and so slowly
With your talking and your pills
your messed up life still thrills me
I'm lost

Alison I'll drink your wine
I'll wear your clothes when we're both high
Alison I said we're sinking
but you laugh
and tells me it's just fine

I guess she's out there somewhere
favourite song ever written
EP Mason Sep 2015
I'm looking for a way to tell you that
you're the nicest abundance of chaos
I have ever known
and to write it is nice because
even if we still get some years left
you'll still read this
and know
Bears more meaning now.
557 · May 2015
I wish
EP Mason May 2015
I wish I could hold him
without wanting to cry
and accept a compliment
without hearing a lie
I wish I could be with him
without fearing what I'd do
when I became another sad girl
who didn't know the truth
I wish I could kiss him
and give him what he needs
and tell him that my mind goes calm
when I hear him hum and breathe
I wish I wasn't so **** terrified
of feeling his love end
but most of all, I wish it started
before I drew the line at 'friend'
555 · Feb 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
I'm going back to that
                ­                          again
© Erin Mason 2014
552 · Feb 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
She is a thick acrylic
she'll latch on to your canvas
she is the vibrant red of your beating heart
the rainstorm blue in your eyes
she will never fade away
there are millions of layers to her
that you can never strip

I am a washed out watercolour
a faint sweep of the spectrum
a drab and fleeting glance
dilute me
and it's like I was never there
the part of your pallet
that you will forget come morning
© Erin Mason 2014
536 · Jul 2014
EP Mason Jul 2014
My waist
my grace
my shadowy pale face
in your hands

And I felt myself shiver
with want
from that touch

Your eyes
teetered on the edge of me
and teeth
ground against my anatomy

The deepest swallow
the harshest sigh
my carnal moans
against a ferocious high

And ***
that delicious greed
is just another
© Erin Mason 2014
530 · Jan 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
He refutes sobriety
like he is scared of the night
and he's scared of my eyes
and my arms

But I too am scared of my eyes and my arms
such that I cannot comprehend
how anyone on this Earth could stare into them
without burning with bile

I am so very vile
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
In this century, specifically, I spend an awful lot of time staring at a computer screen. The harsh artificial light casts a bright blanket across my eyes, so that when I go outside to look at the stars in the sky, it takes time for me to see them in their true beauty as I must allow my eyes to adjust to them.

In a similar way, the computer screen will cast a bright artificial light on me, so that I have to strain to see true beauty. Natural beauty, real beauty.
© Erin Mason 2014
521 · Dec 2013
I didn't get your number
EP Mason Dec 2013
Today I ventured out of the house
for the first time in seven days
there were cuts on my feet as I broke in new shoes
and the wind blew my hair out of place

Christmas lights still danced in the Sunday sky
I was but a watcher of the crowds passing by
until I saw you
heard you
and your gentle guitar
you played Simon and Garfunkel (whom I love)
on that gentle guitar

I sat and watched you
for a minute or two
and you caught glimpses of me
and I was writing about you
you had auburn hair and a dazzling smile
and your voice made the December winds seem worthwhile

As I was writing, the song fell away
and you packed up your things and left
and I regret that I forgot to say
how much I loved the song you sang
and your auburn hair and smile
and how you made the harsh December winds seem so worthwhile
© Erin Mason 2013
515 · Jan 2014
Writers Block 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
Trying not to romanticize life
is hard
when everything is going so beautifully

Such that the morbid and intrusive thoughts
once buried at the back of my mind
then hanging on the tip of my tongue
prying open my lips
have been swallowed down into the burning pit of my stomach
Perhaps, never to return again
Does anybody else find themselves so happy that the negativity that once shaped your poetry turns to writers block?

© Erin Mason 2014
513 · Jan 2014
A new year in Smiths lyrics
EP Mason Jan 2014
'Good times for a change
see, the luck I've had
can make a good man
turn bad

So please, please, please
let me, let me, let me
let me get what I want
this time

Haven't had a dream in a long time
see, the life I've had
can make a good man bad

So for once in my life
let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
EP Mason Dec 2013
She is the unbroken shores of a riverbank
her song billows like the winds in my soul
and her bones weep sorrow
but she is everything to me

A Goddess and a vagabond
lowly in her tide
her song explodes within me
rushing through my internal
shattering my external
summer sun
and winter moon
an infinite power, forever in her pagan shawl
forever in her golden hair
forever in my mind
A quick heat-of-the-moment poem, written for one of my idols, Sandy Denny.

