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 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
you used to love the taste of my name on your tongue,
until summer rolled around and your taste buds changed.
my mouth still waters.
 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
You remind me
of months of loneliness;
an ache I held dearly
between the crooked ribs of my memory.

Cracked open, I could find you nestled,
shrouded in hazel locks.
Your lungs breathless in awe,
bones and dead tissue.

I watch the freckles on your skin evaporate,
dissipate, evade my glance.
You remind me of loss, love and heartbreak;
4:08am, August 4th 2014

I don't think I'll ever understand the phrase "let it go". Every moment of the past defines you. How could anyone be so foolish to forget that?
I do not believe morality exists as a scale. Benevolent acts do not resolve you of the malevolent. They both exist independent of one another. No matter how much good you do, you will have still done the bad.
The spiteful acts of my past drive me to become a better person. I may be a changed man now, but I'll never let that past cruelty out of my sight. It has defined me, and it will continue to define me.
someone once told me that the
people who we want the most are
the monsters under our beds and
the core reason of why we find fault
in everything we do and are because
we are only trying to please them,
and now I understand why I started
to doubt my love for you.


 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
i'm paralyzed between the fears
of being a nobody,
or letting the pressures of being
a somebody get to my head
I don't know what I want anymore
 Aug 2014 Ella Matache
Miranda Jo
What a terrible thing,
It eats you alive,
It haunts your dreams.

I'm so lost in this sea,
This sea of tears,
That's led me too deep.

Who gives a ****,
About a young girl,
Who lost all trust.

He does,
He cares,
He loves,
A girl who blows away with the dust.

My dear don't give up,
Don't leave me here,
To blow away with the dust.
Be friendly with the fire
Light a bonfire for warmth
Pain and agony burning away
Leaving you with ashes of past
Blow them away with winds
They will carry your pain away
Be a torchbearer and show the way
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