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Don't ever tell me it's all over,
even if the clouds hover
Trust I would never tell when it'd rain
yet see raindrops rolling down my window pane
They say no pain no gain,maybe I'd gain from my pain
Who says tears can run throughout years?
Come on they'd probably dry in a matter of a few beers
And still,I hope the wounds would heal
completely for I loath wearing scars
Speaking of your eyes, think I would miss those stars
And I would never erase them from my mind
they give me a bearing without which I'd be blind

*How would I forget everything that mattered
Even if you had my heart crushed and scattered?
Believe me it's all true, to me it's all you
We've walked so many miles, it can't be all for nothing
Imagine giving up right now,losing what my heart craves
Aren't all our struggles worth something,
why'd we otherwise battle the waves?
The songs we've sung, the cuddles when the cold stung

The humour that made us jiggle,
hits that made you wiggle
The ice cream you cherish, the cocktails,the drinks
I've tried to imagine but I can't see us apart
I can't no matter how hard I think
For even if you go oceans away I'll still have you at heart

Come on, don't even contemplate ever saying goodbye
That will only imply the rest of my life's a lie
We've made too many memories together
I even wonder whether we'd have had enough at forever

Losing you would be losing a valuable treasure
A devastating loss,I would never find closure
You radiate beauty and serene to the human race
and without you my heart would be an empty place

*Never forget that, my life wouldg lose meaning
If I ever lost you,my globe would cease spinning
On the road of my existence that would be the last bend
And for all my travels that would be the end
I trust you, much as they caution against trusting perfection
Beyond the ocean floor, so deep is my affection
Maybe this is our opportunity to finally see change
we've endured a system archaic and strange
we've watched the world revolve quicker than us
because we are stranded while the rest shift on the wheels of revolution
maybe this is the time you made that resolution
to constantly remind your brother and sister
Father and mother that that position needs a new sitter
maybe this is the time to say enough is enough
however much it instills in you fear, however tough
maybe it's the time we finally say to hell with the past
because like they say to stone nothing is cast
and the only thing that doesn't change is change itself
otherwise for how long will one old man exploit our insecurities?
For how long are they going to tell us that change is unsafe
A different time a different king even the monarchs say
what are we saying in our deafening silence today?
maybe this is the time to tell even the most ignorant by the country mile
that only and only a different king will dry their tears and give them a smile
we've been told he's the only man with foresight
come on,how are we to judge the rest without chances
for so long change has been a distant vibration along the threads of time
and opposition to conservatism a crime
maybe it's time for that to change too
and guess who can do that, only me and you

maybe it's time to flip the page for this great country to start another chapter
And it doesn't have to be all smooth a flow to happily ever after
Let other dancers step to the podium
and only then can we judge their dances
maybe it's time to another hunter we handed the arrow and bow
maybe now is the time for a different color on the rainbow
It cannot forever be a constant yellow
for even God saw however beautiful they look
the skies shouldn't always bear a sparkling mellow
sometimes the sky is cloudy, orange and most times blue
maybe it's time like I clearly think from my own view
for as a generation we are being denied the opportunity of comparative history
what will we tell our children happened to democracy
where did we throw, they'll ask all the resilience and efficacy?
maybe it's time to get back our country from the liberators
who use the same cuffs of the past regimes to manacle this country
and have since grown tall and firmer than palm tree
we have watched them wallow and buzz for so long
but for an idea whose time has come nothing is that strong

maybe it's time to save the embezzled donations and every single grant
a time to say confidently "to Hell with the tyrant"
maybe it's a time to be the change we want, the answer to all of our questions
and shove those that think we can't
maybe it's time to go past the roughing waves of conservatism as they whirl
maybe it's time to save our lovely nation
for at the moment, in very wrong hands lies the Pearl.
My country has everything, but Democracy
And without real Democracy everything is nothing
Bury me deep in your mind
under the skin of a memory
within the breaths of a kiss
still warm on your lips
bury me

Bury me above your chest
below the walls of your heart
and close to a burning plain
bury me of love insane
sensitive still to your stare
still crazed by your touch
bury me
I don’t know if you know
I carry you
in an involuntary sigh
in a constant exodus of yearning
and in the frantic deepness of all
nostalgic thought, shaking time and distance
to place me near you
in the closeness of your warmth

I carry you in sorrow
in the absence of your voice
and in the memory of your rib cage molded
in the shape of ardent weakness
my embrace

I carry you, the braille at the tip of my fingers
life drawn in lines on my left palm
and in the carcass of calm interrupted
by the pounding of a heart’s ill-time

I don't know if you know, but
I carry you in the crown of memories consoled
and in the spine of excess
where I fall, between involuntary sighs
in your skin remembered
from the confines
of the heart
On a night...just a night.
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
I was once a shape...
Equally jointed,
at four opposite points.

I was a square...
I never knew the way of the world.
Never open to new experiences,
even when they presented themselves bare...
Even when the shrouds of uncertainty
were wiped away leaving the future unfurled.

I grew up...
Huddled under the roof set above me,
with four walls that kept me safe and sheltered.
That was the entire universe.
That was all I saw...
Views so narrow and uneventful...
A life so bland with the fun bits all sheared.

Never brought up to question...
Never given the time and space to think.
There was always a yardstick upon which I was measured.
The sea of expectations was vast but shallow...
So I could wade forever,
but never sink.

I was once a shape...
No one then expected me to be other than a square.
I had everything I needed,
all within the confines of imposing cordons and tapes.
But the world would constantly rap on the windows.
Peddling its fantastical ware.
It would entice with its secrets and mysteries.
Boasting the wonderful stories it'd like to share.
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
there's truth in your

there's a story
in few

six word story.
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
along with my useful lively self
i stroll the path of faceless crowds
they might not know me
I might not know them
but I'm glad as I watch
them do their story
and I on a steady phase
create the background
of my life,
the passerby...

a bit raw

i guess this will be the second part of my poem passerby.

thank you for reading me...
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
Austin B
My keyboard is my piano,
You are the tempo.
Each letter an omnipotent gesture,
You are the rhythm.
My fingers fluttering, words cascading,
Music flowing, space imploding.
Tiny strokes, heart pulsating,
Quickly now, dont fall behind,
My wandering mind, simplified,
Superstitious and inconspicuous,
Tantalizing new beginnings,
Each endeavour so endearing.
Nothing more than tiny strokes.
I play for you.
Every rendition,
Every distinctive differentiation of anything beautiful
is for you.
The fincal act, don't stray too far.
Tomorrow is a new beginning,
and you are my star.
 Jan 2016 david mungoshi
Austin B
Some people ask me why I never worry.
I tell them that she makes me feel invincible.
There is nothing we can not do, when we are together.
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