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  Oct 2015 Nessa dieR
They say, "if you love something,
let it go" and that, "if it returns,
it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was",
but does that saying apply to people?
Because I don't want to let you go.
I don't want to let you walk
out of the door to my life.
You won't come back, but it's not
because you never were mine.
It's more because you don't have family here,
and once you're gone you wont have a reason
to come back here.
And it's expensive anyway to fly across the country
just for a visit with someone.
But I'll miss you. I don't want to let you go.
*I don't want you to leave me.
  Oct 2015 Nessa dieR
all we do is wait.
wait for the world to change.
wait for the world to end.
well i never was very patient.
if you had a suicide note what would it say?
comment yours, i'm curious. :)
  Oct 2015 Nessa dieR
Jillian Elcie
Do not fall in love with an artist;
Her mind is both a framework
And a disarray
Of jumbled sentiments.
And once you embed yourself
Within her horizons,
She’ll fathom you into a masterpiece.
She’ll draw the way your lips form words
With mesmerizing hues
And bind your love
Into a collection of poetic utterances
And she’ll make an inconsequential language
Into an unconventional expression.
She’ll pluck strings
To embody the way your chest
Rises against her ear with each breath;
She’ll make you fall in love with creativity.
And one wrong move,
And you’ll become a masterwork in her array.
Nessa dieR Oct 2015
I am like ice, while he is my fire
Now do you understand my hot desire?
But it becomes harder to hide my cold feet
and pretend not to love his exceeding heat.
Is it my fault I don't want a heart frozen cold?
Is it my fault don't believe what I've been told?
That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice,
And ice, to a fire, is never suffice.

but isn't my love enough to change their minds?
Isn't this love like none you'll ever find?
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