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  Oct 2014 Elijah
Third Legacy
'Tick-tock', says the clock
You're too late

But he knew to himself
that he could never be early
and could have never been

But he only knew this
when the clock had chimed

It's time to go
she said

though it sounded more like

It's time to say


he didn't hear
for she
had deafened him
with the sound of
her voice

he gave her a broken smile
and a stare that would last forever

will this be the last?
he asked
knowing this was the first

he knew she loved him too
in his dreams
at least
  Oct 2014 Elijah
Musfiq us shaleheen

It has rounded
when you can't see the end of the road
you seem those eyes have a limit
but you see the sky that moves beyond the limit

It has looped
when you loved her first since you have been missing over the life
you are growing older
but you can't see the end that is beyond the death

It has dreamed again
when autumn is glowing with shrubs of white flowers
you have looped within your dreams
dreams are running with drifted white clouds, its gravity beyond the imagination

It grew love
when you told me a simple word, its feeling is more than the love
now the toys of early day's have broken
but still the broken gadgets have glittered beyond the lights of hope

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
sometimes love, hopes and dreams are beyond...................
  Oct 2014 Elijah
Sally A Bayan
The life we live each day is a spiritual journey;
we find our places, we sit,
then we sail meditatively
on waters where the past and present play.
a chance to reflect on what to think, what to do,
a place where raging thoughts are purified,
all worries and fears are washed away.
soothing words gently rise and fall
with the waves that fill the sea,
thoughts that dwell in the steerer's mind,
a message he conveys to us, his passengers,
like a wind blowing, caressing our unsettled hearts
as crystal waters, calm and still us deep within.

At journey's end, we rise and leave the vessel, enlightened.
with endless thanksgiving, we gift our captain,
a Soul Whisperer,
his name is
Amitav Radiance.



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Amitav, this is just a dot, a brief way of saying  how your gentle words can calm a restless soul...***
  Oct 2014 Elijah
Dawn King
Would you mind terribly
Would you think me so rude
If I asked you to save me today
Help me throw some baggage away

Would I lose my luster
Would you think me incredulous
If I broke down and cried
Told you of the pain inside

Would it be too much to know
Would it bother you to hear
About all of my damaged pieces
And paranoid fears

Would it ruin your day
Would it chase you away
To discover I’m riddled with
Heart scars and faded stars

Would you find me odd
Would you run away
If you knew I wanted
You to save me today
  Oct 2014 Elijah
Sensual pleasures
I am restricted by words
Asking to be noticed
Begging to be heard

A push from the air
So you feel its constant hug
So often we brace a shoulder
To avoid the wind's tug

Motion to falsify life
Implying breath without lungs
Moving whip of the dead
That slapped til it stung
  Oct 2014 Elijah
You strip and scream in the pillow of your king size bed.
Something about life being too hard
or your girlfriend's unfaithfulness.
Somoene's outside your door
or maybe under the tree.
They know what their future is
and their prospects are bleak.
'I don't want to eat because I am so depressed. '
Well, how about handing over that food to someone who has been going hungry to bed.
You are never thankful for what you have.
Let's solve this without any animosity
We all have days which are bad.

I have seen the citylights
I have seen the people cringe with the pain
You and I know that this system is to be blamed.
It's time that the government has shown their true face.
Those schemes are probably gonna fail.

Unclean water, improper waste disposal
it's time we return back to our own morals.
I don't mean to be abrasive
but it's time we face it.
The rich are getting richer
watching poor men die
You get the picture
Divided by an imaginary line.

Some charities are a scam
'Please help us fund the education of the kids affected by the floods.
We have no proof where the money goes.
Our logic is ******.

Traffic lights changing colours
Wait?  Did someone break that one again?
That's a ******
No one knows where they are going
as long as the cash is flowing
So many around the world starve to death
'What the hell did you put in this lasagna? A rotten egg?'

Your emotional security us important
and so is your money.
You can enjoy as many luxuries
but remember to think of the less fortunate.
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