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 Jul 2015 Doofinity
S Immele
Sitting here
Listening to the poetry
Of your inhale
Dreaming up possibilities
And improbabilities
Looking beyond horizons
And the skies of reasons
Your eyes like the fires
That burn in the hearts
Of all the children
The poets, the players, the actors
And every day dreamer
Wondering at the wandering
We all seem to engage in
What are we looking for
And where do we find it?
How do we define it?
What’s in a reality?
Who decides it?
Is it you, is it me
Is it that shadow clad they
Who loom over every second
Policing our every blink
Our every ******* thought.
Never a moment without them
Can’t we just find peace
And the beauty of time
Ideas and ideals racing,
Flashing like demented disco lights
On and off, on and off
Chaos and the whirlwind of feelings
And then
You exhale.
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
S Immele
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
S Immele
Awake again…2AM, Visions spinning in my head
Of bodies writhing, tangled in a carnal embrace
Thought evocative of thoughts provocative
Can’t get these visions out of my mind…
Of bodies writhing, sweat drenched
Pounding out an ancient beat, something purely animal,
Primal, untouchable by time and civilization alike
Somewhere I hope you’re suffering too
With visions that just won’t let you rest.
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Grace Pickard
Longing for convulsions and cacophony
The brain desires outlet-
Outlet for the hopelessness of mortality
Against knowledge of disappearance amongst you
And the ultimate disappearancs of one self
Which keeps you voiceless- a prisoner to your dying flesh
Without an outlet for the hopelessness of mortality
And thus hopelessness of mortality becomes an outlet of the captivated mind
mt great grandmother recently died and now I feel surrounded by so many of my deceased relatives and friends that it scares me of my own mortality and also of the loss of my individuality.
 Jul 2015 Doofinity

I always
  could my
     dreams actually
         come true,
     then I met you
           and got
                my answer...

           *yes they can
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Embodied inside flesh, bone, blood
Across distances and lifetimes as they say
Awaiting the day you reconnect with that missing piece
The one who will breathe a new life into you
Electric pieces combine
Fizzing, sparking, fulfilling
Creating a whole once again
Seeking what you once had within
To become what you shouldn't have to live without
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Feeling your hot breath against my mouth as you exhale into me.
Your lips against mine, filling my body with unanswered desire.
A kiss so strong I have to steady my body against yours for fear of falling.
As you find the light in me.
 Jul 2015 Doofinity
Imagining your lips trailing soft delicate kisses across my skin
Leaving little goosebumps in it's wake
My body tingling in response as you send shivers down my spine
Feeling your breath, hot on my neck as I arch my back in a primal response
Your fingers lingering in the most sensitive of places, calling out a dark sudden urge inside me.
You toy with me, cradled away from the world
For a night I am yours, lost within a sea of blankets and soft, delicious moans.
I am your marionette and tonight, you're pulling on all of my strings.
Control me, puppet master.
Your every wish is my body's command.
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