When waves of strife
Crash upon the keel
Equipped I Am
At the Wheel
I flag peace
To Still My Sea
Anchor Safely
Within my being!
If Dark clouds
Block my view
I search
The compass
Of My Mind
Even work overtime
To navigate a new course
Away from the gale force!
Sailors resting on the land
Put themselves to a test
When they hear my SOS
Ready and able
To give a hand
They plot Fearlessly
A Rescue in destructive Sea
Deep and Dark
Beyond me!
(c) Debra Lea Ryan, 25/10/10
When I'm safely on the shore
My heart still yearns to explore
Follow my dreams - Flow with the Sea
Honour Love Within You and Me.
( 31/03/11)
I reworked/retitled this Piece to be a part of my online Cine-Poetry project located at my personal website and You Tube.
When waves that Wound
Crash upon the keel
Equipped We Are
At the Wheel
To flag peace
Still the Sea
Anchor Safely
Within our being!