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 Jul 2014 Earnest A Roberts
It's not the rain
that makes my eyes wet.
It hasn't rained in forty days.
Nights are long and quiet.
The silence cuts to bone.

It wasn't rain that quenched the fire.
It hasn't rained in forty nights.
The well is dry... so am I.
Nights I sit in silence
while it rains.

r ~ 4/19/14
Weathered oak of ancient age
Sandblasted by Sirocco storm
Ribbed and dry and redly sage
Deep corrugated graining, worn.

Grown on hillside far away
Far, in England’s verdant land,
Hewn by artisan of old
Hewn by axe and sinewed hand.

Hauled across a raging sea
By barque of ******’s sail and hope,
Washed by salted wave and gale
Lashed to deck by weathered rope.

Dragged across hot dunes of sand
To a land called Galilee,
Hauled by He, betrayed by man,
Upon the hill of Calvary.

Hoisted high by Roman hand
Stark against a leaden sky,
Red blood stains on oaken cross
On which His Crown of Thorns shall cry.*

Easter Sunday 2014
The years of memories
pile up like cord-wood
stacked randomly,
a Jenga game of blocks
balanced  precariously,
verging on toppling
when a piece near the bottom
is removed too carelessly.

Memories must dwell in the past,
forever in the life of the mind.
They cannot be pulled out,
touched and held,
nor lived over and over again,
except perhaps in dreams.

Eileen Auger
underneath the blue ocean,
deep in god's eternal gaze,
inside a woman's emotion,
wandering the evergreen maze,

between a bird's beak and feather,
behind the ancient cellar door,
through seams of velvet and leather,
swimming the seas of salvador,

in the taste of honey sweet,
across the valleys of a face,
on the bottom of a lady's feet,
dancing on the clouds with grace,

beautiful worlds in beautiful words,
my true heart's pleasure,
beautiful worlds in beautiful words,
my true mind's treasure.
using all the words i think sound nice.
I love the way he looks at me
every time his heart feels
the night's embrace.
And my body desires to dance for him
until morning falls
upon his face

I watch him drink each hour
from a cup of moonlight ecstasy.
While my hands touch his skin
as a breeze...........
that whispers me.

The morning finds me holding on
to a cup
of memories.
My heart drinks them in
as Dawn.....
kisses me.

Copyright @2014  - Neva Flores Smith
I found it very hard to write a poem like this when I am not in love and it is not about anyone.....but I tried.
Sometimes my memories sneak out of my eyes
and roll down my cheeks  
These prisoners always find a way to escape,
When tension reaches its peak
Off into the night
Where everything I invision becomes bleak
Sometimes my mind doesn't follow my footsteps
and leaves my heart hollow
These prisoners derive themselves out of feelings that were ever so potent
But now..
I realize what chances are overlooked when words remain unspoken .

-Tamera Brown
For those who lie restless at night thinking of the missed oppurtunities
These scars I wear each tell a tale
of moments I'll never forget
When loves spark, had once left it's mark
and the fates had called in their debt

Where I fell upon a bottle
cut my arm and nearly bled out
I hit my head, thought I was dead
learned something of what life's about

My legs torn by years of abuse
racing horses like all my kin
I'd go down hard, leaving them scarred
the limestone would tear off your skin

But these were offerings of note
in a life spent chasing ideals
Testing extremes, of my own dreams
run down more than once by the wheels

Son you can't live your life afraid
of each danger that comes your way
So play the odds, tempt the **** gods
rise up and face each new born day

When you are but old and feeble
with your grandchild upon your knee
Tell your stories, of life's glories
show him the scars so he can see

A life spent cowering from pain
will  leave you so aching inside
The gift you'd miss, from life's sweet kiss
knowing you never even tried


© 2012 Tate Morgan
October 25, 2012
Life isn't easy. It isn't meant to be. But sometimes, just sometimes we reach out and touch the soul of humanity making it all worthwhile
I don't want the power in love
I don't aim to be your master
Falling down all around
like so much well meant disaster

Oh, I never wanted a slave
I pursue a life less ruled
But if you walk without your chains
Perhaps we can make each other crazy

I'm just a human in need of suspense
no failures here, no dire need of gold
Just a falling down all around
a need for truth to be told.

Oh I'm no angel
nor aspiring demon
I'm just a human
in need of bein'.

If you walk, walk with me
I do not follow
but I will hold you
and drive you crazy

I pursue a life of me
where I want to go
and I don't want you to be
just someone to follow

I want a partner
friend, confidant...
I need a defender
and someone crazy

Someone crazy like
someone crazy about
someone I can be crazy
for and with and
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