© Erin Mason 2013
506 · Oct 2014
To own you is to love you
EP Mason Oct 2014
I just wanted to turn you over. To sink my teeth into your back and watch the blood flow out, sticky and sweet. To pierce myself on your spine and stain it red. To mould myself into the cracks of your skin, and dream there. To clutch you, and drag my lips across your body. To be with you, being to being; waxing and waning; tender semblances, engulfing.
© Erin Mason 2014
505 · May 2015
EP Mason May 2015
I have this fantasy for prom night
that you'll maybe want to dance with me
but I'll probably leave within the hour
and you won't even see me arrive
496 · Mar 2014
Maps (The Front Bottoms)
EP Mason Mar 2014
There is a map in my room on the wall of my room and I’ve got big, big plans.
and I can see them slipping through almost feel them slipping through the palms of my sweaty hands.
and I move slow, just slow enough to make you uncomfortable.

you say ''I hate you'', you mean it and ''I love you'' sounds fake
it's taken me so long to figure that out.
I used to love the taste I would do anything for it.
now I would do anything to get the taste out of my mouth.
and you're so confident but I hear you crying in your sleeping bag.

but you were broken bad yourself
you were mad as hell you felt
if you had done anything with anyone else it would have worked out so well.

But you are an artist and your mind don’t work the way you want it to.
one day you’ll be washing yourself with hand soap in a public bathroom.
and you’ll be thinking ''how did I get here?''
''where the hell am I?''
if the roles were reversed you could have seen me sneaking up, sneaking up from behind.

She sees these visions, she feels emotion.
she says that I cannot go she sees my plane in the ocean.
and what about your friends? don’t you love them enough to stay?
and I say if I don’t leave now then I will never get away.
let me be a blue raft on a blue sea I’ll blend right in.
496 · Dec 2013
Death and his darling
EP Mason Dec 2013
I've tried making friends with Death
on many a dark and crimson night
I would lay in my folly
and watch as Death made his plight.
Stealing children
and mothers
and the souls of the old
watching their chamber rooms
turn murky, chilly and cold

But alas, Death does not need friends
he has told me many a time
but perhaps if Death had a hand to hold
he would not take the hands of the strong,
maybe, he'd take mine.

Death, why do you leave me here?
Why can I not join you tonight?
When you leave, you give no reason
you brush me off, and disappear
into the silvery concaves of the light.

Death, I have touched your scythe
and I want it to graze my neck
I see no future for myself here
only mist and clouds appear in your oubliette.

Death, you are beautiful
your Alabaster flesh crawls in my mind
why does no one else love you, Death?
you are perfect in my eyes.

When you stop choosing the ones who hate you
and make friends with the ones who love you, Death
then maybe
all the souls here around you
can learn to find peace when you lead them to rest.
© Erin Mason 2013
494 · Dec 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
If we were on a black and white camera roll
I could whisper
au revoir mon amour
and leave my heart swollen by your side
as the screen fades away

But unfortunately I must see you again next year
and watch as your eyes always say
Je ne t'ai jamais aimé
and my eternal screen will never fade away
© Erin Mason 2013
488 · Feb 2014
Delicate (Damien Rice)
EP Mason Feb 2014
Why do you fill my sorrow
with the words you've borrowed
from the only place you've known?
And why do you sing Hallelujah
if it means nothing to you?

Why do you sing with me at all?
476 · Jul 2013
My River
EP Mason Jul 2013
He was a river
he was my river
he was the depth of the sea and the beauty of the coral ocean
he was one who ran free
free, free and polluted was he
a shivering wreck drowning in the water
but he was my river
my raindrop
my globe
and he was clear enough for me
© Erin Mason 2013
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