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What I am trying to say is,
I am well aware that it matters not whether I am with or without you;
I will keep moving,
but I much prefer your limbs with my limbs,
and I enjoy the tragedy you think makes you unable to be loved,
and I'm sorry I didn't touch you a little bit longer,
and when you're here I feel it,
and when you're not I feel it too.

by : Alexandra Crawford
Had I a man's fair form, then might my sighs
Be echoed swiftly through that ivory shell,
Thine ear, and find thy gentle heart; so well
Would passion arm me for the enterprise:
But ah! I am no knight whose foeman dies;
No cuirass glistens on my *****'s swell;
I am no happy shepherd of the dell
Whose lips have trembled with a maiden's eyes.
Yet must I dote upon thee,—call thee sweet,
Sweeter by far than Hybla's honied roses
When steeped in dew rich to intoxication.
Ah! I will taste that dew, for me 'tis meet,
And when the moon her pallid face discloses,
I'll gather some by spells, and incantation.
Let me take a stroll
Through the times when only 'we' existed for us,
Through the days when you were my first sight and last thought,
Through the times when each kiss could bring a poem to shame.

Let me take a stroll
Into the days of darkness and despair,
Into nights that I wept to sleep,
Into moments I feared you're gone.

Let me take a stroll
To the past I never wanna go
To the memories I never want back
To the thoughts that I never wanna revisit.

Let me take a stroll,
Among the lovely phases of life to come,
Among the beautiful songs we're yet to sing,
And a wonderful life that awaits us.
it's in dark rooms and isolated spaces
do i find serenity and peace.

it's in the creases of your soft hands
do i find security.

it's in corners filled with shadows
where happiness exists.

it's in the touch of your red-stained lips
where hope lies fully.

it's in staring at pitch-black ceilings
do i feel a broken-hearted 's disease.

it's in your opaque eyes the color of storms
do i feel the calmness of a sea.

it's in me and my fondness of darkness
where love kind of is.*

it's in you and your fondness of brightness
where i can never be.
I was too lost in the darkness and you were too bright to see, but somehow, the irony of it all makes it better and worse at the same time.
Her face got pinned down or locked up

Either way, she is on the tip of my eyes or the insides

Since the first time sky stopped raining on me.

To where I'll lost days and nights and forth.

Her soothing voice was all that echoed

Through this dead, rotten dark cave of mine.

Trembling at her wake

Tearing a hole

Flowing her light in

Pouring love

Out of her mouth.

She is a thunder, river and sun

Nature is in her eyes now mine.
We meet like fire and water, bursting into steam
swinging round each other, splitting at the seams
our slowly growing entropy, sees darkness before death
the energy, no sympathy, clutches its last breath.

You fall into my watering eyes,
through dance we somehow stabilise,
the swell between the crashes of the ocean,
the moments underneath the motion.

The stable explosion.
This is how it feels when I see my Fiance.

She lives in Malaysia, I live in the UK, we see each other for about a month every 6 months.
"You are not alone. There is beauty in sadness. Many run from it or treat it as something that shouldn't be. We need to feel sadness to feel joy. Your sadness is cold. Can it be made to feel warm?”

can it?
I am starting
to think

everything you said
carries its own weight
in truth
without sadness
I wouldn't know joy

is in
every part of this universe
the ever shifting
in my soul
to the massive star
we named
the sun
she shines
because of duality

amounts of energy
to get out
the weight
of her being
pushing down
with equal

the suns
something else
out of
what is inside her

her hydrogen
the constant change
something almost

one day
there will be nothing left
inside of her core
to fuse

one day
I will have nothing left
inside of my soul
to write

when there is no more
no more
she will collapse
under the weight
of her existence

the pressure
of this alone
she will swell
making us feel
her being

leaving us
with no where to go
but to accept
and to be

there is nothing left
she will collapse
her giant self
us and our neighbors
a fragment of who
she used to be
the passion
is gone
her life source
is gone
the light
until she has nothing left
her light
burns out
until time stops
she will stay
a brown
all that's left
are her memories of
the life
she gave
to us

I hope
when it is my time
when my fuel
has become heavy
and when I engulf
around me
my deadly heat
that I won't collapse
a smaller star

a lesser version
of me

i want to be
big enough
that I explode
through what's left
with the beams of energy
I've stuffed inside of me

let my supernova
carry the dust
of the planet
you were
let me
push you elsewhere
let me
bring new life
when I explode

and then
let me eat
that gets too close
you will never leave
you are mine
my father sent me the words in quotes when I told him I was feeling depressed.

I don't know why it took this kind of turn haha
Yes, what is true love
The lust of our teenage years mistaken for love
Your firstborn child born out of love
But so often born out of lust
The love of a puppy
Unwanted present but how can you resist it?
The love of writing but then you all know about that

But true love is the couple married for fifty years
No longer ******* tongues in an open mouthed kiss
But still happy to kiss a cheek and hold hands in public
Those who can sit and talk about the good times and the bad
Those are the people who truly understand the meaning of love
A magnolia cell,
My own vanilla hell.
No heart.
No home.
No friend of mine.

Anonymity hangs.

No trace of the last,
Nor memories of past.
No heart.
No home.
No friend before.
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